

单词 板条
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACH〕We watched as Dad nailed the fence panels together. 我们看着爸爸把篱笆的板条一块块地钉起来。朗文写作活用〔Aaron's rod〕A rod-shaped molding decorated with a design of leaves, scrolls, or a twined serpent.亚伦的神杖:饰有树叶、卷形物或双蛇的竿状板条美国传统〔FALL〕There should be spaces between the boards of the deck to allow debris to fall through. 平台的板条之间应该有空隙让垃圾尘土掉下去。朗文写作活用〔ON/ON TOP OF〕Joey stacked the crates one on top of the other. 乔伊把那些板条箱一个个摞起来。朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕Laura leaned forward to pry open the crate. 劳拉俯下身子撬开了板条箱。朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕We managed to break open the crate with an axe. 我们设法用斧头把板条箱砸开了。朗文写作活用〔awkward〕The crates were much too heavy and awkward for one person to carry.这些板条箱太重了,一个人很难扛动。麦克米伦高阶〔batten〕A narrow strip of wood used to fasten down the edges of the material that covers hatches in foul weather.压板条:一种用来固定在恶劣天气下遮盖船舱口材料边缘的窄木条美国传统〔batten〕Chiefly British A narrow strip of wood used especially for flooring.【多用于英国】 木板条:特别是用来铺地板窄木条美国传统〔batten〕He was busy battening down all the shutters and doors.他正忙着用板条钉牢所有的百叶窗和门。牛津高阶〔batten〕One of several flexible strips of wood placed in pockets at the outer edge of a sail to keep it flat.木条,板条:几块放在船帆外部用以保持船帆平整的柔韧木条美国传统〔batten〕The boxes were securely battened before the journey.出发前箱子都用板条牢牢地钉好了。剑桥高阶〔batten〕The roof was never securely battened down.屋顶板条一直没钉牢。柯林斯高阶〔batten〕The worker battened down the loose windows.工人用板条钉牢松脱的窗户。21世纪英汉〔bonding〕Strips of wood are bonded together and moulded by machine.木板条被黏合在一起并用机器压模成型。柯林斯高阶〔bond〕Strips of wood are bonded together and moulded by machine.木板条被黏合在一起并用机器压模成型。外研社新世纪〔box〕To change the shape of (a structure, such as a wall) by applying lath and plaster or boarding.改变形状:用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状美国传统〔buckle〕The panels did not buckle under pressure.板条不因受压而变形。英汉大词典〔carboy〕A large glass or plastic bottle, usually encased in a protective basket or crate and often used to hold corrosive liquids.小口的大瓶:一种大玻璃瓶或大塑料瓶,通常套装在一个保护性的篮子或板条箱内,用于盛装腐蚀性液体美国传统〔crate〕A container, such as a slatted wooden case, used for storing or shipping.大板条箱:用于储存或运输的类似板条木箱的容器美国传统〔crate〕The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey.经过大修的刨子被装入板条箱准备运回去。外研社新世纪〔crate〕They stacked the crates in the corner of the yard.他们把板条箱堆在院子的角落里。牛津搭配〔crate〕To pack into a container, such as a slatted wooden case.装进板条箱之类的容器中美国传统〔crate〕We packed our belongings in crates.我们把自己的所有都装在板条箱里。牛津同义词〔crib〕A small building, usually with slatted sides, for storing corn.粮仓:贮存谷物用的四周用板条围起的小建筑物美国传统〔cyma recta〕A cyma in which the upper section is concave and the lower section convex.反S形线脚,上凹:一种反曲线装饰板条,其上部是凹的,而下部是凸的美国传统〔cyma reversa〕A cyma in which the upper section is convex and the lower section concave.波浪曲线装饰板:一种反曲线装饰板条,其上部是凸的,而下部是凹的美国传统〔emit〕The crate emitted a strange odour.板条箱散发出一种奇怪的气味。外研社新世纪〔fence〕The house was surrounded by a white picket fence.