

单词 显微镜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕This microscope can magnify an object up to forty times. 这台显微镜可将物体放大至40倍。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕The specimens were carefully dissected and examined under a microscope. 标本经过了仔细解剖,并在显微镜下观察。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕The insects are so small that they are difficult to see without using a microscope. 这些昆虫那么小,没有显微镜就很难看得见。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕The bacteria can only be seen with the aid of a high power microscope. 这种细菌只有用高倍显微镜才能看到。朗文写作活用〔Microscopium〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere.显微镜座:南半球星空的一个星座美国传统〔SEE〕Some crystals are so small, a microscope is needed to make them out. 有些晶体小得要用显微镜才能看见。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕The microscope is perhaps the most widely used scientific instrument. 显微镜也许是使用最广的科学仪器。朗文写作活用〔aid〕Chromosomes can be seen with the aid of a microscope.借助显微镜可以看到染色体。麦克米伦高阶〔analyze〕The bacteria were analyzed under a powerful microscope.细菌被放在高倍显微镜下进行分析。韦氏高阶〔bacterioscopy〕Microscopic examination of bacteria.细菌镜检法:细菌的显微镜检查美国传统〔bob〕The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs.显微镜包含价值数百美元的电子零部件。外研社新世纪〔capacitate〕The microscope capacitates small objects to be observed.显微镜可以观察到微小的物体。21世纪英汉〔compound microscope〕A microscope consisting of an objective and an eyepiece at opposite ends of an adjustable tube.复显微镜:将一物镜和一目镜分装在一个可调节镜筒的两端构成的显微镜美国传统〔dark-field microscope〕A microscope in which an object is illuminated only from the sides so that it appears bright against a dark background.暗(视)场显微镜:一种显微镜,其中的物体只能从旁边被照亮以致在暗的背景下显得明亮美国传统〔defocus〕The slightest movement will defocus the microscope.最轻微的运动都会使显微镜散焦。21世纪英汉〔destain〕To remove stain from (a specimen) to aid in microscopic study.使褪色:为有助于用显微镜进行研究而使(标本)褪色美国传统〔electron micrograph〕A micrograph made by an electron microscope.电子显微照片:在电子显微镜下拍摄的显微照片美国传统〔examination〕The test involves examination under a microscope of cells taken from the neck of the womb, smeared onto a microscope slide.这个试验需要取子宫颈处的细胞制成涂片并放在显微镜下观察。外研社新世纪〔fibre〕If you look at the paper under a microscope you will see the fibres.如果在显微镜下观察纸张, 就会看到纤维。外研社新世纪〔fibre〕If you look at the paper under a microscope, you will see the fibres.如果在显微镜下观察纸张,就会看见纤维。柯林斯高阶〔field-ion microscope〕A microscope that produces an image of the atoms on a metal surface by means of ions formed in a high-voltage electric field.场用显微镜:通过高压电场中形成的离子在金属表面展现原子图象的显微镜美国传统〔fix〕To kill and preserve (a specimen) intact for microscopic study.标本固定:弄死并保存(标本)完整以备显微镜观察美国传统〔gentian violet〕A dye used in microscopy as a biological stain and in medicine as a bactericide, a fungicide, and an anthelmintic.龙胆紫:一种染料,用在显微镜下作为生物学着色剂、药用杀菌剂、杀真菌药和打虫药美国传统〔histological〕A histological section refers to a thin slice of tissue that is viewed under a microscope.组织学切片指可在显微镜下观察的组织薄片。剑桥高阶〔in words of one syllable〕Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works? 你能用简单的话给我解释一下电子显微镜的工作原理吗?剑桥高阶〔inseminate〕The sperm sample is checked under the microscope before insemination is carried out.在授精实施以前,精子样本被放在显微镜下进行检查。柯林斯高阶〔ion microscope〕A field-ion microscope.显微镜美国传统〔lens〕Make sure the lens of the microscope is clean.请确认显微镜的透镜是干净的。韦氏高阶〔likely〕We aimed the microscope at a likely looking target.我们把显微镜对准了一个看起来合适的目标。柯林斯高阶〔likely〕We aimed the microscope at a likely looking target.我们用显微镜对准了一个合适的观察目标。外研社新世纪〔macrofossil〕A fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope.巨体化石:不用显微镜就能观察的大化石美国传统〔magnification〕The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。外研社新世纪〔magnification〕The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。柯林斯高阶〔magnification〕We used a microscope to examine the cells under magnification.我们用显微镜观察放大后的细胞。韦氏高阶〔marvel〕A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.