

单词 最成功
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TEACH〕a leading publisher of educational books and software 最成功的教育图书和软件出版社朗文写作活用〔executive〕one of the most successful TV executives around 现有电视台执行官中最成功的一位牛津搭配〔fashion〕one of the most successful fashion houses in Milan 米兰最成功的时装店之一牛津搭配〔high water mark〕the high water mark of Herrera's presidency 埃雷拉总统任期内最成功的时期朗文当代〔king〕the homecoming king 返校校友中最成功的人韦氏高阶〔operation〕the most successful customs operation of the year本年度最成功的海关作业外研社新世纪〔operation〕the most successful operation of the war 战争中最成功的作战行动英汉大词典〔product〕the most successful new product launches of 2003 2003 年最成功的新产品发布牛津搭配〔restaurant〕the country's most successful chain restaurants 该国最成功的连锁饭店牛津搭配〔take〕select the best takes 选择拍摄得最成功的镜头英汉大词典




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