

单词 果断
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECIDE〕The police responded to the crisis quickly and decisively. 警方对这一危机作出了迅速果断的反应。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕This country needs strong, decisive leadership. 这个国家需要强有力的、果断的领导。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Tough policies and resolute leadership always create enemies. 强硬的政策和果断的领导总会招来敌人。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕Brown was affable and sympathetic, but also firm and decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him. 布朗亲切友好而富于同情心,但遇到问题需要他处理时则又坚决果断。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I was always timid about taking action in a crisis, but not Doris. 碰到危急情况我总是不够果断,但多丽丝却不是这样。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕Thinking back, I should have been more assertive. 回想起来,我当时应该更果断一些。朗文写作活用〔action〕Business leaders demanded immediate and decisive action to end the dispute.企业领导人要求立刻采取果断措施结束争端。朗文当代〔action〕He urged the government to take decisive action against music piracy.他敦促政府采取果断措施打击音乐盗版。牛津搭配〔action〕What was needed was decisive action to halt these savage crimes.当务之急是要果断采取行动, 来制止这些野蛮罪行。外研社新世纪〔action〕What was needed, he said, was decisive action to halt what he called these savage crimes.他说,当务之急就是采取果断行动制止他所称的“这些野蛮罪行”。柯林斯高阶〔act〕The government was criticized for failing to act decisively.政府做事不果断,受到了批评。牛津搭配〔adroit〕She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.她是一位异常精明果断的政治家。柯林斯高阶〔air〕She looked at him with a determined air.她看着他,神态坚定果断。朗文当代〔assertive〕You need to be more assertive to succeed in business.要在商界取得成功,你需要更为果断自信。麦克米伦高阶〔batten down〕The trade union battened down.工会采取果断行动以迎接困难。21世纪英汉〔believe〕Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.除非某人相信某事,否则某人决不会果断地行动。(或:只有某人相信某事,某人才会果断地行动。)21世纪英汉〔bright〕Ms Newman is bright, opinionated and decisive.纽曼女士聪明果断,有主见。牛津搭配〔bristling〕His bristling determination has become a symbol of England's renaissance.他风风火火、果断有力的作风已经成为英格兰复兴的标志。外研社新世纪〔bull〕To deal with a problem directly and resolutely.当机立断,快刀斩乱麻:果断并坚决处理问题的美国传统〔confute〕To prove to be wrong or in error; refute decisively.驳倒:证明…是错误的或是谬误;果断地驳斥美国传统〔courage〕He showed great courage and determination.他表现得十分勇敢和果断。牛津高阶〔decidedly〕She answered the question decidedly: “No, I will not lie for him.” 她果断地答道:“不,我不会为他撒谎。”韦氏高阶〔decision〕Firmness of character or action; determination.果断,决断:性格或行动的坚定;坚决美国传统〔decision〕He acted with decision.他行事果断。麦克米伦高阶〔decision〕He is very much a man of decision and action.他是一个遇事非常果断、行动极为迅速的人。柯林斯高阶〔decision〕He pulled on his coat with decision.他果断地穿上了外套。外研社新世纪〔decision〕She acted with decision, closing the bank account and calling the police.她采取果断行动,冻结了银行账户并打电话报了警。剑桥高阶〔decision〕This is not a job for someone who lacks decision.不果断的人不适宜做这工作。牛津高阶〔decision〕We need someone who will act with decision even under pressure.我们需要一个即使在压力下也能果断行动的人。韦氏高阶〔decisively〕Governments must act decisively to end discrimination and prejudice.政府必须果断行动, 结束歧视和偏见。外研社新世纪〔decisively〕You must be able to act decisively to succeed in this competitive field.你必须能够果断地行动,以在这个竞争激烈的领域里取得成功。韦氏高阶〔decisive〕As a chairman, he was firm and decisive.作为主席,他很坚决果断。麦克米伦高阶〔decisive〕Characterized by decision and firmness; resolute.