

单词 bowling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Jake dropped out of school and started working at the bowling alley. 杰克退了学,开始在保龄球场打工。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕No, we can't afford to go to the bowling alley - I've forked out enough already today. 不行,我们没有钱去打保龄球了——今天我已经花了很多钱。朗文写作活用〔alley〕They went bowling at an alley with warped lanes and chipped balls.他们去一个球道翘曲变形、球破损不堪的保龄球馆打保龄球。外研社新世纪〔approach〕The part of the area behind the foul line in a bowling alley used by a bowler in delivering the ball.投球区域:投球手在传球时利用的传球道上犯规线以后的部分区域美国传统〔at a rate of knots〕We were bowling along the motorway at a rate of knots.我们在高速公路上飞驰。韦氏高阶〔bias〕A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.斜路线:如在草地保龄球等运动中导致球转弯的球重或不规则路线美国传统〔bocce〕A game of Italian origin similar to bowling that is played with wooden balls on a long, narrow court covered with fine gravel.(意大利)室外地滚球戏:意大利的一种游戏,起源与滚球相似,用木球在一个长而窄、放有五个石子的球场上玩美国传统〔bowl along〕They were bowling along the motorway at sixty miles per hour.他们以每小时60英里的速度在高速公路上飞驰。21世纪英汉〔bowl down〕We were bowling down at eighty miles per hour.我们以每小时80英里的速度飞驰。21世纪英汉〔bowl out〕Middlesex defeated Derbyshire by bowling out the opposition.米德尔塞克斯郡队10次击中桩门使对手出局, 从而击败了德比郡队。外研社新世纪〔bowl out〕Middlesex defeated Derbyshire by bowling out the opposition.米德尔塞克斯队将德比郡队的所有队员都投杀出局,击败了对方。柯林斯高阶〔bowler〕One that bowls, as in cricket or bowling.如玩板球或保龄球游戏者美国传统〔bowling alley〕A building or room containing lanes for bowling.保龄球室:内设保龄球道的建筑物或房间美国传统〔bowling alley〕A smooth, level wooden lane used in bowling.保龄球道:打保龄球的光滑水平的木制球槽美国传统〔bowling green〕A level grassy area for lawn bowling.保龄球草坪:打草地保龄球的平整草坪美国传统〔bowling〕Bill and I are going bowling tomorrow night.比尔和我明天晚上要去打保龄球。麦克米伦高阶〔bowling〕Do you want to go bowling with us Friday? 星期五想和我们一起去打保龄球吗?朗文当代〔bowling〕England were no match for the Indian bowling attack.英国队抵挡不住印度队的投球进攻。牛津搭配〔bowling〕I go bowling for relaxation.我打保龄球是为了消遣。柯林斯高阶〔bowling〕Let's go bowling on Saturday.我们周六去打保龄球吧。牛津搭配〔bowling〕McArthur opened the bowling on the first day of the match.麦克阿瑟在比赛的第一天开了球。牛津搭配〔bowling〕She watches bowling on TV.她在电视上看保龄球比赛。韦氏高阶〔bowling〕The England captain opened the bowling (= bowled first).英格兰队队长首先投球。剑桥高阶〔bowling〕We're going bowling.我们要去打保龄球。韦氏高阶〔bowl〕Everyone wanted to bowl, hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.大家都想玩保龄球,因此大家都想开保龄球馆。柯林斯高阶〔bowl〕Everyone wanted to bowl, hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.每个人都想玩保龄球, 所以每个人都想开一条球道。外研社新世纪〔bowl〕I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that.我看不出那样平稳地滚球有什么用。外研社新世纪〔bowl〕I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that.我看不出那样投球用意何在。柯林斯高阶〔bowl〕Pringle was tired after bowling for an hour.投了一小时球后普林格尔累了。剑桥高阶〔bowl〕Prinne was tired after bowling for half an hour.普林玩了半个钟头保龄球戏后觉得累了。21世纪英汉〔bowl〕Soon we were bowling along the country roads.我们不久便在乡村的公路上疾驰了。牛津高阶〔bowl〕Sports A roll or throw of the ball, as in bowling.【体育运动】 滚保龄球:在保龄球运动中滚动或投掷保龄球美国传统〔bowl〕To achieve (a specified score) by bowling.滚球得分:通过滚球得(一个特定分数)美国传统〔bowl〕To participate in a game of bowling.参加保龄球赛美国传统〔bowl〕To perform (a specified amount, as a string or game) in bowling.表演保龄球:保龄球运动中表演(一个特定量,如一串或一局)美国传统〔bowl〕To throw or roll a ball in bowling.投球:在保龄球运动中投掷或滚球美国传统〔bowl〕We were bowling along at about 90 miles per hour.我们以每小时 90 英里左右的速度向前行驶。朗文当代〔bowl〕We were bowling along the motorway in her new car.我们坐在她的新车里,沿高速公路快速行驶。韦氏高阶〔bowl〕Work is bowling along nicely now.工作目前进行得很顺利。英汉大词典〔break〕Sports Games Failure to score a strike or a spare in a given bowling frame.【体育运动】 【游戏】 滚球的失误美国传统〔candlepin〕A slender bowling pin used in a variation of the game of tenpins.烛形小柱:用于一种变更的保龄球游戏的细长保龄球柱美国传统〔day〕It was Foster's bowling that finally carried the day for England.福斯特的投球最后使英格兰队获胜。