

单词 构词
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agglutinate〕Linguistics To form (words) by combining words or words and word elements.【语言学】 用粘着法构词:通过词或词和词素的组合来构(词)美国传统〔agglutinate〕Linguistics To form words by agglutination.【语言学】 用粘着法构词美国传统〔agglutination〕Linguistics The formation of words from morphemes that retain their original forms and meanings with little change during the combination process.【语言学】 粘着法构词:指词素在结合过程中基本保留原来的形式和意义的构词法美国传统〔agglutinative〕Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a language in which words are formed primarily by means of agglutination.【语言学】 粘着法构词的:关于,属于或作为一种其单词最初是由粘着法构成的语言的美国传统〔back-formation〕The process of forming words in this way.逆序构词法:用这种方式形成新词的过程美国传统〔collocation〕An arrangement or juxtaposition, especially of linguistic elements, such as words.搭配:排列或并置,尤指语言学中的成分排列,如构词美国传统〔combining form〕The combining form "Anglo" combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile.构词成分 Anglo 意为“英国的”,可构成许多词,如 Anglo-American(英美的)和 Anglophile(亲英的)。剑桥高阶〔composition〕Linguistics The formation of compounds from separate words.【语言学】 复合构词法:将单个字组成复合词的形式美国传统〔derivation〕A linguistic description of the process of word formation.衍生学:构词过程的语学描述美国传统〔formative〕A derivational or inflectional affix.构词成分:派生的或有屈折变化的词缀美国传统〔formative〕Linguistics Relating to the formation or inflection of words.【语言学】 造字的:与构词或词的屈折变化有关的美国传统〔productive〕Linguistics Of or relating to the linguistic skills of speaking and writing.【语言学】 有构词能力的:说与写的语言技巧的或与之有关的美国传统〔productive〕Un- is a productive prefix.un-是一个构词力活跃的前缀。英汉大词典〔reduplicate〕To form (a new word) by doubling all or part of a word.重叠构词:用重复一个词的全部或部分的方法构成(新词)美国传统〔regular〕Grammar Conforming to the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation.【语法】 规则变化的:符合词尾变化、衍生词及构词正常规则的美国传统〔theophoric〕The theophoric element “-el” can be recognised in names like Isra-el and Beth-el.“-el”这一字义为“神”的构词成分可以在 Isra英汉大词典




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