决断的:具有果断坚决的特征的;坚定的美国传统〔decisive〕I stood there wondering what to do, but my sister was more decisive and immediately went to the phone.我站在那里不知所措,我姐姐则比我果断,立刻向电话机走去。韦氏高阶〔decisive〕The government must take decisive action on gun control.政府必须在枪支管制方面采取果断措施。牛津高阶〔decisive〕We must take decisive action to solve this problem.我们必须果断采取行动来解决这个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔decisive〕Yet again, we have failed to act decisively .然而,我们再一次未能果断行动。朗文当代〔decisive〕You must be decisive and persistent to succeed in this competitive field.你必须坚决果断并坚持不懈,以在这个竞争激烈的领域里取得成功。韦氏高阶〔decisive〕You need to be more decisive.你要更果断一些。剑桥高阶〔dignity〕He is a man of dignity and calm determination.他是个沉稳、冷静而果断的人。剑桥高阶〔dismay〕To destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or apprehension.使惊恐;使丧气:因有刺激的恐惧或担忧而失去勇气或果断美国传统〔disposition〕He was a man of decisive action and an adventurous disposition.他是一个行动果断、乐于冒险的人。外研社新世纪〔disposition〕He was a man of decisive action and an adventurous disposition.他是一个行动果断又爱冒险的人。柯林斯高阶〔efficiently〕I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。柯林斯高阶〔fashion〕They act in a purposeful and deliberate fashion.他们既果断又谨慎地行动。牛津搭配〔fateful〕His decisive action on that fateful night saved many lives.在那个决定性的夜晚, 他的果断行动拯救了许多人的生命。外研社新世纪〔firm〕The voice firmed with decision.声音变得果断坚定。英汉大词典〔focused〕She's a very focused and determined young woman.她是一位目标非常明确且坚决果断的年轻女性。韦氏高阶〔force〕He's a quick and decisive player – a force to be reckoned with (=a person, team, company etc that influences what happens) .他打球身手敏捷,坚决果断 — 是个不可忽视的人物。朗文当代〔hack ... off〕He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down.他果断地砍断了缆绳,主帆滑落了下来。21世纪英汉〔half〕We need resolute action, not timid half-measures.我们需要的是果断的行动,而不是懦弱的折中办法。韦氏高阶〔heighten〕His talent was heightened by his courage and decision.勇敢和果断更加突出了他的才智。21世纪英汉〔heroically〕England need heroics from the captain now.英格兰队此刻需要队长采取英勇果断的行为。柯林斯高阶〔intervene〕Government often intervenes decisively in major professional issues in medicine.政府经常果断介入医药界重大专业问题。牛津搭配〔ironside〕One who is very strong and courageous.勇敢果断的人:十分强壮且有勇气的人美国传统〔kill〕Seeing his chance, Dennis moved in for the kill.看到机会来了, 丹尼斯果断出手。外研社新世纪〔long〕She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope.她稍想了一下, 就果断地撕开了信封。外研社新世纪〔manfully〕One teacher is coping manfully with a wide range of tasks.一名教师正在果断地处理一大堆任务。外研社新世纪〔most〕She praised his compassion, wisdom, and most importantly, his decisiveness.她赞扬了他的同情心和智慧, 还有最重要的一个优点——坚决果断。外研社新世纪〔nerve〕Forceful quality; boldness.果断;勇敢美国传统〔nettle〕Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place.一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前果断出手解决棘手的货币贬值问题。柯林斯高阶〔of〕Albright was seen as a woman of great determination.奥尔布赖特在大家的眼里是一位非常果断的女性。朗文当代〔over〕I was impressed by Leonard's confidence and certainty over against his brother's weakness and hesitation.与他弟弟的软弱和优柔寡断形成对比的是,伦纳德自信又果断,给我留下了很深的印象。麦克米伦高阶〔persona〕His public persona is that of a strong, determined leader, but in private life he's very insecure.他在公众眼中是坚强、果断的领导,而在私人生活中他非常缺乏信心。韦氏高阶〔purposeful〕He walked purposefully to his desk.他果断地走向了自己的书桌。朗文当代〔purpose〕He walked into the hall with a stride full of purpose.他果断地迈步走进大厅。英汉大词典〔pussyfoot〕He should stop pussyfooting and tell us what he wants to do.