

单词 最早的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔book〕one of the earliest printed books 最早的印刷书之一牛津搭配〔civilization〕the earliest great civilizations: Egypt, Sumer, Assyria最早的伟大文明:埃及、苏美尔和亚述外研社新世纪〔early〕my earliest memories 我最早的记忆牛津高阶〔encounter〕my earliest encounter with the theatre 我最早的戏剧表演经历麦克米伦高阶〔first〕first signs of spring.春天来临最早的徵兆。牛津同义词〔inhabitant〕the oldest inhabitant of the village 这个村最早的居民牛津高阶〔memory〕one of my first memories 我最早的记忆之一牛津搭配〔original〕the original inhabitants of a country.某国最早的居民。牛津同义词〔perforated〕the first perforated stamps最早的带齿孔的邮票外研社新世纪〔recording〕one of the first commercial recordings of the artist 这位艺人最早的商业唱片之一牛津搭配〔settlement〕the earliest urban human settlement in the world 世界上最早的人类城镇定居地牛津搭配〔vertebrate〕the first vertebrate inhabitants of the land 陆地上最早的脊椎动物英汉大词典




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