这座房子四周围着白色的尖板条栅栏。牛津搭配〔four〕Stack the crates in fours.把板条箱4个一组堆起来。麦克米伦高阶〔furring〕Strips of material used in this process.板条:此过程中使用的条状材料美国传统〔get stuck in〕We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway.我们向他们指明了这些板条箱该搬到哪里,他们就立刻干了起来。剑桥高阶〔grunt〕The grunts move the crates.工人们搬板条箱。朗文当代〔handle〕A label on the crate read: 'Handle with care'.板条箱上的标签写着“小心轻放”。牛津搭配〔lagging〕A wooden frame built especially to support the sides of an arch until the keystone is positioned.支拱板条:专门用来在拱顶石放置好以前支撑拱的两边木架子美国传统〔lathing〕A quantity of laths.大量的板条美国传统〔lathing〕The act or process of building with laths.钉板条:用板条建造的动作或过程美国传统〔lathing〕Work made of laths.用板条做成的产品美国传统〔lath〕A building material, such as a sheet of metal mesh, used for similar purposes.类似板条的建材:建筑材料,例如金属网,与板条用于相同目的美国传统〔lath〕A quantity of laths; lathing.一批板条;板条美国传统〔lath〕A thin strip of wood or metal, usually nailed in rows to framing supports as a substructure for plaster, shingles, slates, or tiles.板条:作为灰泥、木瓦、石板瓦或瓦片基部结构的细木条或金属条,常被成排钉起来用于构架支撑美国传统〔lath〕To build, cover, or line with laths.给…钉板条:用板条建造、覆盖或排成行美国传统〔lath〕Work made with or from lath.由板条所造的东西美国传统〔line up〕Mahoney had lined up two of the crates.马奥尼已经摆好了其中两个板条箱。柯林斯高阶〔load up〕She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.她把他收藏的陈年佳酿装进板条箱里。外研社新世纪〔loading〕She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.她把他收藏的陈年佳酿装进板条箱里。柯林斯高阶〔lobster pot〕A slatted cage with an opening covered by a funnel-shaped net, used for trapping lobsters.捕虾篓:一种板条制笼子,开口处以漏斗状网覆盖,用于诱捕龙虾美国传统〔lumber〕Timber sawed into boards, planks, or other structural members of standard or specified length.木材:锯成标准的或特定长度的木板、板条或其他建筑材料的木材美国传统〔nail down〕Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins.把4毫米厚的胶合板条铺在网子上,然后用镶板钉钉牢。柯林斯高阶〔nail down〕Lay strips of 4mm plywood over the mesh and nail these down.在网子上铺上4毫米厚的胶合板条, 并用钉子钉牢。外研社新世纪〔nail up〕He nailed the doors and windows up with the planks.他用木板条把门窗都钉死了。21世纪英汉〔nail up〕The goods were nailed up in a crate.货物封在了板条箱里。外研社新世纪〔overlap〕The fence is made of panels that overlap (each other).这个围栏是由交叠的板条搭成的。剑桥高阶〔pack〕They packed the statue into a crate.他们把雕像装进了一个板条箱。韦氏高阶〔paling〕Pointed sticks used in making fences; pales.尖板条,桩木:用于做篱笆的尖棍;尖桩美国传统〔panel〕A flat, usually rectangular piece forming a raised, recessed, or framed part of the surface in which it is set.镶板,板条:一个通常为长方形的平板条,构成其被固定的表面的突起、凹陷或框架部分美国传统〔panel〕There were a few panels missing from the fence.栅栏上有几根板条不见了。朗文当代〔panel〕To cover or furnish with panels.镶以板:用板条覆盖或装上板条美国传统〔panel〕To decorate with panels.用板条装饰美国传统〔panel〕To separate into panels.分成板条格美国传统〔portcullis〕A grating of iron or wooden bars or slats, suspended in the gateway of a fortified place and lowered to block passage.格子吊闸:由铁条、木条或其板条组成的闸门,悬于一城堡的入口处,可降下而堵住入口通道美国传统〔rattle〕The milk bottles rattled in the crate.牛奶瓶在板条箱里发出咣当咣当的碰撞声。外研社新世纪〔roll-top desk〕A desk fitted with a flexible sliding top made of parallel slats.卷盖式书桌:一种装有用平行的细长薄板条做成的灵活可滑动的桌面的书桌美国传统〔score〕There were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.