

单词 次数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Sometimes I do the cooking and sometimes John does - so in the end it all balances out. 有时候我做饭,有时候约翰做饭—所以最后大家做饭的次数是差不多的。朗文写作活用〔FEW/NOT MANY〕I can count the number of times my son's called me on one hand. 我儿子给我打电话的次数少得扳手指也数得清。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕Visits to our website passed the 100,000 mark in April. 我们网址的访问次数4月份超出了10万次。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕The rate of respiration is the number of times the patient breathes in and out during a given period. 呼吸率是指病人在一定时间内吸气和呼气的次数。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕Try to increase the number of times you exercise per week. 尽量增加你每周的锻炼次数。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The doctor will ask you about the duration and frequency of your headaches. 医生会问你头痛的持续时间和发作次数。朗文写作活用〔absence〕Your son has had too many absences from school.你儿子不上学的次数太多了。牛津搭配〔alarming〕There has been an alarming increase in the number of automobile accidents recently.最近汽车事故的次数增加得惊人。文馨英汉〔altogether〕She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.她动笔的次数越来越少,最后完全停笔了。剑桥高阶〔batting average〕A measure of a batter's performance obtained by dividing the total of base hits by the number of times at bat.击球率,打击率:击球员击球成绩的比率,用击球所得的总分数除以击中球的次数美国传统〔bogey〕He bogeyed the 18th hole.他对第18穴打出超过规定球次数的一击。21世纪英汉〔call〕A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater.排演通知:剧院里贴的预演次数的通告美国传统〔cap〕England's most capped rugby union player.入选英格兰国家队次数最多的橄榄球协会运动员柯林斯高阶〔cap〕England's most capped rugby union player入选英格兰国家队次数最多的业余英式橄榄球球员外研社新世纪〔cap〕He has now become Brazil's most capped goalkeeper.他现在成为巴西入选国家队次数最多的守门员。麦克米伦高阶〔confidence〕The more he fails, the more he loses confidence in his abilities.他失败的次数越多,对自己的能力也就越失去信心。麦克米伦高阶〔could count sth on (the fingers of) one hand〕I could count the number of times he's paid for dinner on the fingers of one hand.他付晚餐费用的次数屈指可数。剑桥高阶〔counter〕One that counts, especially an electronic or mechanical device that automatically counts occurrences or repetitions of phenomena or events.计数者;计算器:计数者,尤指电子或机械装备,自动记下某种现象或事件发生或重复的次数美国传统〔count〕Baseball The number of balls and strikes that an umpire has called against a batter.【棒球】 球数:裁判员对击球手喊的球数和击球次数美国传统〔cut down〕Car owners were asked to cut down travel.要求车主们减少驾车出行的次数。柯林斯高阶〔degree〕The number of terrorist attacks has increased to a terrifying degree.恐怖袭击的次数已经到了骇人的程度。剑桥高阶〔disappear〕Small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞, 而且次数愈发频繁。外研社新世纪〔disk〕The master disk can be duplicated as many times as required.母盘可以不限次数地进行复制。牛津搭配〔double〕The number of attacks has doubled.袭击的次数翻了一倍。外研社新世纪〔eagle〕To score an eagle in golf.高尔夫球比规定次数少击两棒美国传统〔eagle〕To shoot (a hole in golf) in two strokes under par.比每穴规定击球次数少击两棒的高尔夫球入穴美国传统〔equal〕Strikes this year may equal last year's record of 203.今年的罢工次数可能会达到去年203次的纪录。英汉大词典〔foul〕Sports To be put out of a game for exceeding the number of permissible fouls.【体育运动】 因犯规超过规定次数被罚下场美国传统〔foul〕The team that fouls too much often loses.犯规次数太多的队常输。英汉大词典〔frequency〕The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.这种药能降低发病次数和严重程度。牛津搭配〔frequency〕The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.次数:单位时间内周期过程中发生的次数美国传统〔frequency〕The number of repetitions of a complete sequence of values of a periodic function per unit variation of an independent variable.频率:当自变量变化一个单位时,周期函数取同一完整数序的重复次数美国传统〔frequency〕The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current.