

单词 杂务
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORK HARD〕I got myself a job as a typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine. 我在一家小杂志社找到一份打字兼杂务的工作。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕You have to be prepared to be a peon when you start -- sweeping floors, delivering, that kind of thing. 开始的时候你得准备好做个杂务工一扫地、送信等一类的事情都要做。朗文写作活用〔begin〕Roger began his career as an office boy.罗杰的事业是从办公室杂务员开始的。朗文当代〔chore〕Daily or routine domestic tasks.家庭杂务:家庭中日常的或例行的事务美国传统〔chore〕The routine morning and evening tasks of a farmer, such as the feeding of livestock.农庄杂务:农民早上和晚上例行的喂家畜等事务美国传统〔delegate〕Those chores can be delegated to someone else.那些杂务可以交给其他人去做。韦氏高阶〔dogsbody〕I spent the summer helping out as a general dogsbody .这个夏天我帮忙做杂务工。朗文当代〔do〕I have to do some chores this afternoon.今天下午我得做些杂务。韦氏高阶〔fag〕I fagged for a diminutive 17-year-old prefect.我为一个17岁的小个子年级级长做杂务。外研社新世纪〔fetch〕Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying.她整个上午用来干杂务。英汉大词典〔handyman〕A man who does odd jobs or various small tasks.干零碎杂活的人,杂务工美国传统〔handyman〕I'm sort of gardener and handyman rolled into one.我算是身兼园丁和杂务工两职。外研社新世纪〔housekeeping〕The teachers' meeting deals mostly with housekeeping issues such as lunchtime supervision duties.教师会议讨论的主要是一些杂务,例如午餐监督职责等。剑桥高阶〔mow〕He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.他继续剪草坪, 并做些其他日常杂务。外研社新世纪〔mow〕He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。柯林斯高阶〔orderly〕A soldier assigned to attend a superior officer and perform various tasks.勤杂兵:派去服侍上级军官并执行各种杂务的士兵美国传统〔scullery〕A small room adjoining a kitchen, in which dishwashing and other kitchen chores are done.洗涤室:跟厨房相连的房间,在此洗涤餐具和做其它厨房杂务美国传统〔set〕She set herselfto her chores.她埋头于家庭杂务。英汉大词典He once worked as porter in a commercial bank. 他曾在一家商业银行当杂务工。译典通I'll go shopping when I've done the/my chores (=jobs in or around the house).我做完了家庭杂务以后要去买点东西。剑桥国际My grandmother charred for the same family for thirty years.我的祖母给同一家庭做杂务活长达三十年。剑桥国际




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