大批的箱子和板条箱等着检验后装运。牛津高阶〔secure〕The crates had not been firmly secured to the truck.板条箱没有在卡车上固定牢靠。牛津搭配〔skid〕The crates were packed on skids and taken to the warehouse.板条箱被装在滑动垫木上送往仓库。英汉大词典〔slat〕The base of the bed was made of slats.床架是用板条制成的。剑桥高阶〔slat〕The fence has two broken slats.栅栏上有两块板条断了。韦氏高阶〔stack〕Mme Cathiard was stacking the clean bottles in crates.凯西亚德夫人正在将干净的瓶子整齐地码放在板条箱里。柯林斯高阶〔stud〕An upright post in the framework of a wall for supporting sheets of lath, wallboard, or similar material.立柱:墙架上的直立柱,用于支撑木板条,墙板或相类似的材料美国传统〔sunlight〕Sunlight filtered dustily through the slats of the door.阳光透过门上的板条照射进满是尘土的室内。牛津搭配〔surbase〕A molding or border above the base of a structure such as a baseboard.柱基座线脚装饰:位于一结构底部上方的装饰线脚或板条,例如护壁板美国传统〔top〕We stacked the crates one on top of the other.我们把板条箱一个个地摞起来。朗文当代〔transport〕The melons are transported in large wooden crates.这些瓜是装在大板条箱中运输的。韦氏高阶〔tympanum〕The ornamental recessed space or panel enclosed by the cornices of a triangular pediment.山墙装饰:一种装饰性的凹进空间或装饰性板条,被三角墙的檐板环绕美国传统〔up〕You can tell which way up the crates have to be because they all say "TOP".你可以看出板条箱该哪面朝上,因为每个箱子都写有“此面朝上”的字样。剑桥高阶〔wedge〕We slammed the gate after them, wedging it shut with planks.他们出去后,我们在后面砰地把大门关上,并用板条抵死。柯林斯高阶By exerting all of his strength he could just move the crate.他使足了劲也只能移动那只板条箱。剑桥国际Crates suspected of containing drugs were secretly inspected by customs officers on the dockside.码头前沿的海关官员怀疑板条箱内装有毒品,进行了秘密搜查。剑桥国际He improvised a bookcase out of crates. 他用板条箱临时做成书架。译典通I don't think we've got enough (Br and Aus) packing cases/(Am usually) packing crates (= large strong boxes for putting things in to be sent somewhere) for all the kitchen equipment.我想我们没有足够的板条箱装所有这些厨房设备。剑桥国际In today's pig factories, the floors are either metal slats or concrete.在现在的猪肉加工厂,地板或者是金属板条或者是水泥的。剑桥国际The base of the bed was made of slats.床的底座是由板条制成的。剑桥国际The boxes were securely battened (= fastened with pieces of wood) before the journey.旅行前箱子用板条钉住保护。剑桥国际The crew unloaded crates from the ship. 船员们从船上卸下板条箱。译典通The fence is made of panels which overlap.这个篱笆是由叠盖的板条搭成的。剑桥国际The house was covered with slats of tiles. 这所房子是用板条瓦盖的。译典通The wooden box has overlapping slats that keep the rain out but allow in air and some light.木箱有交错重叠的板条,它们使雨漏不进来,但空气和一些光线却可透进来。剑桥国际These crates have been packed for exportation (= to be sent for sale in other countries).这些板条箱已装箱待出口。剑桥国际Use an empty crate as a makeshift for a table. 用空板条箱权充桌子。译典通We have a slatted bed.我们有一张板条床。剑桥国际We will order some laths for furnishing the basement. 我们将订购一些木板条来装修地下室。译典通Wooden slats cut out the light so that only a soft gloom entered the offices.木板条挡住了光线,所以只有柔和的微光进入办公室。剑桥国际You can tell which way up the crates have to be because they all have ‘TOP’stencilled on the lid.你能知道大板条箱该哪面在上,因为盖子上都用模板印有‘上端’的字样。剑桥国际You'll find the country of origin stamped on the base of each crate.你会发现在每个板条箱的底部盖着原产国国名。剑桥国际




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