

单词 果馅饼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELICIOUS〕The apple pie is delicious with vanilla ice cream. 这苹果馅饼和香草冰淇淋一起吃味道很好。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕The apple pie is delicious, but I won't have another slice - I couldn't eat another thing. 苹果馅饼很好吃,可我不要了一我再也吃不下了。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕We're having roast beef, with apple pie for afters. 我们吃烤牛肉,甜食是苹果馅饼。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕I bet it doesn't take your mom so long to make an apple pie. 我敢打赌你妈妈不用花多久就能做个苹果馅饼。朗文写作活用〔choose〕For pudding we could choose between ice cream and apple tart.甜点我们可以选冰激凌或者苹果馅饼。朗文当代〔cobbler〕A deep-dish fruit pie with a thick top crust.厚皮水果馅饼:一大盘上部皮厚的水果馅饼美国传统〔cream〕Would you like cream or ice cream with your apple pie? 你的苹果馅饼配奶油还是冰淇淋?麦克米伦高阶〔crust〕A pastry shell, as of a pie or tart.馅饼皮:馅饼或果馅饼等的面团的外壳美国传统〔dessert〕For dessert there's apple pie or fruit.甜食有苹果馅饼和水果可供选择。剑桥高阶〔fill in〕If any cracks have appeared in the tart case, fill these in with raw pastry.果馅饼面壳上要是有裂缝, 就用生面团填上。外研社新世纪〔flan〕A tart with a filling of custard, fruit, or cheese.果馅饼:一种内有牛奶蛋糊、水果或干酪等的果子馅饼美国传统〔flan〕Have some more flan.再吃一点果馅饼。牛津高阶〔glaze〕Glaze the tart with melted jam.给果馅饼浇上一层融化了的果酱。韦氏高阶〔good〕The apple pie was as good as the one my grandmother used to make.这苹果馅饼就像我奶奶以前做的一样好吃。剑桥高阶〔next〕First, we mixed the flour; next, we made the tarts.我们先和面,后做果馅饼。英汉大词典〔pastry〕Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie.安做的糕点很好吃——你应该尝尝她做的苹果馅饼。剑桥高阶〔pastry〕Dough or paste consisting primarily of flour, water, and shortening that is baked and often used as a crust for foods such as pies and tarts.油酥面团:烘烤过的,主要由面粉、水和松栈油脂构成的且常用作馅饼或果馅饼等食物的外壳的面团或面糊美国传统〔pie〕Help yourself to some more pie.请随意再吃些果馅饼吧。牛津高阶〔pie〕Would you like a piece/slice of apple pie? 要不要来一块/一片苹果馅饼?韦氏高阶〔pie〕Would you like another piece of apple pie? 你还要一块苹果馅饼吗?朗文当代〔special〕Maria's special recipe for apple pie 玛丽亚做苹果馅饼的特殊方法朗文当代〔spot〕Mother's apple pie always hits the spot with the boys.妈妈做的苹果馅饼总是最合男孩们的口味。英汉大词典〔stunner〕The cook was really a stunner for tarts.这厨师做果馅饼真是高手。英汉大词典〔tartlet〕A small pastry tart.一种小果馅饼美国传统〔tart〕A small open pie with a sweet filling, as of custard or cooked fruit.果馅饼:一种带有露在外面的甜馅的小饼,如蛋奶沙司或煮熟的水果美国传统〔try〕Try her cheese flan.尝尝她的奶酪果馅饼。外研社新世纪〔whatsit〕I've got to make a whatsit for the party. That's it—a flan.我得给聚会制作一个什么东西来着。想起来了,一个果馅饼。牛津高阶A tart that size will probably divide into about ten portions.那么大的一块水果馅饼很可能要分成10份。剑桥国际American apple pie 美国式苹果馅饼剑桥国际Don't throw away your pastry trimmings, because we'll be using them later to decorate the tart.不要把收拾下来的糕饼屑扔掉,因为我们以后要用它们来装饰果馅饼。剑桥国际I was going to make a lemon tart until I realised I was missing one of the vital ingredients.我刚要做一个柠檬果馅饼,却发现我缺了一种重要成分。剑桥国际Leather jackets are as American as apple pie and Harley-Davidsons.皮茄克就同苹果馅饼和哈莱-戴维森这种姓名一样具有典型的美国特色。剑桥国际The film evokes a folksy America of apple pies and friendly neighbours.电影表现了富有民俗风味的美国,有苹果馅饼,有友好的邻居。剑桥国际There's apple pie, ice-cream, cheesecake or fruit for dessert.饭后甜点有苹果馅饼、冰淇淋、乳酪饼和水果可选。剑桥国际To make the fruit tart, you need a pound of pears which are ripe but not too squishy.要做水果馅饼的话,你需要一磅熟梨子但不要太软。剑桥国际We had apple pie with plain vanilla ice-cream.我们吃了苹果馅饼和纯香兰草冰激淋。剑桥国际We sniffed the aroma of fresh apple pie. 我们闻到了新鲜苹果馅饼的香味。译典通




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