频率:单位时间内某种完整波动的重复次数,例如电流美国传统〔frequency〕The ratio of the number of times an event occurs in a series of trials of a chance experiment to the number of trials of the experiment performed.频数:一系列实验中偶然现象次数与所做的一系列实验的次数的比率美国传统〔frequency〕We became suspicious of the frequency and size of his bank withdrawals.我们对他从银行取款的次数之多、数额之大产生了怀疑。麦克米伦高阶〔frequent〕Her calls became less frequent.她打电话的次数减少了。牛津高阶〔frequent〕Her headaches are becoming less frequent.她头痛的次数越来越少了。朗文当代〔halve〕Sports To play (a golf game or hole) using the same number of strokes as one's opponent.【体育运动】 与对手以相同的击球次数玩(高尔夫球)美国传统〔handful〕They have visited us only a handful of times.他们来看我们的次数屈指可数。外研社新世纪〔have/know sth off pat〕I'd given the talk so many times I had it off pat.这个讲座我讲的次数太多了,都烂熟于心了。剑桥高阶〔heart rate〕The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute.心率:单位时间内心跳的次数,通常表示为每分钟心跳次数美国传统〔ideally〕Ideally, all patients should have had the same number of follow-up visits.原则上,所有病人都应得到相同次数的随访。麦克米伦高阶〔infrequently〕Jeremy does play cricket, but very infrequently.杰里米的确玩板球,但次数很少。朗文当代〔iteration〕Computer Science The process of repeating a set of instructions a specified number of times or until a specific result is achieved.【计算机科学】 叠代,重复:重复一套指令的执行过程,执行特定的次数或直到得到一个特定的结果美国传统〔journey〕I still use my car, but now I make fewer journeys .我仍然开自己的车,但旅行次数减少了。朗文当代〔keystroke〕Using shortcuts reduces the number of keystrokes you have to make.利用快捷键减少了击键次数。外研社新世纪〔less and less〕We see them less and less each year. = We see them less and less frequently/often each year.我们见他们的次数一年比一年少。韦氏高阶〔less〕He still eats meat, but far less often.他还吃肉, 但次数少多了。外研社新世纪〔less〕In recent years she has appeared in public less frequently.近年来她在公开场合露面的次数少了。朗文当代〔less〕She visits much/far less often than she used to.她拜访的次数远少于以前了。韦氏高阶〔less〕We talk a lot less than we used to.我们交谈的次数比以前少多了。麦克米伦高阶〔loop〕Computer Science A sequence of instructions that repeats either a specified number of times or until a particular condition prevails.【计算机科学】 循环指令:一系列重复至给定次数或直至达到某种条件的指令美国传统〔minimal〕Modern cars require minimal servicing.现代汽车需要维修的次数比以前的汽车少得多。牛津同义词〔mixture〕Some will say that it is the mixture as before, but in larger and more frequent doses.有些人会说那是换汤不换药,仅剂量和次数有所增加而已。英汉大词典〔much〕I don't see much of Tony nowadays.我现在见托尼的次数不多。外研社新世纪〔much〕I don't see much of Tony nowadays.我现在见托尼的次数不多。柯林斯高阶〔mutagen〕An agent, such as ultraviolet light or a radioactive element, that can induce or increase the frequency of mutation in an organism.诱变剂:有机体中的一种可诱发或者增加突变的次数的因子,如紫外线或放射性元素美国传统〔often〕I don't see my parents as often as I'd like to.我看父母的次数没有我期望的那样多。剑桥高阶〔often〕I've already told you not to argue often enough.次数够多麦克米伦高阶〔often〕I've been swimming twice as often as I did last year.我现在的游泳次数比去年多了一倍。麦克米伦高阶〔often〕Occasionally we go to a concert, but much more often to the theatre.我们偶尔去听音乐会,看戏的次数则多得多。英汉大词典〔order〕An indicated number of successive differentiations to be performed.位数:被连续进行微分的指明的次数美国传统〔order〕The number of elements in a finite group.次数:一个有限群中的元素个数美国传统〔overwork〕She's overworked that particular excuse.那个借口她用的次数太多了。麦克米伦高阶〔par〕Sports The number of golf strokes considered necessary to complete a hole or course in expert play.【体育运动】 标准杆数:高尔夫球击球次数,在高水平球赛中被视为是达到一个洞或一场的必备条件美国传统〔pass〕The error was discovered in the next pass through the data.错误是在这之后的那次数据巡检过程中发现的。韦氏高阶〔quadratic〕Of, relating to, or containing quantities of the second degree.二次的:属于二次的,与二次有关的,或包含二次数的美国传统〔rarity〕The quality or state of being rare; infrequency of occurrence.