

单词 款子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔allocate〕A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.已划拨了一大笔款子给图书馆购买新书。牛津高阶〔anonymous〕The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous.这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的。牛津高阶〔apportion between〕The money was apportioned equally between two claimants.这笔款子在两个要求所有权的人之间均分。21世纪英汉〔bring up to〕That sum has brought the total up to£400 exactly.那笔款子已使总数达到整整400英镑。21世纪英汉〔bulk〕Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.许多小额捐助不久就积成了一笔可观的款子。21世纪英汉〔change〕She was holding some heavy change for him — money from the sale of some property.她替他保管着一大笔款子,是出售某项产业所得的钱。英汉大词典〔collection〕A collecting of money, as in church.捐来的款子:募捐款,如教堂里的美国传统〔denominate〕These payments are denominated as ‘fees’ rather than ‘salary’.付出的这几笔款子称为“费用”而不是“工资”。牛津高阶〔deposit〕A large sum of money was deposited to his account.有一大笔款子存入他的账户。英汉大词典〔fiddle with〕Someone's been fiddling with the accounts,there's some money missing.有人对账目做了手脚,少了一些款子。21世纪英汉〔inconsequential〕He considered the sum inconsequential.他认为这笔款子微不足道。英汉大词典〔loan〕My bank offered to make me a loan.银行提出贷给我一笔款子。牛津搭配〔philanthropy〕The funds are distributed among various philanthropies.这笔款子是分给几个慈善团体的。英汉大词典〔philanthropy〕The funds came from a big philanthropy.这笔款子是由一个大型慈善性机构捐赠的。英汉大词典〔pot〕The government lent the company some money to keep the pot boiling.政府贷给那家公司一笔款子,使它继续兴旺发达。英汉大词典〔purse〕A sum of money collected as a present or offered as a prize.做为礼物或奖金而筹集的一笔款子美国传统〔rebate〕A deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment.折扣;部分退款:从将要支付的款子里减掉一部分或从已支付的款子里退还一部分美国传统〔run〕The treasurer ran off with all the club's funds.司库携俱乐部的全部款子潜逃。英汉大词典〔think〕I'd think twice before taking out such a large loan.要贷这么大一笔款子,我会慎重考虑的。朗文当代〔twofold〕He repaid the money twofold.他加倍偿还了那笔款子。英汉大词典〔warrant〕I'll warrant that the sum shall be paid within a week.我敢说,这笔款子定在一星期内付清。英汉大词典〔wind〕He came to me this morning to raise the wind.他今天早上来找我筹笔款子。英汉大词典A purse has been made up for the flood victims. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。译典通Payments have started to filter through to the office.款子开始一批一批地交到了办公室。剑桥国际The company offered Jeremy a paltry sum which he refused.公司提出给杰里米一笔微不足道的款子,被他拒绝了。剑桥国际The theatre has just received a grant to improve front-of-house.戏院刚得到一笔款子来修缮观众席。剑桥国际We made our last house payment today. 我们今天付了我们购房的最后一期款子。译典通




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