

单词 biblical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Antioch〕An ancient town of Phrygia north of present-day Antalya, Turkey. It was a center of Hellenistic influence and was visited by Saint Paul in biblical times.安提克:今土耳其北部弗里吉亚的一座古镇。是受古希腊文化影响的中心,《圣经》年代圣保罗曾参观过这里美国传统〔Cush〕An ancient region of northeast Africa where the biblical descendants of Cush settled. It is often identified with Ethiopia.库施:非洲东北部的一个古代地区,《圣经》中库施的后代曾在此定居。它通常被视为等同于埃塞俄比亚美国传统〔Holy Land〕The biblical region of Palestine.圣地:圣经中的巴勒斯坦地区美国传统〔Logos〕In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God's medium of communication with the human race.圣子:在圣经犹太教中的上帝这个词,这个词本身有创造力,上帝通过它与人类沟通美国传统〔Megillah〕Judaism The scroll containing the biblical narrative of the Book of Esther, traditionally read in synagogues to celebrate the festival of Purim.【犹太教】 麦格勒:写有圣经以撒帖记的圣经书卷,传统上在犹太教的会堂里念此卷以庆祝普珥节美国传统〔Olives〕A ridge of hills in the West Bank east of Jerusalem. At its western foot is the biblical site of the Garden of Gethsemane.橄榄山,奥利韦特:位于耶路撒冷的东面的西岸丘陵地带的一狭长高地。它的西山脚是《圣经》中的耶稣蒙难地,客西马尼花园美国传统〔Tetragrammaton〕The four Hebrew letters usually transliterated as YHWH or JHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah), used as a biblical proper name for God.表示上帝的四字母词:用于圣经中由四个字母组成的表示神的正式名称的希伯来词,通常为YHWH或JHVH(Yahweh或Jehaah)美国传统〔allusion〕Eliot's poetry is full of biblical allusions.艾略特的诗作中圣经典故比比皆是。朗文当代〔allusion〕The lyrics contain biblical allusions.歌词包含圣经的典故。韦氏高阶〔biblical〕He had known her—but not in the biblical sense.他认识她,但未有过肌肤之亲。牛津高阶〔biblical〕St Mark's account, regarded by biblical scholars as the earliest of the Gospels被《圣经》学者认定为最早的福音书的《马可福音》外研社新世纪〔biblical〕The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.这个团体与叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。柯林斯高阶〔biblical〕The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.这个群体与叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。外研社新世纪〔biblical〕The disease dates back to biblical times .这种疾病圣经时代就已存在。朗文当代〔biblical〕The visitors produced a flood of almost biblical proportions.游客如潮水般涌来, 人数之多可谓史无前例。外研社新世纪〔biblical〕They named their son Isaac after the biblical figure.他们根据《圣经》中的人物为自己的儿子起名为艾萨克。剑桥高阶〔canonical〕Of or appearing in the biblical canon.真经的:属于或出现于圣经的真经篇目的美国传统〔canonize〕To include in the biblical canon.包括在真经中美国传统〔canticle〕Music A song or chant, especially a nonmetrical hymn with words taken from a biblical text.【音乐】 圣歌,赞美诗:一首歌或吟颂,尤指一段带有取自圣经的文字的赞美诗美国传统〔exaggeration〕We've had the worst rain since the Biblical flood – well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration.有些夸张麦克米伦高阶〔golden rule〕The biblical teaching that one should behave toward others as one would have others behave toward oneself.金箴:圣经教导说一个人要别人如何待他,他也应该要求自己一样待别人美国传统〔gradual〕A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.吟唱圣经:引自《使徒书信》和《福音书》之间的用于吟唱的一段圣经短文美国传统〔higher criticism〕Critical study of biblical texts to ascertain their literary origins and history and the meaning and intention of the authors.《圣经》研究:对《圣经》文体进行评论性研究以解答各种疑问,其文学渊源、历史、作者意图和他的意义美国传统〔humanistic〕He said that Biblical Christianity is a sworn enemy of all humanistic philosophies.他说以《圣经》为教义的基督教与一切人本主义思想体系之间的矛盾是无法调和的。外研社新世纪〔illumine〕The obscure biblical text may be illumined by other, clearer texts.晦涩难懂的圣经经文可以用其他比较直白的文本来阐释。外研社新世纪〔interpretation〕His writings reflect his conservative views on Biblical interpretation.他的作品反映了他对《圣经》解读所持的保守观点。牛津搭配〔prophecy〕Biblical prophecy.《圣经》中的预言柯林斯高阶〔pseudepigrapha〕Spurious writings, especially writings falsely attributed to biblical characters or times.伪经:伪造的经文,尤指假托圣经人物或圣经时代所写的经文美国传统〔tag〕Biblical (Shakespearean) tags 《圣经》(莎士比亚)语录英汉大词典〔tropology〕A mode of biblical interpretation insisting on the morally edifying sense of tropes in the Scriptures.据引串文解释:强调圣经中比喻的道德教化意义的阐释模式美国传统He tried to write in a biblical style. 他试著以《圣经》体写作。译典通His speech was full of biblical references.他的讲话到处引用圣经上的话。剑桥国际In Biblical times, a scribe was a teacher of the religious law.在《圣经》的年代,抄写员是教授宗教戒律的老师。剑桥国际She has traced the history of the Christian religion from biblical times (= the time in which Jesus was said to have lived) to the present day.她已经追溯了基督教从《圣经》时代到现在的历史。剑桥国际Simon and I are living together--but not in the biblical sense (= we are not sexual partners).西蒙正和我住在一起----但我们并不是性伙伴。剑桥国际They named their son Isaac after the biblical character.他们根据圣经的人物为自己的儿子起名为艾萨克。剑桥国际




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