

单词 有孩子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Isn't it wonderful that Susie's going to have a baby? 真太好了!苏茜快要有孩子了!朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕When I started as a teacher I had the mistaken belief that all kids are interested in learning. 我刚开始当老师时错误地以为所有孩子都对学习感兴趣。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕The exhaustion felt by new parents comes from the continual disturbance of their sleep patterns. 刚有孩子的父母会感觉很疲劳,因为他们的睡眠习惯频频被打乱。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕Being married is one thing, but having children is a whole new ball game. 结婚是一回事,有孩子则完全是另一回事了。朗文写作活用〔DINK〕A two-career couple with no children.顶客族:没有孩子的一对上班族的夫妇美国传统〔FIND OUT〕I heard on the grapevine that Josie and Tom are expecting a baby. 我从小道消息听说乔茜和汤姆要有孩子了。朗文写作活用〔HABIT〕All the kids imitated Mr Pearce's mannerisms. 所有孩子都模仿皮尔斯先生的习惯性动作。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕A soaring 77% of college-educated women between 30 and 44 hope to have both children and a career. 30岁到44岁受过大学教育的妇女中,有猛增至77%的人都希望同时拥有孩子和事业。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕I'm not sorry I never got married -- I'm only sorry I didn't have any children. 对没有结过婚我并不遗憾一我只是遗憾没有孩子。朗文写作活用〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕Before I had children, I only thought about myself and what I wanted. 在我有孩子之前,我心里只想着自己,只想着自己要什么。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕We try to treat all the children in the same way. 我们尽量对所有孩子一视同仁。朗文写作活用〔about〕You shouldn't have been spraying weedkiller while there were children about.旁边有孩子在时你不应该喷除草剂的。麦克米伦高阶〔adopt〕As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan.他们自己没有孩子,所以领养了一个孤儿。英汉大词典〔afraid〕All the kids at school were afraid of him.学校的所有孩子都怕他。韦氏高阶〔alone〕My wife and I like to spend time alone together away from the kids.我和妻子喜欢单独在一起,没有孩子打扰。朗文当代〔always〕I always thought I'd have children eventually.我一直认为自己最后会有孩子的。剑桥高阶〔brood〕The children in one family.家庭的所有孩子美国传统〔catch up〕During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics.每到晚上,就有孩子来学校补习英语和数学。柯林斯高阶〔chart〕There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all the children.教室墙上有一张图表,显示出所有孩子的相对身高。剑桥高阶〔childless〕It was a happy but childless marriage.这是一桩幸福的婚姻,就是没有孩子。朗文当代〔childproof〕The rear doors include childproof locks.后门上有孩子们打不开的门锁。外研社新世纪〔child〕All of our children are grown and married.我们的所有孩子都已长大成人并结婚了。麦克米伦高阶〔cipher〕If you have no children, enter a cipher in the space on the form.如果你没有孩子,在表上的空格里填零。剑桥高阶〔consensus〕The general consensus is that the joys of having a baby more than compensate for the stresses that every parent experiences.人们普遍认为, 拥有孩子带给每个家长的快乐远远超过了他们经受的压力。外研社新世纪〔contact〕If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.做临时保姆时,一定要有孩子家长的联系电话。朗文当代〔couple〕The couple have no children.这对夫妻没有孩子。柯林斯高阶〔cuddle up〕All small children want to cuddle up with Mummy or Daddy.所有孩子都希望和妈妈或爸爸偎依在一起。外研社新世纪〔custodial〕The mother is usually the custodial parent after a divorce.离婚后母亲通常拥有孩子的监护权。牛津高阶〔dead〕The street seems dead without all the bustle of the children.街上没有孩子们的喧闹就显得死气沉沉的。麦克米伦高阶〔decent〕Please keep your jokes decent—there are children in the room.请不要讲不雅的笑话——房间里有孩子。韦氏高阶〔dependent〕Just 26 per cent of households are married couples with dependent children.只有26%的家庭是有孩子要扶养的已婚夫妇。