

单词 未来
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BUSINESS〕a conference to debate the future of e-commerce 探讨电子商务的未来的会议朗文写作活用〔Sunday〕on a Sunday (过去或未来的)某一个星期日文馨英汉〔Thursday〕on a Thursday 在(过去或未来的)某星期四文馨英汉〔adequate〕training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry 足以满足未来工业需要的培训牛津高阶〔aspiration〕their hopes and aspirations for the future 他们对未来的期望和抱负朗文当代〔blueprint〕blueprint the future 为未来定出详细计划英汉大词典〔bright〕a bright future 光明的未来英汉大词典〔cerebrate〕cerebrate about the future of the nation (煞有介事地)考虑国家的未来英汉大词典〔consumption〕households that save for future consumption 为未来消费存钱的家庭牛津搭配〔direction〕the debate about the future direction of socialism 有关社会主义未来方向的争论牛津搭配〔dream〕dream of a better future 向往更美好的未来英汉大词典〔earnings〕the company's projected earnings for the next twelve months 公司未来 12 个月的预计收入牛津搭配〔earth〕the future of life on planet Earth 地球生物的未来牛津搭配〔enquiry〕enquiries from prospective students 未来学生的询问牛津高阶〔extrapolate〕to extrapolate from today's information从今天的信息对未来进行推断21世纪英汉〔federalist〕a federalist future in Europe 欧洲联邦主义的未来牛津高阶〔foretell〕foretell the future 预言未来英汉大词典〔foundation stone〕these foundation stones of the future: education, training, research, development. 决定未来的一些根基:教育、培训、研究和发展柯林斯高阶〔future〕a future event 未来的活动英汉大词典〔future〕the debate over the future development of the European Union 关于欧盟未来发展的辩论朗文当代〔future〕the youth of the future 未来的青年文馨英汉〔futuristic〕a futuristic novel 未来派小说文馨英汉〔hope〕young people who are full of hope for the future 对未来满怀憧憬的年轻人牛津搭配〔look〕look to the future with anxiety 忧心忡忡地展望未来 英汉大词典〔optimism〕great optimism for the future 对未来十分乐观牛津搭配〔phantom〕the phantom of a future Utopia 未来乌托邦的幻景英汉大词典〔planet〕policies to protect the future of the planet 保护地球未来的政策麦克米伦高阶〔policy〕the organisation's future policy towards South Africa. 该组织未来对南非的政策柯林斯高阶〔possible〕a possible future president 未来可能当选总统的人牛津高阶〔postpone〕postpone planning for the future 暂缓规划未来英汉大词典〔prognosticate〕to prognosticate future relations预示未来的关系21世纪英汉〔reverie〕indulge in reveries about the future 沉溺于对未来的想入非非英汉大词典〔roseate〕a roseate future 美好的未来英汉大词典〔secure〕a savings plan that will secure your child's future 为您孩子的未来提供保障的储蓄计划牛津高阶〔speculator〕a commodities speculator; a speculator regarding the future turn of events. 商品投机商;考虑事情的未来转变的思索者美国传统〔uncanny〕an uncanny ability to foresee the future 预见未来的超人本领英汉大词典〔unlive〕to unlive the past and look forward to the future忘却过去,展望未来21世纪英汉〔visionary〕a visionary scheme for the future.对未来的不切实际的计划。牛津同义词〔vision〕a vision for the future 对未来的展望牛津搭配〔worry〕worries about the future 对未来的担忧牛津高阶




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