

单词 最北端
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Admiralty Inlet〕An arm of the Pacific Ocean in northwest Washington. It is the northernmost part of Puget Sound and lies between Whidbey Island and the mainland.阿德默勒尔蒂湾:太平洋一海湾,位于美国华盛顿州的西北部。是普吉特湾的最北端,位于惠德贝岛及美国大陆之间美国传统〔Batan Islands〕The northernmost island group of the Philippines, separated from southern Taiwan province by a narrow channel.巴特安群岛:菲律宾最北端的群岛,一条狭窄的海峡将其与台湾省南部隔开美国传统〔Blackfoot〕The northernmost tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy, inhabiting central Alberta.黑脚人:黑脚同盟最北端的部落,居住于亚伯达的中部美国传统〔Chelyuskin〕A cape of north-central Siberian U.S.S.R on the Taimyr Peninsula. It is the northernmost point of Asia.车里斯金海角:苏联西伯利亚的海角,位于泰梅尔半岛上。是亚洲最北端美国传统〔Columbia〕A cape on the northern coast of Ellesmere Island. It is the northernmost point of Canada.哥伦比亚角:艾勒米尔岛北海岸的一海角,是加拿大的最北端美国传统〔Graham Island〕An island off western British Columbia, Canada, in the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest and northernmost of the Queen Charlotte Islands.格雷厄姆岛:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚西部岛屿,位于太平洋中,为夏洛特皇后群岛中最大和最北端岛屿美国传统〔John o'Groat's〕A location on the northeast coast of Scotland, traditionally considered the northernmost point of Great Britain.约翰·奥古若茨:苏格兰东北部沿海的一个地区,传统上被认为是大不列颠的最北端点美国传统〔Lewis with Harris〕An island of northwest Scotland. The largest and northernmost of the Outer Hebrides, it is noted for its tweeds.路易斯和哈里斯岛:苏格兰西北部的一个岛屿。是外赫布里底斯群岛中最大的也是最北端的岛,此岛因其花呢而闻名美国传统〔Morris Jesup〕A cape of northern Greenland on the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost point in the world.莫里斯杰沙角:格林兰岛北部一海角,位于北冰洋中。它是世界的最北端美国传统〔Pama-Nyungan〕A large family of Australian aboriginal languages, spoken throughout Australia except in the extreme north, and including Pitjantjatjara and Warlpiri.帕玛-尼昂冈语:澳大利亚原住民语言的一大语系,在澳大利亚全境使用,除了其最北端之外,该语系包括皮特简特加特加拉语和瓦尔皮黎语美国传统〔Washington Island〕An island of northeast Wisconsin in northwest Lake Michigan off the northern tip of the Door Peninsula.华盛顿岛:美国威斯康星州东北部密歇根湖西北的一岛,多尔半岛外最北端美国传统〔York〕The northernmost point of Australia, on Torres Strait at the tip of Cape York Peninsula.约克角:澳大利亚最北端,位于托雷斯海峡、约克角半岛顶端美国传统〔extreme〕The city is in the extreme northern part of the state.这座城市位于这个州的最北端。韦氏高阶〔far〕I've spent a lot of time walking around Britain from the far north of Scotland down to Cornwall.我花了很长时间在英国徒步漫游,从苏格兰的最北端一直走到康沃尔。柯林斯高阶〔most〕Dunnet Head is the northernmost part of the British mainland (= the part that is farther to the north than any other part).顿耐特亥德是英国大陆最北端。剑桥高阶〔northerly〕There are plans to build a hotel on the most northerly point of the island.计划在该岛的最北端建一座宾馆。剑桥高阶〔northernmost〕Cape Columbia is the northernmost point of Canada.哥伦比亚角位于加拿大的最北端。剑桥高阶〔panhandle〕The Texas Panhandle is the northernmost part of the state.得克萨斯州的突出狭长地带位于该州的最北端。韦氏高阶Cape Columbia is the northernmost (= furthest towards the north) point of Canada.哥伦比亚角位于加拿大的最北端。剑桥国际John O'Groats is often considered to be the most northerly point of Britain.约翰·奥格罗茨通常被认为是英国最北端的地方。剑桥国际There are plans to build a hotel on the most northerly (= nearest the north) point of the island.有计划在这个岛屿的最北端造一家旅馆 。剑桥国际




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