柯林斯高阶〔especially〕The car is quite small, especially if you have children.这辆汽车很小,如果有孩子就尤其显得小。牛津高阶〔expect〕Kate and Dom are expecting a baby.凯特和多姆就要有孩子了。剑桥高阶〔extreme〕At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background.另一个极端情况是, 32 岁还没有孩子的女性很可能是职业人士。牛津搭配〔feed〕All the children will be properly fed and cared for.所有孩子都会得到很好的哺育和照顾。麦克米伦高阶〔forget〕She had the children to worry about, not forgetting finding a job.她有孩子们要操心,此外还有找工作的事。麦克米伦高阶〔free〕We want to give all children a world free from violence.我们希望给所有孩子一个没有暴力的世界。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕They're going to have a baby in the spring.到春天他们就会有孩子了。剑桥高阶〔head count〕The teachers did a head count to check that none of the kids were missing.老师们清点学生人数以核实没有孩子丢失。朗文当代〔high〕A high proportion of women with children under five work full-time.很大一部分有孩子不到五岁的妇女在做全职工作。朗文当代〔hold〕Their son needs support and understanding. The same holds true for all children.他们的儿子需要支持和理解。这一点对所有孩子都适用。韦氏高阶〔inoculate〕All the children had been inoculated against hepatitis.所有孩子都打了肝炎预防针。朗文当代〔insurance〕At that time people had large families as an insurance against some children dying.那时人们养的子女很多,以防有孩子夭折。牛津高阶〔kid〕Do you have any kids? 你有孩子吗?牛津高阶〔life〕I had no idea what life with a baby would be like.我不知道有孩子后生活会是什么样子。麦克米伦高阶〔look at sth〕If I'd had children I might have looked at things differently.我如果有孩子,看问题的方式可能就会有所不同。剑桥高阶〔love〕My love for all my children is unconditional.我对自己所有孩子的爱都是无条件的。柯林斯高阶〔love〕We want to foster a love of learning in all children.我们想要培养所有孩子热爱学习。牛津搭配〔lump sb/sth together〕All the children are lumped together in one class, regardless of their ability.不管资质如何,所有孩子都被合并到一个班。剑桥高阶〔party favor〕All the children received party favors.所有孩子都收到了派对小礼物。韦氏高阶〔personalized〕The clock has easy-to-read numbers and is personalised with the child's name and birth date.钟表上的数字一目了然,并且标有孩子的姓名和出生日期。柯林斯高阶〔perspective〕From the perspective of anyone with children, it looks rather irrelevant.在任何一个有孩子的人看来,这好像毫不相干。麦克米伦高阶〔philoprogenitive〕Loving one's own offspring or children in general.爱儿童的:爱自己子女或爱所有孩子的美国传统〔point〕All the kids were pointing and laughing at me.所有孩子都指着我嘲笑。韦氏高阶〔prescribe〕The law prescribes that all children must go to school.法律规定所有孩子必须上学。剑桥高阶〔presence〕The mere presence of children in the room is enough to upset him.只要有孩子在房间里,他就会不高兴。牛津搭配〔present〕There were no children present.没有孩子在场。剑桥高阶〔proudly〕There were photographs of all her children proudly displayed on the mantelpiece.壁炉台上炫耀地摆放着她所有孩子的照片。剑桥高阶〔provider〕The Act provides that only the parents of a child have a responsibility for that child's financial support.法令规定只有孩子的父母才有责任为孩子提供经济支持。柯林斯高阶〔provide〕The Act provides that only the parents of a child have a responsibility for that child's financial support.法令规定只有孩子的父母才有责任为孩子提供经济支持。外研社新世纪〔regardless of〕The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的金额。牛津高阶〔safely〕All the children have been returned safely to their parents.所有孩子都平安地回到了父母身边。麦克米伦高阶〔satisfy〕The education system must satisfy the needs of all children.教育体制必须满足所有孩子的需要。牛津搭配〔shower〕She had no children and showered her love on her three nieces.她没有孩子,所有的爱都倾注在了她的三个侄女身上。朗文当代〔sneaky〕One kid can generally tell when another kid is sneaky.有孩子偷偷摸摸干什么时, 别的孩子一般都能发现。外研社新世纪〔stand〕All children need discipline, to know where they stand.