

单词 欠债
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕The company went bust last year, owing £12 million. 那家公司去年破产了,欠债1,200万英镑。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕His job was to phone people who owed money and demand immediate payment. 他的工作是打电话给欠债人要求他们立即偿债。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕I'm not in the habit of running up debts. 我没有欠债的习惯。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕In those days, anyone who defaulted on a loan was put in prison. 那时候,凡欠债不还的都要坐牢。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕Loans are often refused to poorer borrowers because the risk of default is greater. 人们通常不愿给穷人贷款,因为拖欠债款的风险较大。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕We're hoping that we can clear all our debts by the end of the year. 我们希望今年年底能把所有的欠债还清。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The trouble with using credit cards is that it's so easy to get into debt. 使用信用卡的麻烦是极易欠债。朗文写作活用〔amount to〕They have debts amounting to thousands of dollars.他们欠债达几千美元。韦氏高阶〔be in the hole〕After selling all its assets, the bank was still half a million dollars in the hole.卖掉所有资产之后,那家银行仍然欠债50万美元。剑桥高阶〔bomb〕The business bombed out with $10,000 debt.这家商号生意亏本,欠债一万美金。(或译:生意失败,还欠了一万美元的债务。)21世纪英汉〔chase up〕It's the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to chase up a client who has defaulted on a debt.这个故事讲述的是一个人到好莱坞去寻找一个拖欠债务的客户。外研社新世纪〔credit〕The deduction of a payment made by a debtor from an amount due.贷款扣除额:由欠债人从应付数目中的付款扣除美国传统〔debt〕Can you pay off your debt?你能付清欠债吗?牛津同义词〔debt〕Debt can be a continual source of mental stress.欠债可能是精神压力持续不断的来源。外研社新世纪〔debt〕He was already in debt through gambling losses.由于赌博老是输钱, 他已处于欠债状态。外研社新世纪〔debt〕I'm thousands of dollars in debt.我欠债数千美元。韦氏高阶〔debt〕She had run up debts of nearly £10,000.积欠债务麦克米伦高阶〔debt〕She used her lottery winnings to pay off her outstanding debts.她用彩票奖金偿还欠债。牛津搭配〔debt〕She was terrified of getting into debt.她很害怕欠债。麦克米伦高阶〔debt〕The company defaulted on its debt and its assets were seized.这家公司拖欠债务资产遭到查封。牛津搭配〔debt〕We're in debt to the bank to the tune of $40 million.我们对银行的欠债总额已达4,000万美元。外研社新世纪〔default〕The creditors haven't declared them in default.债权人尚未宣布他们拖欠债款。柯林斯高阶〔delinquency〕A debt or other financial obligation on which payment is overdue.逾期债款:一笔过了期还未偿付的欠债或其它财政义务美国传统〔delinquent〕The town is trying to collect delinquent taxes.小镇想要征收拖欠债务税。韦氏高阶〔liability〕There is enough money to cover existing liabilities.有足够的钱偿还现有欠债。牛津搭配〔manage〕How did you manage to keep out of debt?你是怎样设法不欠债的?21世纪英汉〔outstanding〕We've got quite a few debts still outstanding.我们尚有好多欠债未曾偿还。朗文当代〔owe〕I neither lend nor owe.我既没把钱借出也没欠债。21世纪英汉〔payer〕I have always been a good payer and have never gone into debt.我一直及时付款,从未欠债。柯林斯高阶〔payroll〕With debts of $4 million and a monthly payroll of $1.2 million, the venture is clearly heading for trouble.该企业欠债400万美元,每月又需支付120万美元工资,无疑将陷入困境。剑桥高阶〔pay〕He expects to pay all his debts off shortly.他预计不久就能还清全部欠债。英汉大词典〔peonage〕A system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid.劳务还债制:一种欠债人要通过为债主做工、服务来偿清债务的制度美国传统〔receivership〕The company has now gone into receivership with debts of several million.公司欠债数百万,现在已进入破产管理阶段。柯林斯高阶〔recoil〕People used to recoil from the idea of getting into debt.过去人们不愿意欠债。外研社新世纪〔recoil〕People used to recoil from the idea of getting into debt.过去人们不能接受欠债这种事情。柯林斯高阶〔retire〕He retired the mortgage and was free of debt.他付清了抵押贷款,不再欠债了。英汉大词典〔right〕She owes money right and left.她到处欠债。牛津高阶〔size〕We were shocked at the size of his debts.他欠债之多让我们震惊。牛津高阶〔slip〕He began to slip into debt.他开始欠债了。牛津高阶〔slip〕He had begun to slip into debt.他开始欠债了。朗文当代〔solvent〕I don't know how we managed to remain solvent.我不知道我们当时是怎么维持下来没有欠债的。朗文当代〔unbeknown〕I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.让我深感震惊的是, 孩子们竟会背着父母屡屡欠债。外研社新世纪〔unbeknown〕I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.让我深感震惊的是,孩子们竟会背着父母欠债累累。柯林斯高阶〔unlearn〕Before you know it, you will have unlearned the debt habit.很快你就会摒弃欠债的习惯。柯林斯高阶〔vigorous〕They will take vigorous action to recover the debts.他们将积极追讨欠债。外研社新世纪A writ was served on the firm in respect of their unpaid bill.公司因为欠债而收到了传票。牛津商务Banks, he said, had been overeager to give loans to people and should now take their share of the responsibility for their customers’debts.他说银行一直过于急切地贷款给人,所以现在应该为其顾客的欠债负起他们那一份责任。剑桥国际Creditors often find it hard to collect on their debts.债权人常常认为难以收回欠债。牛津商务Customers with delinquent accounts will not receive any further credit.账户内有欠债的顾客不会再获得任何信贷。牛津商务He owes money to everyone--he's really got his back to the wall /his back is really to the wall now (= he has serious problems).他到处欠债----他已走投无路了。剑桥国际Higher interest rates have led to an increase in credit-card delinquencies.更高的利率导致信用卡欠债的增加。牛津商务I knew my father would be angry if he knew I was in debt, and I weighed my words carefully before asking him for money. 我知道我父亲要是知道我欠债了准会生气,所以在向他要钱时我仔细斟酌了词句。译典通She cited three reasons why people get into debt.她举出人们为何欠债的三个原因。剑桥国际The company is in debt to the extent of (= to the amount of) several thousand pounds.公司欠债达数千英镑。剑桥国际The country has accumulated debt arrears of $715 million.国家累计拖欠债务达 7.15 亿元。牛津商务The government would not default on its debt repayments.政府不会拖欠债务。牛津商务We are not paying our way. 我们欠债了。译典通You shouldn't stretch yourself beyond your means and get yourself into debt.你不应该超过你的经济能力办事,使自己欠债。剑桥国际




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