一项科技新奇迹在英国剑桥大学诞生了——这就是扫描电子显微镜。柯林斯高阶〔metallography〕The study of the structure of metals and alloys, especially by optical and electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction.金相学,金属结构学:以金属与合金结构为研究对象的学科,尤指用光学和电子显微镜使用法和X射线衍射法为研究手段的美国传统〔microcrystalline〕Having a crystalline structure visible only under a microscope.微晶质的:有只在显微镜下才可见的晶体结构的美国传统〔micrograph〕A drawing or photographic reproduction of an object as viewed through a microscope.显微照片;微观图:一个物体的图画或照片复制品,象透过显微镜看到的物像一样美国传统〔micromanipulator〕A device for manipulating minute instruments and needles under a microscope in order to perform delicate procedures, such as microsurgery.显微操纵器:在显微镜下用于操纵微小仪器的设备,用于施行精细的步骤,如在显微外科手术中使用美国传统〔microscope〕Although invisible to the human eye, the virus can be seen clearly when examined under a microscope.这种病毒虽然肉眼不可见,但是在显微镜下检查时能看得非常清楚。麦克米伦高阶〔microscope〕Each sample was examined through a microscope.每个样本都用显微镜进行了检测。朗文当代〔microscope〕Place the specimen on a microscope slide.把标本放到显微镜载物玻璃片上。牛津搭配〔microscope〕Students viewed the crystals through/under/with a microscope.学生们通过显微镜观察水晶。韦氏高阶〔microscope〕The bacteria were then examined under a/the microscope.随后把细菌放到显微镜下进行检查。牛津高阶〔microscope〕They looked at the blood samples under the microscope.他们在显微镜下观察血样。剑桥高阶〔microscopically〕Microscopic examination of a cell's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus.利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以发现胎儿的性别。柯林斯高阶〔microscopically〕No living organisms, large or microscopically small, inhabited it.那里没有任何生物生存, 无论是大型的还是显微镜下才可见的微小生物。外研社新世纪〔microscopically〕The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.利用显微镜检查组织,以排除或确认癌变。柯林斯高阶〔microscopic〕Microscopic examination of a cell's chromosomes can reveal the sex of the fetus.利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以看出胎儿的性别。外研社新世纪〔microscopic〕Of, relating to, or concerned with a microscope.显微镜的:属于,关于或涉及一个显微镜的美国传统〔microscopic〕The cells were identified through microscopic analysis.那些细胞通过显微镜分析被识别出来。朗文当代〔microscopic〕Too small to be seen by the unaided eye but large enough to be studied under a microscope.非用显微镜不可见的;微观的:用肉眼不可见的但是可以用显微镜观察的美国传统〔microscopy〕Investigation employing a microscope.显微镜的检查美国传统〔microscopy〕Microscopy is an invaluable technique for studying the structure of cells.显微镜学是细胞结构研究的一项宝贵的技术。剑桥高阶〔microscopy〕The study of microscopes.显微镜学美国传统〔microstructure〕The structure of an organism or object as revealed through microscopic examination.微观结构,显微结构:通过显微镜观察才能展现出来的组织或物体的结构美国传统〔microsurgery〕Surgery on minute body structures or cells performed with the aid of a microscope and other specialized instruments, such as a micromanipulator.显微外科,显微手术:借助显微镜和其它专业仪器,如显微操纵器材等对微小的身体结构或细胞进行的手术美国传统〔microtome〕An instrument used to cut a specimen, as of organic tissue, into thin sections for microscopic examination.超薄切片机:为作显微镜检查把标本,如有机组织等切成极薄切片的机器美国传统〔mount〕A glass slide for use with a microscope.载片:显微镜承物玻璃片美国传统〔mount〕He mounted a specimen on a slide for examination with a microscope.他把标本固定在显微镜的载片上用于观察。韦氏高阶〔nosepiece〕The part of a microscope, often rotatable, to which one or more objective lenses are attached.换镜旋座:显微镜一部分,通常为可为围的,连接一个或多个物体透镜美国传统〔occult〕Medicine Detectable only by microscopic examination or chemical analysis, as a minute blood sample.【医学】 通过显微镜观察测知的:只能通过显微镜观察或化学分析才能发现的,如微量的血样美国传统〔open〕With a microscope, a whole new world of investigation opens up.显微镜开创了科学研究的崭新世界。朗文当代〔optical〕Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.望远镜和显微镜是有助于视力的仪器。英汉大词典〔optical〕The company manufactures microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments.这家公司生产显微镜、望远镜以及其他光学仪器。韦氏高阶〔payoff〕The payoff for years of research is a microscope that` performs better than all of its competitors.多年研究所得的成果是一架性能超过所有竞争对手的显微镜。剑桥高阶〔phase microscope〕A phase contrast microscope.