罕见,稀有:少见的品质或状态;发生的次数不多美国传统〔ration〕The famous singer rationed his solos pretty stingily in later years.那位名歌手在晚年非常严格地约束自己出场独唱的次数。英汉大词典〔ratio〕The number of strikes increased in (direct) ratio to the rise in the cost of living.罢工次数与生活费用的上涨成(正)比例地增加。英汉大词典〔rebound〕He led the league in rebounds last year.去年他的抢篮板球次数居联盟榜首。韦氏高阶〔recorder〕Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.数据记录仪还能迅速查明机械故障,减少维修次数。柯林斯高阶〔retake〕Limits will be placed on the number of exam retakes students can sit.学生参加重考的次数将受到限制。柯林斯高阶〔saw〕She's seeing too much of Tom.她与汤姆的约会次数太多了。21世纪英汉〔score〕The innkeeper scored on a slate the number of meals each person had.旅馆老板在石板上记下每人用餐的次数。英汉大词典〔seldom〕He seldom, if ever, buys goods online.如果他在网上买过东西的话, 那次数也是很少的。外研社新世纪〔stoopball〕A game patterned on baseball in which a player throws a ball against a stoop or wall and the number of bounces indicates the bases reached.街头棒球:一种类似棒球的球类运动,一方将球投向门廊或墙,弹跳的次数表明达到的决胜数美国传统〔tachometer〕An instrument used to measure the rotations per minute of a rotating shaft.转速表:一种用于测量一根转轴每分钟转动次数的仪器美国传统〔take〕My work takes me abroad a lot.因为工作, 我出国次数很多。外研社新世纪〔turnover〕The number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.周转变,周转次数:在给定时期间某一特定商品出售后又进货的次数美国传统〔unlimited〕You'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool.进泳池的次数是没有限制的。柯林斯高阶〔worker〕Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose.劳资矛盾加剧,罢工次数增多。牛津高阶All those applying for the job are given a numerical and a verbal reasoning test.所有申请这份工作的人都接受了一次数字运算和文字推理的测试。剑桥国际Ambrose has more lbws to his name than any other bowler on the tour.在巡回赛中安布鲁斯被判以腿截球犯规的次数比其他任何投球手都要多。剑桥国际Complaints about the frequency of trains rose by 201% in the last year.去年,对火车发车频率的投诉次数增长了201%。剑桥国际Diesel cars start infallibly, run without stalling when cold, and demand far less gear-changing than most petrol models.柴油汽车启动自如,寒冷中行驶不会熄火,并且与大多数的汽油汽车相比所需要的换档次数也少得多。剑桥国际His stays in Finland became longer and more frequent until, finally, he decided to move there permanently.他在芬兰住的时间越来越长,次数也越来越多,直至最后他决定搬到那儿久住。剑桥国际I could count the number of times he's been on time on the fingers of one hand.他准时上班的次数寥寥无几。剑桥国际If this product does fewer than 12 stock turns a year, it is overstocked.如果这一产品每年的存货周转次数少于 12 次,就是库存过多了。牛津商务Last year saw a slight increase in car accidents in that city. 该市去年车祸的次数略有上升。译典通She phones me less and less.她给我打电话的次数越来越少。剑桥国际Some people excrete more often than others.有些人比其他人排泄次数多。剑桥国际The frequency with which (=The large number of times that) he is absent from work is remarkable.他旷工的频繁次数真是惊人。剑桥国际The more times I visit France, the more the French way of life grows on me.我去法国观光的次数越多,我就越喜欢法国的生活方式。剑桥国际The number of racially motivated attacks/assaults on Asians and Afro-Caribbeans in this country has increased dramatically in the last decade.过去十年里,该国对亚裔人和加勒比黑人出于种族动机的攻击/侵犯的次数迅速增加。剑桥国际The software helped us reduce our set-up times and so cut costs.该软件能够帮助我们减少调试的次数从而降低成本。牛津商务There's a limit to the number of times I can stop what I'm doing just so I can help him! 我因能够停下手头在做的事情的次数有限而不能多帮他。剑桥国际They've increased the size of the trucks and the number of drop-offs that drivers have to make.他们增加了卡车的载重量以及司机必须卸货的次数。牛津商务Today's earthquake makes five since the beginning of the year.今天的地震使得年初以来的地震次数达到5次。剑桥国际You should always count your change (=examine the amount of money you are given back if you pay more for an item than it costs).你应该每次数数找你的钱。剑桥国际




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