

单词 棕色的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕He was tall, with brown hair and dark eyes - I'd say he was in his forties. 他个子高高的,棕色的头发,黑黑的眼睛,我估计他有四十多岁。朗文写作活用〔BECOME〕The little brown caterpillar will eventually turn into a beautiful butterfly. 这条棕色的小毛虫最后会变成一只漂亮的蝴蝶。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕Frogs are green, toads are brown. That's how you tell the difference. 青蛙是绿色的,蟾蜍是棕色的。你可以借此来区分。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕The woman wore a faded blue dress and old brown sandals. 那女人穿着一件褪了色的蓝裙子和一双棕色的旧凉鞋。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕He wears an old brown jacket day in, day out. 他每天都穿着同一件棕色的旧外套。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Her hair was brown, with streaks of gold. 她的头发是棕色的,夹杂着几缕金发。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕The term ‘black-headed gull’ is something of a misnomer, since the bird's head is actually brown. 叫“黑头鸥”有点欠妥,因为这种鸟的头部实际上是棕色的。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕He is good-looking with floppy black hair, brown eyes and a lean muscular body. 他长得很好看,松垂的黑发,棕色的眼睛,健美结实的身材。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕Gabriel was a tall slender young man with a light brown moustache. 加布里埃尔是个身材修长的年轻人,留着淡棕色的小胡子。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕Larry was tall and thin with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. 拉里又高又瘦,长着一头深棕色的头发和一双明亮的蓝眼睛。朗文写作活用〔White〕He was White, with brown shoulder-length hair and a moustache.他是个白人, 留着棕色的齐肩发, 蓄着小胡子。外研社新世纪〔adrenal medulla〕The inner, reddish-brown portion of the adrenal glands that synthesizes, stores, and releases epinephrine and norepinephrine.肾上腺髓质:肾上腺内部红棕色的部分,其合成、储存及分泌肾上腺素和降肾上腺素美国传统〔adust〕Archaic Browned by the sun; sunburned.【古语】 晒黑的:被太阳晒成棕色的;晒黑的美国传统〔beige〕Light grayish-brown or yellowish-brown to grayish-yellow.淡棕色的:浅灰棕色或略带黄色的棕色到灰黄色美国传统〔bleach〕Mary's face was brown and the sun had bleached the ends of her hair.玛丽的脸色是棕色的,且太阳已晒白了她的发梢。21世纪英汉〔bottomless〕His eyes were like bottomless brown pools.他的双眼深不见底,犹如两湾棕色的深潭。柯林斯高阶〔brown sauce〕A sauce made from butter and flour browned together and stock.棕色调味汁:将变成棕色的黄油和面粉混合并储存后制成的调味汁美国传统〔brown〕Color Of the color brown.【色彩】 棕色的美国传统〔camouflage〕The lizard's light brown skin acts as (a) camouflage in the desert sand.蜥蜴浅棕色的皮肤充当它在沙漠里的保护色。剑桥高阶〔carnelian〕A pale to deep red or reddish-brown variety of clear chalcedony, used in jewelry.光玉髓,红玉髓:明净的玉髓的一种浅色至深红或红棕色的变体,用于制珠宝美国传统〔chestnut〕A reddish-brown horse.红棕色的马美国传统〔chestnut〕Of a moderate to deep reddish brown.中至深红棕色的美国传统〔cinnamon〕Of a light reddish brown.肉桂色的:略红的棕色的美国传统〔citronella〕A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings.亚香茅油:从这种植物获得的淡黄色到棕色的芳香油,主要用于香水和一些驱虫剂及商用调味品美国传统〔conversely〕American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely, British buyers like brown eggs.美国的消费者喜欢白色的鸡蛋,而英国的消费者却相反,他们喜欢棕色的鸡蛋。朗文当代〔copper〕Her copper hair shone against the drabness.她红棕色的头发在单调的背景下闪着光。外研社新世纪〔curtain〕She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes.她把棕色的头发从眼前拢到脑后。牛津高阶〔cut〕Her hair is light brown and cut in a short bob.