

单词 欧洲联盟
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The talks were aimed at making progress towards greater European union. 会谈的目标是逐步走向更大的欧洲联盟。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe.欧洲联盟军最高司令部美国传统〔chase〕His pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.他对欧洲联盟的追求促成了撒切尔夫人的下台。外研社新世纪〔draw〕Aston Villa have drawn a Czech team in the first round of the UEFA Cup.欧洲联盟杯首轮阿斯顿维拉队抽到了一支捷克球队。柯林斯高阶〔federation〕He's against European federation.他反对欧洲联盟。剑桥高阶〔focus〕In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union.今天讲课的重点是欧洲联盟内部的税制结构。牛津高阶〔full〕The country applied for full membership of the European Union.这个国家申请成为欧洲联盟的正式成员。牛津高阶〔hereto〕You will find attached hereto the text of the Treaty on European Union.你将会看到此处附上的《欧洲联盟条约》正文。剑桥高阶〔presidency〕Greece then held the rotating presidency of the European Union.希腊当时担任欧洲联盟轮值主席国。牛津搭配〔seed〕In the UEFA Cup the top 16 sides are seeded for the first round.在欧洲联盟杯比赛中,排名前 16 位的球队已按位次进入首轮。柯林斯高阶He's against European federation (=the joining together of a group of regions).他反对欧洲联盟。剑桥国际In a little-publicised addendum to the treaty the 12 EU leaders made a declaration on racism and xenophobia.在条约的一个鲜为人知的附录中,12位欧洲联盟领导人就种族歧视和恐外症发表了宣言。剑桥国际The European Monetary System was designed to link together the currencies in the European Community.欧洲货币体系是为了把欧洲联盟的货币联成一体而设立的。剑桥国际The European Union has certainly helped to reduce the historic antagonisms between the countries of western Europe.欧洲联盟无疑帮助西欧各国缓解了它们之间长久以来的龃龉。剑桥国际The European Union is a powerful trading / trade bloc.欧洲联盟是一个强有力的贸易集团。剑桥国际The European Union is reviewing controls for sulphur dioxide emissions from coal-fired power stations.欧洲联盟正审查对燃煤发电站放出的二氧化硫的控制。剑桥国际The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly.欧洲联盟应保持足够的灵活性,以便尽快地吸收更多的国家。剑桥国际The United Kingdom is one of the countries in the European Union.联合王国是欧洲联盟的成员国之一。剑桥国际The government was accused of being subservient to the interests of the pro-Europe campaigners.政府被指控屈从于赞成欧洲联盟运动者的利益。剑桥国际The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.协议的签署是通向欧洲联盟之路上的一座重要里程碑。剑桥国际




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