所有孩子都需要管教,让他们知道别人如何看待自己。柯林斯高阶〔step〕There were children's steps in the cement.水泥上有孩子们的脚印。英汉大词典〔term〕George and Elizabeth have come to terms with the fact that they will never have children.乔治和伊丽莎白已经接受了他们不能有孩子的事实。朗文当代〔theory〕Her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn.她的方法是基于所有孩子都想学的设想。韦氏高阶〔tie〕They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays.他们有孩子,当然就受学校假期的束缚。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕With children, you're tied by school holidays.如果有孩子,你就会被寒暑假牵住。朗文当代〔trick or treat〕When the door opened the kids all shouted “Trick or treat!” 房门打开时,所有孩子都大声叫道:“不给糖吃就捣蛋!”韦氏高阶〔under〕All the children in the class are under the age of 14.班上所有孩子都未满14岁。韦氏高阶〔unformed〕His handwriting was childish and unformed.他写的字带有孩子气,尚未定形。麦克米伦高阶〔whether〕Whether or not we had a baby, we could not survive just on my salary.不管我们有没有孩子,单靠我的薪水我们总是过不下去的。英汉大词典〔working mother/father/parent〕Little provision is made for working mothers by many large companies.很多大公司不怎么为有孩子的职业女性提供特殊福利。剑桥高阶〔younger〕All the youngers are going to the circus with their families.所有孩子都将跟家人一起去看马戏。英汉大词典All the children partook in the game. 所有孩子都参加了游戏。译典通All the children tried to take off their favourite pop stars.所有孩子都竭力模仿他们喜爱的流行歌星的样子。剑桥国际Couples who are childless (=without any children) can feel excluded from the rest of society.没有孩子的夫妻会觉得被社会上的其他人所排斥。剑桥国际He rhapsodized about the joys of having children.他兴奋地谈论着拥有孩子们的喜悦。剑桥国际I always thought I'd have children eventually.我总是在想我最后也会有孩子的。剑桥国际I wish we'd got some video (= some recordings in the form of videos) of the children when they were little.我想我们要是有孩子们小时候的录像该多好!剑桥国际I'm an only child and my parents want me to have children to prevent the family line dying out.我是独子,我父母希望我能有孩子以传宗接代。剑桥国际I've got no children of my own, but I do have a niece and a nephew.我自己没有孩子,但我有侄女和侄儿。剑桥国际If you have no children enter a cipher in the space on the form.如果你没有孩子,在表上的空格里填零。剑桥国际Of course there are the children to consider too.当然也有孩子们要考虑。剑桥国际Our aim is that all children complete secondary education. 我们的宗旨是让所有孩子完成中等教育。译典通She claimed that the minister had offered her hush money to keep their child a secret.她声称部长曾给过她封嘴钱,让她对他们有孩子的事保密。剑桥国际She had a child's inchoate awareness of language.她有孩子的对语言的初步意识。剑桥国际She has no children to support her in her old age.她老年时没有孩子赡养她。剑桥国际She's worried about having children because she doesn't want to get stretchmarks or lose her figure.她很担心有孩子,因为她不想有妊娠纹或失去好身材。剑桥国际The book is about a couple who have lived in marital bliss for twenty years but have no child.这本书是关于一对夫妇,他们20年来婚姻美满,却没有孩子。剑桥国际The infertility clinic has brought hope to hundreds of childless couples.不育症诊所为许多没有孩子的夫妻带来了希望。剑桥国际There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all the children.教室墙上有一张图表,显示着所有孩子的相对身高。剑桥国际These new laws will have far-reaching benefits for all working mothers.这些新法规将给所有有孩子的职业妇女带来广泛的好处。剑桥国际They plan to have children in the not-too-distant future.他们计划在不久的将来要有孩子。剑桥国际They've always had ambiguous (=uncertain) feelings about whether or not they should have children.他们对于是否应该有孩子这一问题的想法总是不明确。剑桥国际We arrange job-shares and part-time working for women with children.我们为有孩子的妇女安排分担工作和兼职工作。牛津商务You're having a baby! You must be very happy.你们就要有孩子了!你们一定很高兴。剑桥国际




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