

单词 棕黄色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Australian terrier〕A small dog of a breed originally bred in Australia, having a coarse, blackish coat with tan markings.澳大利亚:一种原产于澳大利亚的小型犬,毛皮粗糙,呈黑灰色且带有棕黄色斑点美国传统〔Bosc〕A variety of pear having a long neck, greenish-yellow skin overlaid with reddish-brown color, and juicy sweet flesh.波士克梨:一种长颈、皮色黄绿、肉质棕黄色和多汁香甜的梨美国传统〔King Charles spaniel〕Any of a variety of English toy spaniel with a curly, black and tan coat and long ears.玳瑁:一种具有带卷毛的、黑色和棕黄色皮和长耳的英国玩赏犬品种美国传统〔amber〕Color A brownish yellow.【色彩】 棕黄色,黄褐色美国传统〔amber〕Color Having the color of amber; brownish-yellow.【色彩】 琥珀色的;棕黄色的美国传统〔blond〕Color A light yellowish brown to dark grayish yellow.【色彩】 极浅的黄棕色:浅棕黄色到深灰黄色美国传统〔crisp〕The bacon should be crisp and brown.熏肉应该是松脆且为棕黄色的。麦克米伦高阶〔lupulin〕Minute yellowish-brown hairs obtained from the strobili of the hop plant, formerly used in medicine as a sedative.啤酒花苦味素:从啤酒花藤植物的球果中取得的一种细小的棕黄色纤维丝,以前用做镇定剂美国传统〔pentlandite〕A yellowish-brown nickel iron sulfide that is the principal ore of nickel.镍黄铁矿:一种棕黄色镍铁硫化物,主要矿物为镍美国传统〔raw sienna〕Color A brownish orange to light brown.【色彩】 棕黄色:介于褐桔黄色与淡褐之间的一种颜色美国传统〔side〕Fry the chops until brown on both sides.将排骨煎至两面呈棕黄色。柯林斯高阶〔sienna〕Raw sienna.棕黄色美国传统〔suspiciously〕The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.这只棕黄色的狗看上去非常像美国比特犬。柯林斯高阶〔tan〕Color A light or moderate yellowish brown to brownish orange.【色彩】 棕黄色:介于浅黄褐色和带些许褐色的橙色之间的颜色美国传统〔tan〕Color Light or moderate yellowish-brown to brownish-orange.【色彩】 棕黄色的:介于浅黄褐色和带些许褐色的橙色之间颜色的美国传统〔toast〕Sliced bread heated and browned.烤面包片:被加热并变成棕黄色的面包片美国传统〔toast〕To heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or an oven or close to a fire.烤:通过把(比如面包)放入烤箱或炉子或接近火焰进行加热,使之变成棕黄色美国传统〔yellowish〕The yellowish brown smoke fumed up and swirled.棕黄色的烟雾冒出来,袅袅升起。柯林斯高阶I need a pair of tan (= pale yellowish brown) shoes.我要一双棕黄色的鞋。剑桥国际




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