

单词 棍棒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLD〕The rioters faced police who were wielding clubs and batons. 暴动者面对着挥舞棍棒的警察。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕A boy was carrying a stick across his shoulders with a pail of water at each end. 一个男孩用棍棒挑着两桶水。朗文写作活用〔arm〕The crowd armed themselves with sticks and stones.那些群众以棍棒和石头当武器。文馨英汉〔arm〕The men armed themselves with sticks and stones.这些人以棍棒和石块作为武器。牛津高阶〔arm〕We armed ourselves with sticks.我们用棍棒武装自己。牛津同义词〔axletree〕A crossbar or rod supporting a vehicle, such as a cart, that has terminal spindles on which the wheels revolve.车轴,轴干:支撑如二轮马车等交通工具的横梁或棍棒,轮子围绕其上的轴心末端转动美国传统〔bastinado〕A beating with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet.笞刑:用棍棒打,专门打在脚底上美国传统〔bastinado〕A stick or cudgel.棍棒美国传统〔bat〕Baseball A rounded, often wooden club, wider and heavier at the hitting end and tapering at the handle, used to strike the ball.【棒球】 球棒:一种圆的,常常是木质的棍棒,一端较重较宽,用于击打,至手柄处则越来越细,常用于击棒球美国传统〔belabour〕He belaboured his tired horse with a stick.他用棍棒猛打他那疲劳的坐骑。英汉大词典〔belabour〕Men began to belabour his shoulders, his head, his arms with sticks.暴徒开始用棍棒猛打他的肩、头和胳膊。柯林斯高阶〔billy club〕A short wooden club, especially a police officer's club.警棍:一种短木棍,尤指警官的棍棒美国传统〔blackjack〕A leather-covered bludgeon with a short, flexible shaft or strap, used as a hand weapon.包皮铅头棍棒:包皮铅头的棍棒,带有短而可活动的棍柄和扣带,作为手中武器使用美国传统〔blackjack〕The blackjack oak.作包皮铅头棍棒的栎木美国传统〔blackjack〕To hit or beat with a leather-covered bludgeon.用包皮的铅头棍棒殴打或打击美国传统〔brain〕They stood over him with clubs raised as if to beat his brains out.他们手举棍棒监视着他, 好像要砸烂他的脑袋。外研社新世纪〔clubbed〕Shaped like a club.棍棒状的美国传统〔club〕A stout, heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel.棍棒:一种坚固、沉重的棒,通常一端粗大,适于用作武器;短粗的棍棒美国传统〔club〕Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong.为了获得海豹皮而用棍棒打死幼海豹是不道德的。柯林斯高阶〔club〕Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong.用棍棒打死小海豹获取毛皮的做法是不对的。外研社新世纪〔club〕Men armed with knives and clubs attacked his home.一群手持刀具和棍棒的人袭击了他家。外研社新世纪〔club〕To use (a firearm) as a club by holding the barrel and hitting with the butt end.当作棍棒用:把(武器)当作棍棒使用,抓住枪管用枪托击打美国传统〔cosh〕A weighted weapon similar to a blackjack.铅棒:与包着黑皮的铅头棍棒相似的一种重型武器美国传统〔cosh〕He was coshed outside the pub.他在酒馆外面被人用棍棒打了。剑桥高阶〔cudgel〕A short, heavy stick; a club.棍棒:一种短而重的棍棒;棍棒美国传统〔cudgel〕To beat or strike with or as if with a cudgel.打击,用棍打:用棍棒或象是用棍棒打击美国传统〔defence〕They carried sticks for defence.他们随身携带棍棒用以防身。外研社新世纪〔fall〕They fell on him with sticks.他们用棍棒袭击他。牛津高阶〔flail〕A manual threshing device consisting of a long wooden handle or staff and a shorter, free-swinging stick attached to its end.连枷:一种由一个长木柄或棒和一个安在柄端上稍短的能自由摇动的棍棒组成的手工脱粒用具美国传统〔force〕The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon.矿工们手持棍棒冲过了警戒线。柯林斯高阶〔fustigate〕To beat with a club; cudgel.用棍棒打;棒打美国传统〔guiro〕A Latin American percussion instrument made of a hollow gourd with a grooved or serrated surface, played by scraping with a stick or rod.葫芦锯琴:拉丁美洲的打击乐器,以有着沟槽或是锯齿状表面的中空葫芦制造,以棍棒或是杆棒刮擦以演奏出音乐美国传统〔hammer〕Someone tried to hammer him over the head with a club.有人企图用棍棒击打他的头部。韦氏高阶〔hammer〕They hammered him with a club.他们用棍棒打他。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕A heavy blow with a club knocked him senseless.棍棒的一记猛击让他失去了知觉。外研社新世纪〔jump〕Two guys jumped me with clubs in the car park.有两个家伙在停车场用棍棒突然袭击了我。外研社新世纪〔lay〕The gang laid about him with sticks.