

单词 最后一分钟
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstention〕the last-minute abstention of seven of the eleven unionists 11名工会会员中7名在最后一分钟的弃权英汉大词典〔all-nighter〕an all-nighter over the last-minute paper 为赶在最后一分钟缴进论文而开的通宵夜车英汉大词典〔cobble〕cobbled a plan together at the last minute. 最后一分钟在拼凑计划美国传统〔drive〕drive sth. to the last minute 把某事拖延到最后一分钟英汉大词典〔fill〕an understudy who filled in at the last minute. 在最后一分钟才临时替补的演员美国传统〔kick〕a kick from Maynard in the last minute of the game 比赛最后一分钟由梅纳德踢出的球牛津搭配〔last-minute〕a last-minute agreement between the two nations 两国之间最后一分钟达成的协议英汉大词典〔last-minute〕a last-minute dash for the bus.最后一分钟猛冲, 赶公共汽车。牛津同义词〔last-minute〕a last-minute holiday 最后一分钟定下来的休假牛津高阶〔last-minute〕last-minute preparations 最后一分钟的准备工作英汉大词典〔modification〕a last-minute modification 最后一分钟的修改英汉大词典〔pull〕pulled off a last-minute victory. 获取了最后一分钟的胜利美国传统〔radio silence〕with military units maintaining radio silence until the very last minute各军事单位都保持无线电静默到最后一分钟外研社新世纪〔reread〕a last-minute reread of a speech script 演讲前最后一分钟的重读讲稿英汉大词典〔rush〕a last-minute rush for tickets 最后一分钟的匆忙购票牛津搭配〔score〕make a score in the last minute of the game 在比赛的最后一分钟得一分英汉大词典〔substitution〕last-minute substitution Maya Ibuki最后一分钟替换下场的伊吹玛亚外研社新世纪〔unpaid〕customers who leave their bills unpaid till the last minute 直到最后一分钟才结账的顾客牛津搭配the result of intense last-minute dealmaking 紧张的最后一分钟交易的结果牛津商务




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