相衬显微镜:一种相位可对比的显微镜美国传统〔photomicroscope〕An instrument consisting of a microscope, camera apparatus, and light source used for making photomicrographs.照相显微镜:由显微镜、照相仪器和光源组成的仪器,用来拍摄显微照片美国传统〔polarizing microscope〕A microscope in which the object viewed is illuminated by polarized light.偏光显微镜:一种用极光来照射被视物体的显微镜美国传统〔powerful〕You'd need an extremely powerful microscope to see something so small.看这么小的东西你需要超高倍显微镜。剑桥高阶〔power〕A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.倍率:光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数美国传统〔power〕These structures are just out of range of the microscope's focusing power.这些结构刚好超出了这种显微镜的调焦范围。外研社新世纪〔protozoan〕Any of a large group of single-celled, usually microscopic, eukaryotic organisms, such as amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans.原生动物:大批单细胞的,通常要在显微镜下才能看到的真核细胞有机体中的任何一种,包括变形虫、纤毛虫和孢子虫美国传统〔scope〕Informal A viewing instrument such as a periscope, microscope, or telescope.【非正式用语】 观看地仪器:观察仪器,比如潜望镜、显微镜或者望远镜美国传统〔section〕A thin slice, as of tissue, suitable for microscopic examination.切片:一种适于显微镜下观察的薄片,如组织的美国传统〔section〕Each section is mounted on a slide and examined under the microscope.每一份切片都放在载玻片上用显微镜检查。剑桥高阶〔section〕He examined tissue sections of the brain under a microscope.他在显微镜下观察脑组织的切片。韦氏高阶〔sensitive〕You'd need an extremely sensitive microscope.你需要一台灵敏度极高的显微镜。外研社新世纪〔simple microscope〕A microscope having one lens or lens system, such as a magnifying glass or hand lens.单筒显微镜:一种只有一个镜片或镜片系统的显微镜,如放大镜或手执放大镜美国传统〔stage〕A platform on a microscope that supports a slide for viewing.显微镜的镜台美国传统〔stain〕A reagent or dye used for staining microscopic specimens.色素:用来染显微镜标本的试剂或颜料美国传统〔stain〕Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope.先把标本染色,再放到显微镜下观察。牛津高阶〔stain〕To treat (specimens for the microscope) with a reagent or dye that makes visible certain structures without affecting others.着色:用试剂或颜料处理(在显微镜下观察的标本)以便使某些结构可见而不影响其他结构美国传统〔substage〕The part of a microscope located below the stage on which attachments are held in place.显微镜台下方固定附件的部分美国传统〔turret〕A rotating device holding various lenses, as for a microscope, allowing easy switching from one lens to another.透镜旋转盘:一种装有各种透镜的可旋转装置,如显微镜上的,可以使转换透镜变得很容易美国传统〔ultracentrifuge〕A high-velocity centrifuge used in the separation of colloidal or submicroscopic particles.超高速离心器:用于分离胶质微粒和普通显微镜下看不出来的微粒的高速离心器美国传统〔ultramicroscopic〕Too minute to be seen with an ordinary microscope.超出普通显微镜可见范围的:太小了以致普通显微镜下看不到的美国传统〔ultramicrotome〕A microtome for cutting very thin sections of material for use in electron microscopy.超微切片机:用来切割在电子显微镜下观察的物体的非常细小的切片的切片机美国传统〔vibration〕The microscope must be free from vibration.显微镜一定要避免震动。朗文当代〔walking〕She is a walking microscope to the smallest intrigue.她是一台活显微镜,能洞察最细微的阴谋诡计。英汉大词典〔xylotomy〕Preparation of sections of wood for microscopic study.木材解剖术:用切片机截片以备显微镜观察之用美国传统Histology involves looking at cells under a microscope.组织学研究包括在显微镜下观察细胞。剑桥国际Microscopy is an invaluable technique for studying the structure of cells.显微镜技术是研究细胞结构的无价手段。剑桥国际Stain the cell tissues before putting them under the microscope so that they can be seen clearly.在把细胞组织放到显微镜下前先给它们染色,这样它们就能被看清楚。剑桥国际Telescopes and microscopes are visual instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。译典通The payoff for years of research is a microscope which performs better than all of its competitors.多年来研究的结果是一架比所有竞争对手都功能更好的显微镜。剑桥国际The specimen can be mounted on a glass slide and examined under a microscope.标本可以被安放在承物玻璃片上,放在显微镜下观察。剑桥国际Under (= When looked at with) a microscope, a human hair seems to be the size of a piece of string.在显微镜下人发显得有一根绳子粗细。剑桥国际You'd need an extremely powerful microscope to see something so small.看这么小的东西你需要放大率极高的显微镜。剑桥国际You'll need a very high-power microscope to see something as small as that.你需要一台放大率极高的显微镜来观察如此小的东西。剑桥国际




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