

单词 最后期限
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔beat〕beat the deadline 赶在最后期限前完成英汉大词典〔deadline〕the January 15 deadline set by the United Nations 联合国规定的 1 月 15 日最后期限牛津高阶〔expiration〕a few hours before the expiration of the midnight deadline. 午夜最后期限截止前的几个小时柯林斯高阶〔expiration〕a few hours before the expiration of the midnight deadline午夜最后期限截止前的几个小时外研社新世纪〔extend〕to extend a deadline/visa 延长最后期限╱签证牛津高阶〔flexibility〕flexibility over the deadline 最后期限的弹性牛津搭配〔force〕a deadline for the withdrawal of forces 撤军的最后期限牛津搭配〔grief〕the griefs of trying to meet a deadline. 试图赶在最后期限之前的困难美国传统〔helter-skelter〕a helter-skelter dash to meet the deadline 最后期限到来前的匆忙赶工牛津高阶〔inflexible〕an inflexible deadline/schedule 不可变更的最后期限/时间表韦氏高阶〔midweek〕a midweek deadline 最后期限周三韦氏高阶〔noon〕the noon deadline for the end of hostilities 中午结束敌对状态这一最后期限牛津高阶〔scramble〕reporters scrambling to finish stories by deadline 抢在最后期限之前完成报道的记者们韦氏高阶〔self-imposed〕a self-imposed task/deadline/limit 自我强加的任务/最后期限/限制韦氏高阶〔tension〕working under great tension to make a deadline. 为赶在最后期限以前完成工作而在巨大压力下工作美国传统〔time〕worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline. 争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞美国传统〔unchangeable〕an unchangeable deadline 不可更改的最后期限韦氏高阶〔white heat〕working at white heat to make the deadline. 极度紧张地工作以赶上最后期限美国传统〔wire〕get an application in (just) under the wire 赶在快要超过最后期限的时候递进申请书英汉大词典




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