

单词 有头脑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕He was without any sense whatsoever. 他根本没有头脑。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕Joe's very sharp and logical when it comes to money matters. 谈到钱的事情,乔就很精明、很有头脑了。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Don't worry about Sheila. She's got her head screwed on. 别担心希拉,她是个有头脑的人。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕I'm sure she has too much sense to give him her address. 我相信她这么有头脑,是不会把自己的地址给他的。朗文写作活用〔aware〕Would an aware, thinking person say such foolish things? 一个懂事的、有头脑的人会说这种蠢话吗?英汉大词典〔blonde〕She's not just a dumb blonde.她不是那种只有容貌没有头脑的金发女郎。牛津搭配〔brawn〕Mina has the brains, I have the brawn.明娜有头脑,我有体力。朗文当代〔charmer〕He comes across as an intelligent, sophisticated, charmer.他给人的印象是有头脑、老练,很会讨人喜欢。柯林斯高阶〔dizzy〕Slang Scatterbrained or silly.【俚语】 没有头脑的,傻的美国传统〔dumb〕She's no dumb blonde (=a pretty woman with blonde hair who seems stupid) .她可不是那种没有头脑的金发女郎。朗文当代〔full〕She probably has a good mind, which should be used to the full.她可能很有头脑,应该充分运用。柯林斯高阶〔head〕He wondered what Gemma thought about it all. She seemed to have her head screwed on.他不明白整个事情杰玛是怎么想的,她看上去是个有头脑的人。朗文当代〔irritation〕Dennis knew better than to show his irritation.丹尼斯很有头脑, 不至于把怒气表露出来。外研社新世纪〔lieutenant〕He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。柯林斯高阶〔long〕She's long on brains.她很有头脑。文馨英汉〔lurk〕Behind all the strange and peculiar ways lurked a man of thought.尽管他的行为希奇古怪,他可是个有头脑的人。英汉大词典〔mind〕Anyone with a brain knows that overwork leads to decreased efficiency.凡是有头脑的人都知道过度工作会降低工作效率。美国传统〔plaything〕She was an intelligent woman who refused to be a rich man's plaything.她是个有头脑的女性,拒不肯做富人的玩物。牛津高阶〔policy〕He was a man of policy and sagacity.他是个有策略、有头脑的人。外研社新世纪〔practical〕A practical person does not spend his time and money foolishly.一个有头脑的人是不虚度光阴也不胡乱花钱的。英汉大词典〔pup〕He's an empty-headed young pup.他是个没有头脑的小混混。麦克米伦高阶〔rational〕No rational person would ever behave like that.有头脑的人都不会这样做。牛津高阶〔reasonable〕Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did.任何有头脑的人都会完全像你那样去做的。牛津高阶〔thinking〕All thinking people realize that we must stop wasting our natural resources.所有有头脑的人都意识到,我们必须停止浪费自然资源。剑桥高阶〔thinking〕Thinking people on both sides will applaud this book.双方有头脑的人都会称赞这本书。外研社新世纪〔unsound〕No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound.凡是有头脑的人都不会把钱存到自己明知不可靠的银行里。外研社新世纪〔unsound〕No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound.凡是有头脑的人都不会把钱存到自己明知不可靠的银行里。柯林斯高阶〔vacant〕It was a vacant film for vacant minds.这是一部给没有头脑的人看的无聊影片。英汉大词典〔wit〕The information is there and waiting to be accessed by anyone with the wit to use it.资料就摆在那儿,等着有头脑的人去利用。柯林斯高阶〔wit〕The information is there to be accessed by anyone with the wit to use it.资料就在那里等着有头脑的人去获取。外研社新世纪〔wonder〕Sometimes I wonder if he's got any sense at all! 有时候我怀疑他到底有没有头脑!朗文当代All thinking people realise that we must stop wasting our natural resources.所有有头脑的人都意识到我们必须停止浪费自然资源。剑桥国际At least he had the good sense to turn the gas off.至少他还有头脑把煤气关上了。剑桥国际He views his opponents as a mindless rabble.他把对手视作一群没有头脑的乱民。剑桥国际It takes brains to administer a large corporation. 管理大公司要有头脑。译典通She hasn't got much savvy.她不大有头脑。剑桥国际




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