

单词 最强大
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Goliath〕The country is being seen as the Goliath (= the most powerful) of the region.该国被认为是这个地区最强大的国家。剑桥高阶〔all-powerful〕Some sociologists view the media as an all-powerful influence on just about everything people think or do.一些社会学家把媒体视为影响人们所有想法或做法的最强大力量。外研社新世纪〔all-powerful〕The people are ultimately all-powerful.归根结底最强大的是人民。英汉大词典〔finish〕German industry is gearing up for a fight to the finish with the country's most powerful union.德国工业界作好了准备, 要与该国最强大的工会一决雌雄。外研社新世纪〔force〕For years the army was the most powerful political force in the country.多年来,军队一直是这个国家最强大的政治力量。柯林斯高阶〔potent〕The treaty requires them to get rid of their most potent weapons.条约要求他们销毁威力最强大的武器。朗文当代〔redoubtable〕Tonight he faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.今晚他面对的是他拳击生涯中最强大的对手。剑桥高阶〔strong〕His army was the strongest in Italy.他的军队是意大利最强大的军队。外研社新世纪〔strong〕Our party is the strongest as we come up to the election.我们参选时,我们的政党是最强大的。朗文当代〔sum〕The team is greater than the sum of its parts.球队只有团结起来才最强大。朗文当代〔unchallenged〕He is the unchallenged leader of the strongest republic.他是这个最强大的共和国的绝对领袖。外研社新世纪〔unchallenged〕He is the unchallenged leader of the strongest republic.他是这个最强大的共和国的绝对领袖。柯林斯高阶〔warn〕Analysts warned that Europe's most powerful economy may be facing trouble.分析家警告说,欧洲最强大的经济体可能将面临困境。柯林斯高阶〔work〕Volcanoes display some of nature's most powerful forces at work.火山展示了某种大自然最强大的威力在起作用。朗文当代〔world〕At that time China was the most powerful country in the world .在那时中国是世界上最强大的国家。朗文当代The country is being seen as the Goliath (= the most powerful) of the region.这个国家被视作此地区最强大的国家。剑桥国际Their strongest market segment is in small notebook computers.他们最强大的细分市场在于小型笔记本电脑。牛津商务




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