

单词 残喘
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breath〕You can count the breaths left.苟延残喘的时间屈指可数了。英汉大词典〔death throes〕Their work is a despairing metaphor for a society in its death throes.他们的工作是这个苟延残喘的社会的令人绝望的影射。外研社新世纪〔linger out〕The patient is lingering out his life.这个病人在苟延残喘/生。21世纪英汉〔linger〕He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital.他宁肯在比赛中丢了性命也不愿在医院里苟延残喘。柯林斯高阶〔linger〕To remain feebly alive for some time before dying.苟延残喘:临死前无力地存活美国传统〔live on borrowed time〕It is unlikely that serious decisions will be made by a CEO living on borrowed time.重大决定是不大可能由一个苟延残喘的首席执行官做出的。剑桥高阶〔live on borrowed time〕Since his cancer was diagnosed, he feels as if he's living on borrowed time.自从他的癌症确诊后,他感觉自己似乎是在苟延残喘。剑桥高阶〔rot〕He was left to rot in prison.任凭他在狱中苟延残喘。21世纪英汉I want my death to be quick and sudden. I don't want to be lingering on for ages with everyone waiting for me to die.我希望死得快,死得爽气,我不想苟延残喘而让别人等着我死。剑桥国际




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