麦克米伦高阶〔duckpin〕A bowling pin that is shorter and squatter than a tenpin.鸭柱:比十柱对用的木柱短而粗的滚木球用的木柱美国传统〔event〕In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.无论如何,那个保龄球场的餐厅证明还是很不错的。柯林斯高阶〔fine〕Cedric was trying to instruct his girlfriend in the finer points of leg spin bowling.锡德里克正在试着给女朋友讲明白内旋投球的微妙之处。外研社新世纪〔finger hole〕A hole or an opening for a finger, as in a bowling ball or on the dial of a telephone.专门手指孔:专为手指准备的孔或开口,如在保龄球上和电话拨号盘上美国传统〔foul line〕Sports A boundary limiting the permissible movements of a player, as on a bowling alley or in a field event.【体育运动】 限制线:地滚球或网球等限制选手活动的线美国传统〔frame〕A round or period of play in some games, such as bowling and billiards.一局,一回合:一些游戏(如保龄球与台球)的一局或一回合美国传统〔gutter ball〕A ball played in bowling that goes into the gutter and scores no points.洗沟球:在保龄球比赛中掉入沟中而没有赢得任何分数的球美国传统〔gutter〕A trough or channel for carrying something off, such as that on either side of a bowling alley.沟槽:把某物排走的槽或沟,比如在保龄球道两边的球槽美国传统〔jack〕Sports A pin used in some games of bowling.【体育运动】 木瓶:用在某些保龄球运动中的木瓶美国传统〔lane〕Sports A wood-surfaced passageway or alley along which a bowling ball is rolled.【体育运动】 保龄球道:供保龄球滚动的木制表面的通道或球道美国传统〔mark〕A strike or spare in bowling.保龄球中的一球击倒或二击全倒美国传统〔mark〕He walked with hunched shoulders back to the bowling mark.他耸着肩膀走回到投球线上。外研社新世纪〔night〕They go bowling every Tuesday night.他们每周二晚上都去打保龄球。韦氏高阶〔pinsetter〕An employee or a mechanical apparatus that sets up pins in a bowling alley.拾瓶童,自动拾瓶装置:在保龄球球道上设的机器装置或工作人员美国传统〔pin〕One of the wooden clubs at which the ball is aimed in bowling.木柱、球栏:保龄球中标球的木杆之一美国传统〔point to〕Gooch last night pointed to their bowling as the key to World Cup success.古奇昨晚指出, 他们的投球是进军世界杯的关键。外研社新世纪〔point〕Gooch last night pointed to their bowling as the key to World Cup success.古奇昨晚指出,他们的投球是在世界杯上取得成功的关键。柯林斯高阶〔rediscover〕After her husband's death, she rediscovered the joys of bowling and golf.在丈夫去世后,她重新找回了打保龄球和高尔夫球的乐趣。剑桥高阶〔reset〕The machine reset the bowling pins.机器把保龄球瓶摆放回原位。韦氏高阶〔rink〕A section of a bowling green large enough for holding a match.草地滚球场:面积巨大足以举行比赛的一块保龄球草场美国传统〔rink〕A team of players in quoits, bowling, or curling.参赛一方:掷环套圈游戏、保龄球或冰上滚石游戏的一队队员美国传统〔runway〕Sports A narrow track in a bowling lane on which balls are returned after they are bowled.【体育运动】 回球斜槽:保龄球被抛出后回归到原地的窄的通道美国传统〔shot〕I've never tried bowling before, but I thought I'd give it a shot.我之前从未打过保龄球,不过我想试一下。剑桥高阶〔skittle〕Skittles resembles bowling.撞柱游戏很像保龄球戏。英汉大词典〔spare〕The act of knocking down all ten pins with two successive rolls of a bowling ball.二击全倒:保龄球运动中连续两滚将十个柱子全部击倒美国传统〔split〕Sports An arrangement of bowling pins left standing after a bowl, in which two or more pins remain standing with one or more pins between them knocked down.【体育运动】 隔号余柱:地滚球一击过后剩下的不利局势,有一个或多个被击过的球在两球或多球之间美国传统〔stand〕Two bowling pins were left standing.还有两个保龄球瓶没有倒下。韦氏高阶〔strike〕Sports The knocking down of all the pins in bowling with the first bowl of a frame.【体育运动】 第一投全倒:在滚木球一局的第一投投击就所有的木柱全被打倒美国传统〔tap into〕We'll tap into all the phones at the bowling alley.我们将有权使用保龄球场的所有电话。外研社新世纪〔ten-strike〕Sports Games A strike in bowling.【体育运动】 【游戏】 全击:在保龄球中的一击美国传统〔tenpin〕One of the bottle-shaped pins used in bowling.保龄球中的瓶形滚柱美国传统〔throw〕He threw the bowling ball.他投出保龄球。韦氏高阶〔thumbhole〕An opening made to fit a thumb, as in a bowling ball.拇指孔:(保龄球)上供拇指插入的孔美国传统〔turkey〕Sports Three consecutive strikes in bowling.【体育运动】 连续三击:保龄球中连续的三击美国传统〔year-round〕While baseball and football are seasonal, bowling is a year-round sport.棒球和橄榄球运动有季节性,但保龄球却是全年性的运动。韦氏高阶My brother has recently taken up (tenpin) bowling.我兄弟最近从事(十柱)保龄球业。剑桥国际Pringle was tired after bowling for an hour.投了一个小时球后普林格尔累了。剑桥国际The England captain opened the bowling (= bowled first).英国队队长开球。剑桥国际The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有的瓶型滚柱。剑桥国际




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