

单词 案件
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔appeal〕to appeal a case to a higher tribunal把案件向高一级法院上诉21世纪英汉〔backlog〕a backlog of work (mail, criminal cases) 积压的工作 (邮件,刑事案件) 英汉大词典〔bar〕try a case at the bar 在法庭审讯案件英汉大词典〔case〕a civil/criminal case 民事/刑事案件韦氏高阶〔case〕a civil/criminal case 民事/刑事案件麦克米伦高阶〔case〕a criminal [civil] case 刑事[民事]案件文馨英汉〔cause〕plead a cause 为案件进行辩护英汉大词典〔closed〕a closed case 已了结的案件英汉大词典〔criminal〕a criminal court/case/trial 刑事法庭/案件/审判韦氏高阶〔delve in(或into)〕to delve into the background of a case详细调查一桩案件的背景21世纪英汉〔docket〕to docket 5 new cases把五起新案件列入案件审理目录表21世纪英汉〔document〕document a case 为案件提供文件证明英汉大词典〔drug〕a review of the drug sentencing laws to make penalties harsher 为加重处罚力度而对涉毒案件的量刑法律作的复查牛津搭配〔enter〕to enter a plea of not guilty(= at the beginning of a court case) (在诉讼案件开始时)提出无罪的抗辩牛津高阶〔exorbitant〕an exorbitant case 不在法律范围之内的案件英汉大词典〔hold〕hold out information important to the case 扣压有关案件的重要情况英汉大词典〔housebreaking〕a huge increase in housebreaking and car theft. 入室行窃和盗车案件的大幅增加柯林斯高阶〔impartial〕an impartial analysis of the case 对案件公正的分析韦氏高阶〔isolated〕a few isolated cases of vandalism 几起分别发生的破坏公物案件韦氏高阶〔isolated〕an isolated instance/case 个别事例;孤立案件韦氏高阶〔landmark〕a landmark legal case 具有里程碑意义的法律案件韦氏高阶〔lawlessness〕lawless inner-city streets plagued by muggings, thefts, assaults and even murder. 不断有抢劫、盗窃、伤人乃至谋杀案件发生的无法无天的市中心区街道柯林斯高阶〔lawless〕lawless inner-city streets plagued by muggings, thefts, assaults and even murder抢劫、盗窃、人身侵犯乃至谋杀案件频发的没有法纪的市中心区街道外研社新世纪〔lawyer〕counsel also applies to a team of lawyers employed in conducting a case: counsel 还指被雇佣参与案件审理的一群律师: 美国传统〔linchpin〕the linchpin of that criminal case 那个刑事案件的关键英汉大词典〔murder〕an increase in the number of murders 凶杀案件的增加英汉大词典〔notorious〕in a notorious case that made the headlines in 1991在1991年一桩被各大媒体竞相报道的臭名远扬的案件中外研社新世纪〔plaintiff〕the plaintiff in a lawsuit.诉讼案件里的原告。牛津同义词〔prosecute〕the district attorney prosecuting the case对此案件提起公诉的地方检察官外研社新世纪〔reargue〕filed a motion to reargue the case. 提出再辩论此案件的协议美国传统〔relative〕the facts relative to the case 与这个案件有关的事实牛津高阶〔reopen〕reopen a case 重审一个案件 英汉大词典〔reopen〕to reopen a legal case/file 重新审理案件/处理档案剑桥高阶〔sensationalization〕to sensationalize a case大肆渲染一个案件21世纪英汉〔system〕a backlog of cases clogging up the system 阻碍体制运行的积压案件牛津搭配〔triable〕a case triable without a jury 可无陪审团审理的案件英汉大词典〔umpirage〕submit a suit to umpirage 将诉讼案件送交仲裁英汉大词典〔voluminous〕a special case on which voluminous documentation is available 文件证据卷帙浩繁的特殊案件英汉大词典〔vortex〕the vortex of emotions surrounding the case 围绕这宗案件的感情旋涡朗文当代a landmark court case/decision/ruling 具有里程碑意义的诉讼案件/决策/裁决牛津商务




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