她的发型是浅棕色的齐短发。韦氏高阶〔disturb〕He'd placed his notes in the brown envelope. They hadn't been disturbed.他将笔记放到那个棕色的信封里了,并没有人动过。柯林斯高阶〔domed〕A brown beret settled firmly over his domed head allowed no hair to show.一顶棕色的贝雷帽服帖地盖在他的圆脑袋上, 不露出一根头发。外研社新世纪〔door〕Our kitchen has a brown door.我家厨房有扇棕色的门。英汉大词典〔earth tone〕Any of various rich, warm tones of brown.褐色:任一种浓棕色的暖色调美国传统〔either〕They can either be black, brown, or blue. = They can be either black, brown, or blue.它们可以是黑色的、棕色的或蓝色的。韦氏高阶〔eye〕He's got brown eyes and a cheerful smile.他有一双棕色的眼睛,面带欢快的笑容。朗文当代〔fantasize〕I tried to fantasize about Christine: those wondering blue eyes, that coppery red hair of hers.我对克里斯蒂娜想入非非:她那双充满好奇的蓝眼睛、那头红棕色的秀发令人着迷。柯林斯高阶〔foxy〕Having a reddish-brown color.狐色的:有红棕色的美国传统〔frame〕The child's face was framed by brown curls.棕色的鬈发衬着孩子的脸庞。韦氏高阶〔fringed〕Her eyes were large and brown and fringed with incredibly long lashes.她长着一双棕色的大眼睛, 眼周的睫毛特别长。外研社新世纪〔gratin〕A crust consisting of browned crumbs and butter, often with grated cheese.烘烤菜肴上的脆皮:由烘烤成棕色的面包屑和黄油构成的面包皮,通常带有碎乳酪美国传统〔have〕She has dark hair and brown eyes.她一头黑发,眼睛是棕色的。朗文当代〔heelball〕A wax colored with lampblack that is used to stain and polish the edges of the soles and heels of shoes or take rubbings of brass or inscriptions.黑色或棕色的蜡:烟灰色的蜡,用于鞋跟或鞋底的染色和打光,或用于铜印或纸印图案美国传统〔his〕My eyes are blue and his are brown.我的眼睛是蓝色的,他的眼睛是棕色的。韦氏高阶〔hop〕A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.一只棕色的小鹿蹦跳着穿过他们面前的那条小路。外研社新世纪〔hop〕A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.一只棕色的小鹿蹦跳着穿过他们面前的那条小路。柯林斯高阶〔huge〕He gazed up at her with huge brown eyes.他睁着棕色的大眼睛盯着她。牛津高阶〔leather〕I'm looking for a pair of boots in dark brown leather.我想买一双深棕色的皮靴。牛津搭配〔light〕She had blue eyes and light brown hair.她有一双蓝眼睛和一头浅棕色的头发。朗文当代〔liquid〕She poured the dark brown liquid down the sink.她把深棕色的液体倒进了洗碗槽。牛津高阶〔majestically〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍,衬出其棕色的皮肤,显得十分高贵。柯林斯高阶〔majestic〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen kaftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍, 衬出其棕色的皮肤, 显得十分高贵。外研社新世纪〔mine〕His eyes are blue and mine are brown.他的眼睛是蓝色的,我的是棕色的。韦氏高阶〔mustard〕Color A dark yellow to light olive brown.【色彩】 一种介于深黄和橄榄棕色的颜色美国传统〔one〕Which shoes do you prefer?—I like the brown ones.你比较喜欢哪双鞋?——我喜欢那双棕色的。外研社新世纪〔ours〕Their house is brown and ours is gray.他们的房子是棕色的,我们的是灰色的。韦氏高阶〔out〕He opened the drawer and took out a large brown envelope.他打开抽屉拿出一个棕色的大信封。麦克米伦高阶〔oxblood red〕A dark or deep red to medium reddish brown.牛血色:一种黑的颜色或深红色到中红棕色的颜色美国传统〔pageboy〕She wore her light brown hair in a pageboy.她浅棕色的头发留着娃娃头。外研社新世纪〔palomino〕A horse with a golden or tan coat and a white or cream-colored mane and tail, thought to have been developed from Arabian stock.鸠形马:一种全身金黄色或淡棕色的马,鬃和尾是白色或奶油色,被认为是从阿拉伯系发展来的美国传统〔particularly〕I particularly like the brown shoes.我尤其喜爱棕色的鞋美国传统〔pecs〕Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw, perfect pecs and golden tan.以前男模是很帅的 —— 都有着棱角分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金棕色的皮肤。柯林斯高阶〔reddish〕He had reddish brown hair.他的头发是红棕色的。柯林斯高阶〔ride on〕My money has never ridden on that brown horse.