

单词 有顶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A-frame〕A structure, such as a house, with steeply angled sides that meet at the top in the shape of the letter A.A形框架:A形结构,如房屋,其具有顶部成A字形的小角度的面美国传统〔airway〕A covered, self-propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates.空桥,航路:在机场终端处供乘客和乘务人员上下飞机使用的能够自动驱动的有顶通道美国传统〔ambulatory〕A covered place for walking, as in a cloister.回廊,步道:有顶棚的散步处,如回廊美国传统〔bandstand〕A stand or platform, often roofed, for a band or orchestra.音乐台:供乐队或管弦乐队演奏的演出台,通常有顶美国传统〔branch〕The trees were leafless except for the topmost branches.这些树只有顶端的枝条上长着叶子。外研社新世纪〔breezeway〕A roofed, open-sided passageway connecting two structures, such as a house and a garage.有顶过道:联接两幢建筑物的带屋顶的侧边敞开的过道,如房子和车库的美国传统〔cloister〕A covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of buildings that face a quadrangle.回廊,长廊:一侧有开敞柱廊的有顶的走道,沿着面对中庭的建筑物的围墙延伸美国传统〔dogtrot〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A roofed passage between two parts of a structure.【多用于美国南部】 建筑物两部分间有顶的过道美国传统〔fall behind〕Boris is falling behind all the top players.鲍里斯落后于所有顶级选手。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Boris is falling behind all the top players.鲍里斯落后于所有顶级选手。柯林斯高阶〔grandstand〕A roofed stand for spectators at a stadium or racetrack.大看台:在体育场内或赛道旁为观众准备的有顶看台美国传统〔keep on〕Sometimes they keep you on a bit longer if there's no one quite ready to step into your shoes.有时如果没有顶替你的合适人选,他们会继续雇用你一段时间。柯林斯高阶〔lanai〕A veranda or roofed patio.门廊:走廊或有顶棚的天井美国传统〔line-up〕The line-up included top bands Prodigy and Radiohead.参加演出的有顶级乐队“神童乐队”和“电台司令”。朗文当代〔loggia〕An open-sided, roofed gallery or arcade along the front or side of a building, often at an upper level.凉廊:建筑前部或一侧有顶而敞开的走廊或拱廊,通常位于高层美国传统〔lych-gate〕A roofed gateway to a churchyard used originally as a resting place for a bier before burial.停柩门:教堂墓地入口处有顶盖的大门,原用于埋葬前的停柩之处美国传统〔overhead〕This room needs overhead lighting (= lights in the ceiling).这个房间需要有顶灯。剑桥高阶〔piazza〕A roofed and arcaded passageway; a colonnade.步廊,连拱廊:有顶和拱廊的走道;柱廊美国传统〔porch〕A covered platform, usually having a separate roof, at an entrance to a building.门廊:建筑物入口处有顶的平台,通常有单独的屋顶美国传统〔prismatoid〕A polyhedron all of whose vertices lie in one of two parallel planes.拟柱体:其所有顶点都在两个平行平面内的多面体美国传统〔radome〕A domelike shell transparent to radio-frequency radiation, used to house a radar antenna.雷达天线罩:有顶构造,可以让无线电频率辐射穿过,用于隐蔽雷达天线美国传统〔slype〕A covered passage, especially one between the transept and chapter house of a cathedral.(教堂)走廊:一个有顶的通道,尤指天主教大教堂耳堂和牧师会礼堂之间的通道美国传统〔summerhouse〕A small, roofed structure in a park or garden affording shade and rest; a gazebo.凉亭:公园或花园中一种有顶的小型建筑,供乘凉和休息;凉亭美国传统〔top gun〕The company has its top guns handling the lawsuit.公司有顶尖好手来处理诉讼。韦氏高阶〔traverse〕A covered bridge traverses the stream.一座有顶盖的桥横跨这条河流。21世纪英汉〔walkway〕A covered walkway connects the two buildings.一段有顶连廊把两幢大楼连接在了一起。韦氏高阶〔walkway〕The airport hotel will be linked to the terminal building by a covered walkway.机场酒店将由一条有顶通道和机场大楼连接起来。朗文当代I think this room would be better lit if it had overhead lighting (= lights in the ceiling), as well as table lamps.我想这个房间如果既有台灯又有顶灯的话会有更好的照明效果。剑桥国际The survivors were adrift in an open boat (= one without a roof) on the open sea (= that far from land).幸存者坐着没有顶蓬的船在远离陆地的海洋上随风漂流。剑桥国际The tourists were bargaining/haggling for cheap consumer goods in the covered bazaar.游客们正在有顶棚的集贸市场为买到便宜的商品讨价还价。剑桥国际




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