

单词 残垣
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bomb site〕In London, where I grew up, we were surrounded by bomb sites.在我生长的伦敦,四周全是轰炸后的断壁残垣。柯林斯高阶〔dilapidated〕Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.毁坏的,破旧的:因疏忽而失修或衰败的;残垣断壁的美国传统〔glorious〕The old ruins give only a hint of the city's glorious past.人们仅能从这些古老的残垣断壁中看到一丁点的这座城市的昔日辉煌。韦氏高阶〔heap〕The building was reduced to a heap of rubble.大楼变成了一片残垣断壁。牛津高阶〔hellish〕The battlefield was a hellish scene of death and destruction.战场上尸横遍野,断壁残垣,一片凄惨景象。韦氏高阶〔perch〕We found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall.我们找到一处矮石墙的残垣,歇了歇脚。英汉大词典〔ruin〕The old mill is now little more than a ruin.老磨坊现在只剩下一点残垣断壁了。牛津高阶〔stand〕The ruins still stood.被摧毁的残垣断壁还竖立在那里。21世纪英汉〔stark〕The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.房子的断壁残垣是那场大火无情的见证。牛津高阶




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