

单词 有害于
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔do〕It is unhealthy to do without sleep.不睡觉有害于健康。英汉大词典〔get〕I can't get it through to him that smoking is bad for his health.我没法说服他接受吸烟有害于健康的道理。英汉大词典〔indication〕The researchers say they can find no indication that television has harmful physical effects on children.研究人员说他们没找到任何迹象说明电视有害于儿童的身体健康。牛津搭配〔overgraze〕To permit animals to graze (vegetational cover) excessively, to the detriment of the vegetation.使过度放牧:让动物过度地吃(植物丛林),到了有害于植物的程度美国传统〔overpopulate〕To fill (an area, for example) with excessive population to the detriment of the inhabitants, resources, or environment.使人口过密:使(如一地区)人口过剩,以致有害于居民、资源和环境美国传统There is a danger of the party's electoral message being obscured by the glitz and glamour of its presentation.该党关于选举的政见表述过于华美堂皇,可能有害于其要旨的传达。剑桥国际They believe that international commerce is harmful to the welfare of developing countries.他们相信国际商务有害于发展中国家的福祉。牛津商务




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