我的钱从来不曾押在那匹棕色的马上。21世纪英汉〔roil〕Below the bridge the river roiled in brown eddies.大桥下翻腾着棕色的漩涡。外研社新世纪〔russet〕The maple trees were in their autumn glory of russets, reds and browns.正值秋季,赤褐色、红色和棕色的枫树绚烂夺目。柯林斯高阶〔sandy〕Color Of the color of sand; light yellowish brown.【色彩】 沙色的;淡黄棕色的美国传统〔slanted〕She had slanted brown eyes.她有一双棕色的丹凤眼。牛津高阶〔slip-on〕He removed his brown slip-ons.他脱下了棕色的无带鞋。柯林斯高阶〔slough〕The lemon geranium sloughs dry brown leaves at the base of its branches.柠檬天竺葵枝条底部棕色的枯叶会脱落。柯林斯高阶〔small〕He had small brown eyes.他长着棕色的小眼睛。朗文当代〔soulful〕The dog looked at me with its big, soulful, brown eyes.那只狗瞪着棕色的大眼睛,楚楚可怜地看着我。剑桥高阶〔so〕Oh, he's about so tall, with brown hair and eyes.噢,他有这么高,长着褐色的头发和棕色的眼睛。朗文当代〔sparkle〕There was a sparkle of fun in her brown eyes.她那棕色的眼睛里闪耀着逗趣的光芒。朗文当代〔swish〕I saw this big brown cow swishing its tail and staring at me.我看见这头棕色的大母牛瞪着我, 唰唰地甩着尾巴。外研社新世纪〔thin〕He was tall and thin, with short brown hair.他又高又瘦,一头棕色的短发。朗文当代〔thin〕Steve is tall and thin and has brown hair.史蒂是瘦高个儿,长着棕色的头发。牛津高阶〔titian〕A brownish orange.橙红:一种略带棕色的黄色美国传统〔tug〕She nervously tugged at her long brown hair.她紧张地拽着她棕色的长发。牛津搭配〔twinkle〕His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses.他棕色的眼睛在金框眼镜后面闪闪发光。剑桥高阶〔twinkle〕His brown eyes twinkled with amusement.他棕色的双眼闪烁着快乐的光芒。麦克米伦高阶〔umber〕Color Having a brownish color.【色彩】 带棕色的美国传统〔usually〕Usually I wear black, grey, or brown.通常我都穿黑色、灰色或者棕色的衣服。朗文当代〔walnut〕The hard, dark brown wood of any of these trees, used for gunstocks and in cabinetwork.胡桃木:胡桃树的坚硬的、深棕色的木头,用于制枪托及细木工家具美国传统〔water〕Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.棕色的水从生锈的旧龙头中涌出来。牛津搭配〔wear〕Usually I wear black, grey, or brown.我通常穿黑色、灰色或棕色的衣服。朗文当代〔whereas〕He has brown eyes whereas his children have green eyes.他的眼睛是棕色的,而他的孩子们的眼睛却是绿色的。韦氏高阶〔whiteness〕He was white, with brown shoulder-length hair and a moustache.他是个白人,留着棕色的齐肩发并蓄着小胡子。柯林斯高阶〔wurtzite〕A light to dark brown mineral, (Zn,Fe)S, that is a polymorph of sphalerite, used as a minor ore of zinc.纤维锌矿:一种浅棕色至深棕色的矿物,(Zn,Fe)S,闪锌矿的多晶形,用作低质锌矿石美国传统〔zip〕He was zipping up a small brown suitcase.他正在给一个棕色的小手提箱拉上拉链。朗文当代A blackbird's egg is blue with brown speckles on it.黑鸟蓝色的蛋上布满了棕色的斑点。剑桥国际He noticed her high cheekbones, the sensual mouth and the way her brown eyes fixed on him directly as he talked.他留意到她高高的颧骨、性感的嘴唇以及他说话时她那棕色的眼睛正视着他的样子。剑桥国际He's about six foot in height and has long brown curly hair.他大约6英尺高,有着棕色的鬈发。剑桥国际His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses.他棕色的眼睛在金框眼镜后面闪闪发亮。剑桥国际His coat was a sombre brown.他的衣服是暗棕色的。剑桥国际His eyes were of a deep dark brown.他的眼睛是深棕色的。剑桥国际I like you best in that light brown suit.我最喜欢你穿那套浅棕色的衣服。剑桥国际Lentils can be orange, green or brown.兵豆可能是桔黄色、绿色或者棕色的。剑桥国际She made an arbitrary choice of the black shoes instead of the brown ones.她心血来潮地选了那双黑色的而不是棕色的鞋。剑桥国际The dog is white with brown splashes. 狗一身白毛,夹有棕色的斑块。译典通The lizard's light brown skin acts as (a) camouflage in the desert sand.蜥蜴浅棕色的皮肤成为它在沙漠里的保护色。剑桥国际There was a brown sediment in the bottom of the bottle.瓶底有棕色的沉淀物。剑桥国际




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