他应该果断些,告诉我们他到底想干什么。韦氏高阶〔resolutely〕He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.他将形势描述得非常危险,并号召采取果断行动。柯林斯高阶〔resolutely〕Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.投票者认为他是一位坚定果断的国际领导人。柯林斯高阶〔resolute〕Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.投票者认为他是一位坚定果断的国际领导人。外研社新世纪〔resolution〕The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.果断,决意:态度坚决的状态或品质;坚定的决心美国传统〔ruthlessness〕He had a reputation for ruthlessness.他以果断出名。外研社新世纪〔ruthless〕Throw away clothes you don't wear – be ruthless.把你不穿的衣服扔掉 — 要果断。朗文当代〔see〕I did not see his determination as a defect.我不认为他的果断是一种缺点。英汉大词典〔stride〕She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.她果断地大步走到桌前,要求见经理。剑桥高阶〔stroke〕Ending negotiations was seen as a bold stroke by many commentators.终止谈判被很多评论者视为大胆果断之举。剑桥高阶〔swiftly〕The French have acted swiftly and decisively to protect their industries.法国人采取了迅速果断的行动来保护他们的工业。外研社新世纪〔swiftly〕The French have acted swiftly and decisively to protect their industries.法国人采取了迅速而果断的行动来保护他们的产业。柯林斯高阶〔tackle〕The first reason to tackle these problems is to save children's lives.果断处理这些问题的首要原因是为了挽救孩子们的生命。柯林斯高阶〔thinking〕This is a time of decisive action and quick thinking.这个时候应该果断行动、快速反应。柯林斯高阶〔thinking〕This is a time of decisive action and quick thinking.这时候需要行动果断、思维敏捷。外研社新世纪〔think〕In this job you need to be able to think on your feet.干这项工作得思路敏捷果断。朗文当代〔think〕You have to think on your feet in this job.做这项工作,你必须处事敏捷果断。麦克米伦高阶〔vow〕They have vowed a quick and decisive response.他们已经发誓作出迅速而果断的回应。外研社新世纪〔vow〕They have vowed a quick and decisive response.他们立誓要给出一个快速果断的回应。柯林斯高阶〔wobble〕The government can't afford to wobble on this issue.如果政府在这个问题上不作出果断决策就会付出巨大代价。剑桥高阶Drastic action was needed to prevent a slide into recession.需要采取果断措施防止经济陷入衰退。牛津商务During his 29 years in power he has shown a decisiveness and far-sightedness that puts most other politicians, anywhere, to shame.在当政的29年中他显示了自己的果断和远见,令其他各地政客有点惭愧。剑桥国际I have great esteem for his quick decision. 我对他的果断甚为敬佩。译典通If the electricity goes off, they have candles in store in the closet. 如果断电的话,他们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。译典通If we had acted earlier and more decisively it might not have come to this.如果我们能早一些更果断地采取行动,事情不至于此。剑桥国际It's hard to get a firm decision out of him--he's always going off at a tangent.很难从他那里得到果断的决定----他总是离开原来的思路。剑桥国际My father lacks decision. 我父亲缺乏果断力。译典通My father was a man of determination. 我父亲是一个果断的人。译典通She acted with decision, closing the bank account and phoning the police.她果断地采取行动,结清银行帐户,报了警。剑桥国际She is a funny, determined and endearing woman who laughs at herself more than anyone else does.她是个风趣、果断、讨人喜欢的女人,她笑话自己比任何人笑话她都多。剑桥国际She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.她果断地大步走到桌前要求和经理谈话。剑桥国际She's very strong/independent-minded (= She has a very strong/independent character).她果断/有独立见解。剑桥国际The government has been urged to take decisive/concrete steps to end terrorism.政府被要求采取果断的/具体的措施来终止恐怖主义活动。剑桥国际The president has been given so much different advice by the Washington policy wonks that he's now incapable of dealing with the current crisis in a swift and decisive manner.华盛顿的政策专家给了总统这么多不同的建议,以致他现在都无法迅速果断地处理当前危机了。剑桥国际




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