

单词 有情
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔RELATIONSHIP〕to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone 与某人有情爱或性爱关系朗文写作活用〔almost〕in almost all cases = in almost every case 在几乎所有情况下韦氏高阶〔atmosphere〕a country inn with lots of atmosphere 富有情趣的乡村小客栈韦氏高阶〔atmospheric〕atmospheric lighting/music 富有情调的灯光/音乐剑桥高阶〔atmospheric〕beautiful, atmospheric music. 优美的、有情调的音乐柯林斯高阶〔atmospheric〕the atmospheric decor in the restaurant 餐厅里有情调的装饰风格朗文当代〔comedy〕a comedy ended by a marriage 以有情人终成眷属结束的一出喜剧英汉大词典〔compression〕a stern compression of all emotions 对所有情感的严格克制英汉大词典〔disordered〕emotionally disordered children 有情绪障碍的孩子牛津高阶〔global〕the global view, the ability to make wider decisions based on a knowledge of all the facts, not just some of them全局观点, 即根据对所有情况而不仅仅是部分情况的了解作出更全面决定的能力外研社新世纪〔imputable〕imputable oversights. 有情可原的疏忽美国传统〔keep〕a married man who keeps a mistress 有情妇的已婚男人韦氏高阶〔retarded〕mentally/emotionally retarded 智障/有情感障碍的剑桥高阶〔romantic〕romantic music 富有情调的音乐朗文当代〔romantic〕romantic music 富有情调的音乐牛津高阶〔uninformed〕uninformed voters; an uninformed decision. 没有情报根据的选举人;未被告知的决定美国传统




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