

单词 armed with
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔arm with〕a warship armed with nuclear weapons以核武器装备的战舰21世纪英汉〔armed〕a bank robber armed with a shotgun 携短枪的银行抢劫犯麦克米伦高阶〔armed〕a group of reporters armed with long-lens cameras and recording equipment 一批装备有长镜头相机和录音设备的记者麦克米伦高阶〔armed〕airplanes armed with bombs 携带炸弹的飞机韦氏高阶〔armed〕journalists armed with cameras and notebooks 带着照相机和笔记本电脑的记者们韦氏高阶〔armed〕students armed with the knowledge they would need to succeed in the world 拥有在世上获取成功所需知识的学生们韦氏高阶〔arm〕a space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramic shield.重返大气层航天运载工具配备陶瓷保护层装置美国传统〔arm〕be armed with umbrella and galoshes 带着雨伞穿着套鞋英汉大词典〔arm〕reporters armed with cameras 备有相机的记者们文馨英汉〔arm〕tax advisers who were armed with the latest forms.备有最新表格的税务顾问美国传统〔cannon〕fighter planes armed with cannon 装备着机关炮的战斗机英汉大词典〔gun〕a gang armed with machine guns 一群持有冲锋枪的暴徒麦克米伦高阶〔militaristic〕charmless characters in black, armed with attitude, militaristic badges, batons and two-way radios一帮身穿黑衣、装模作样、佩戴着尚武徽章、手持警棍和对讲机的讨厌家伙外研社新世纪〔rifle〕rifles Troops armed with rifles. rifles 步枪队:用来复枪武装的部队美国传统〔weaponry〕rich nations, armed with superior weaponry.用尖端武器装备起来的富国柯林斯高阶〔weaponry〕rich nations, armed with superior weaponry用优势武器装备起来的富国外研社新世纪




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