

单词 殉教者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cyprian〕Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian.圣西普里安:基督教主教和殉教者,在受罗马皇帝德西乌斯和卫莱拉迫害期间,他曾在北非领导基督教徒美国传统〔George〕Christian martyr and patron of England who, according to legend, slew a fearsome dragon.圣乔治:基督教殉教者及英国的守护神,据神话中说,他杀死了一条可怕的龙美国传统〔Stephen〕Christian protomartyr who, according to tradition, was stoned to death after his defense of Christianity before the Sanhedrin.史蒂芬:基督教的第一个殉教者,据传说在于犹太教公会中讲述完基督教教义后被乱石击死美国传统〔martyrdom〕The state of being a martyr.殉教:成为一名殉教者的状态美国传统〔martyrology〕An account of the life and manner of death of a martyr.殉教者列传:殉教者传记及死亡记录美国传统〔martyrology〕An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs.天主教殉教者名册:一个官方清单或殉教者的目录,尤指信奉基督教的殉道者美国传统〔martyr〕One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.殉道者,殉教者,烈士:指宁愿选择去死也不愿放弃其宗教信条的人美国传统〔passional〕A book of the sufferings of saints and martyrs.圣徒受难记:记载基督教的圣徒或殉教者受难的书美国传统〔protomartyr〕The first martyr in a cause. Used especially of the first Christian martyr, Saint Stephen.第一个殉教者:一项事业的第一位殉道者,尤指基督教第一位殉道者圣斯蒂芬美国传统




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