那伙人用棍棒狠狠揍他。牛津高阶〔leech〕King George III of England was purged, leeched, and flogged assiduously during his recurring bouts of insanity.英国国王乔治三世每次精神病发时, 都要一遍遍催泻、用水蛭放血并且用棍棒抽打。外研社新世纪〔mace〕A ceremonial staff borne or displayed as the symbol of authority of a legislative body.权杖:一种典礼仪式上用的棍棒,佩带或展示出来作为立法机构权力的象征美国传统〔mace〕A heavy medieval war club with a spiked or flanged metal head, used to crush armor.重头棍棒:中世纪一种沉重的用作武器的棍棒,带有粗短刺状的或凸缘的金属头,用来击破盔甲美国传统〔menace〕Police were menaced with clubs, bricks and molotov cocktails.警察受到棍棒、砖块和燃烧弹的威胁。外研社新世纪〔menace〕When the journalists arrived angry residents menaced them with sticks and shovels.记者到达的时候, 愤怒的居民用棍棒和铁锹威胁他们。外研社新世纪〔missile〕Demonstrators attacked police cordons with sticks and assorted missiles.示威者用棍棒和各种投射物向警察的封锁线进攻。英汉大词典〔name〕Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me! 棍棒和石头可以打断我的骨头,但各种诬蔑性的绰号却对我毫无伤害!韦氏高阶〔nightstick〕A club carried by a police officer.警棍:警官携带的棍棒美国传统〔pass〕A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand.挥动:手的运动或棍棒的挥动美国传统〔perch〕A pole, stick, or rod.棍棒:杆、棍棒或枝条美国传统〔prang〕He pranged his younger brother with a stick.他用棍棒揍弟弟。英汉大词典〔punch〕To poke or prod with a stick.用棍棒刺或戳美国传统〔rod〕A stick or bundle of sticks or switches used to give punishment by whipping.笞鞭,棍棒:用于鞭打惩罚的细棍棒或枝条束美国传统〔rubdown〕Give the stick a good rubdown with sandpaper.用砂纸把这根棍棒好好磨光。英汉大词典〔seal〕The ad criticized hunters for clubbing baby seals.这则广告谴责用棍棒击杀小海豹的捕猎者。牛津搭配〔senseless〕A heavy blow with a club knocked him senseless.棍棒的一下重击把他打昏过去。英汉大词典〔shoe〕The ferrule on the end of a cane.金属包头:包在棍棒末端的金属箍美国传统〔staff〕A stout stick used as a weapon; a cudgel.棍棒:当作武器的硬棍;警棍美国传统〔stave〕A staff or cudgel.棍棒:棍状物或棍棒美国传统〔stave〕Many of the men had armed themselves with staves and pieces of iron.很多人用棍棒和铁器将自己武装起来。柯林斯高阶〔stave〕The men had armed themselves with staves and pieces of iron.男人们用棍棒和铁器将自己武装起来。外研社新世纪〔stick〕A mob came over the hill yelling and brandishing sticks.一帮暴徒挥舞着棍棒叫喊着从山那边冲过来。牛津搭配〔stick〕You know the old saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words/names can/will never hurt me.” 你知道的,有句古话说得好:“棍棒和石头可以打断我的骨头,但辱骂/侮辱伤不了我一根毫毛。”韦氏高阶〔truncheon〕A heavy club; a cudgel.粗重的棍棒;粗短的棍棒美国传统〔wade〕The police waded into the crowd swinging sticks.警察挥舞着棍棒冲进人群。朗文当代〔whip〕An instrument, either a flexible rod or a flexible thong or lash attached to a handle, used for driving animals or administering corporal punishment.鞭子:一种用具,一个富有弹性的棍棒或是弹性好的系于一个手柄的皮带,用以驱赶动物或进行身体惩罚美国传统〔whip〕To punish or chastise by repeated striking with a strap or rod; flog.鞭笞抽打:用皮带或棍棒持续击打而惩罚或惩戒;鞭打美国传统A number of protesters were then clubbed to the ground and trampled on.于是许多抗议者就被棍棒打倒在地,并被任意践踏。剑桥国际Demonstrators attacked police cordons with sticks and assorted missiles. 示威者用棍棒和各种投射物向警察的封锁线进攻。译典通He was attacked by a gang carrying sharpened sticks.他被一伙带着削尖的棍棒的强盗袭击了。剑桥国际I knew I was in trouble when I was taken to the garage with a rod. 当我被人拿著棍棒赶到车库时,我知道我惹下麻烦了。译典通Once caught and tied up, the alligators are then clubbed to death.一旦短吻鳄被抓住并被捆绑起来后,它们就会被棍棒打死。剑桥国际The arsenal (=collection of weapons) recovered from the jail included knives, axes and sticks.在监狱中搜出的凶器有刀子、斧头和棍棒。剑桥国际The interrogator then laid into his prisoner using a club.那个审问者接着拿棍棒殴打了他的犯人。剑桥国际The people of the village took revenge on the thieves by beating them with sticks. 村子里的人们用棍棒打窃贼报复。译典通




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