

单词 桌上
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cast〕to cast and balance at a desk在桌上算账21世纪英汉〔class〕topics being discussed at the breakfast tables of the chattering classes 聒噪阶层在早餐桌上讨论的话题牛津搭配〔crowd〕a crowd of books on the desk 桌上的一大堆书英汉大词典〔crumb〕crumb a table 抹去桌上的碎屑英汉大词典〔disappearance〕the disappearance of money from my desk 我桌上的钱的消失牛津搭配〔display〕a display of paperbacks on the table摆放在桌上的平装书外研社新世纪〔display〕display a map on the table 在桌上摊开地图英汉大词典〔display〕to display a map on the table把地图摊开在桌上21世纪英汉〔drift〕drift Idly she let her eyes drift over his desk. 她的目光百无聊赖地在他的书桌上游移。朗文当代〔drum〕the drum of fingers on a table 手指在桌上敲出的笃笃声英汉大词典〔flambé〕flambéed the steak at the table. 在桌上点燃牛排美国传统〔flow〕the flow of traffic; a flow of paperwork across his desk. 川流不息的交通;他办公桌上永无休止的文件美国传统〔folksy〕a generous slab of ciabatta – the folksy staple of Italian dinner tables厚厚的一大片夏巴塔面包——意大利老百姓餐桌上的主食外研社新世纪〔helter-skelter〕magazines stacked helter-skelter on her desk 乱七八糟地堆放在她书桌上的杂志韦氏高阶〔jumble〕the jumble which covers the surface of my desk我书桌上堆得乱七八糟的杂物外研社新世纪〔litter〕the litter of old newspapers on his desk 他桌上那堆杂乱的旧报纸麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕a burn mark on the kitchen table 厨房餐桌上的一块烧痕朗文当代〔nick〕nicks in the table; razor nicks on his chin. 桌上的刻痕;在他下巴上剃须造成的伤痕美国传统〔plant〕plant sth. down on the table 把某物搁到桌上英汉大词典〔plump〕plumped the books onto the table. 把书用力扔到桌上美国传统〔plunk〕to plunk something onto the table把某物砰地扔在桌上21世纪英汉〔ram〕ram the books onto the desk 把书往书桌上胡乱一堆 英汉大词典〔remove〕removed the dishes from the table. 把盘子从桌上拿走美国传统〔set〕set the table for a meal 在桌上摆好餐具准备开饭英汉大词典〔shuffle〕to shuffle the papers together on the desk把文件胡乱地堆放在书桌上21世纪英汉〔slab〕a dead body on the slab(= on a table in a mortuary) 停尸桌上的尸体牛津高阶〔slab〕corpses laid out on cold mortuary slabs 放在冰冷的停尸桌上的尸体牛津搭配〔slap〕to slap the book down on the table啪的一声把书掷在桌上21世纪英汉〔slush〕to slush the cracks on the table用油灰填抹桌上的裂缝21世纪英汉〔spin〕spin a coin on a table 捻硬币使在桌上旋转英汉大词典〔spread〕spread a map on the table 把地图摊在桌上英汉大词典〔spread〕spread papers on the desk 把文件摊放在书桌上英汉大词典〔spread〕to spread one's books on the desk把一堆书摊放在课桌上21世纪英汉〔stack〕stack the table with books 在桌上堆放书籍英汉大词典〔static〕the static scene at the lunch table 餐桌上死气沉沉的场面英汉大词典〔stick〕to stick one's hat on the table把帽子放在桌上21世纪英汉〔sweep〕swept the cards off the table; swept the child into his arms. 把扑克牌从桌上收起;一下把孩子揽进怀里美国传统〔table〕at millions of American breakfast tables 在千百万美国人的早餐桌上英汉大词典〔table〕gain at the peace table what has not been attained on the battlefield 在和谈桌上得到战场上不曾得到的东西英汉大词典〔which〕the black hat, which is on the table桌上的那顶黑帽子21世纪英汉




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