

单词 最低的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The company paid the workers the minimum rate of $4.86 an hour, but coerced some to give back half their pay in cash. 该公司支付给工人最低的时薪4.86美元,却胁迫一些工人以现金归还一半工资。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕TV companies need the ability to operate freely, with the minimum of government interference, 电视公司需要有自由经营的权力,政府的干涉应被减少到最低的限度。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕A survey of US households found evidence of malnutrition in those persons with the lowest incomes. 一项针对美国家庭的调查发现,收入最低的人当中有营养不良的情况出现。朗文写作活用〔LEAST〕The infant mortality rate in Vietnam is now the lowest since 1997. 越南现在的婴儿死亡率是1997年以来最低的。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The most junior officers wore a red stripe on their sleeves. 级别最低的军官袖子上有一道红杠。朗文写作活用〔award〕The company is awarding the contract to the lowest bidder.公司要把合同给出价最低的竞标者。韦氏高阶〔badly〕This is the most dangerous professional sport there is, and the worst paid.这是最危险的职业体育运动,但报酬却是最低的。柯林斯高阶〔basement〕The lowest habitable story of a building, usually below ground level.地下室:可居住的最低的建筑物楼层,通常在地平面以下美国传统〔bass〕The lowest part in vocal or instrumental part music.低音部分:音调或乐器的部分音阶中最低的部分美国传统〔bid〕I gave the job to the contractors who made/gave the lowest bid (= who offered to do the work for the lowest amount of money).我将这项工程给了投标出价最低的承包商。剑桥高阶〔bilge〕The lowest inner part of a ship's hull.船身靠内侧最低的部分美国传统〔bottom〕Higgins had started at the bottom (=in a low position in a company) and worked his way up to become managing director.希金斯从最低的职位做起,一步一步升至总经理的位置。朗文当代〔clearance〕The lowest fixed bridge has 12.8m clearance.最低的固定桥下方通行高度为12.8米。柯林斯高阶〔clearance〕The lowest fixed bridge has 12.8m clearance.最低的固定桥净空高度为12.8米。外研社新世纪〔contralto〕The lowest female voice or voice part, intermediate in range between soprano and tenor.女低音:最低的女声或女声部,在音域上处于女高音和男高音之间美国传统〔course〕Nautical The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship.【航海】 大横帆:带有横帆装置的船桅杆的最低的帆美国传统〔downwards〕Everyone from the chairman downwards is taking a pay cut.上至总裁下至职位最低的人都将减薪。朗文当代〔elementary school〕A school usually for the first six or eight grades.初等学校:通常提供最低的六年或八年教育的学校美国传统〔employ at〕Large numbers of unskilled workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay.大量不熟练工人以最低的工资受雇。21世纪英汉〔end〕These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.这两种产品一种是价格最高的,一种是价格最低的。牛津高阶〔estimate〕We got 2 or 3 estimates before having the house repaired, and accepted the lowest.我们在修理房屋前收到了两三个投标,我们接受了最低的要价。英汉大词典〔estimate〕We'll accept the lowest of three estimates for the building work.在对这项建筑工程的3个投标中,我们将采纳报价最低的那个。剑桥高阶〔eutectoid〕A eutectic mixture or alloy.类低共熔合金:熔点最低的混合物或是合金美国传统〔eutectoid〕Of or relating to a eutectic mixture or alloy.类低共熔合金的:熔点最低的混合物或是合金的或是与其相关的美国传统〔graze〕I shall graze the bottom field.我将在最低的一块田里放牧。英汉大词典〔graze〕I'll graze the bottom field.我将在最低的一块田里放牧。文馨英汉〔healthcare〕Healthcare workers are some of the lowest paid people in the country.医疗保健工作者是这个国家收入最低的人群之一。剑桥高阶〔hypogastrium〕The lowest of the three median regions of the abdomen.腹下部:腹部三个中间分隔的最低的一个美国传统〔incidence〕The country had the lowest incidence of AIDS cases proportional to its population.相对于人口而言,该国艾滋病发病率是最低的。牛津搭配〔increase〕The pay rise represented an across-the-board increase of between 9% for the highest paid and 32% for the lowest paid worker.这次工资是全面上调,工资最高的工人上调 9%,工资最低的工人上调 32%。牛津搭配〔ischium〕The lowest of the three major bones that constitute each half of the pelvis.坐骨:构成一侧骨盆的三根主骨中最低的骨美国传统〔junior〕I was the most junior person there.我是那里职位最低的小人物。麦克米伦高阶〔least〕Lowest in importance or rank.最不重要的,地位最低的美国传统〔level〕It was the lowest level of support for the euro in any country.当时是各国对欧元支持率最低的时期。外研社新世纪〔low-paid〕It is one of the lowest-paid jobs.那是薪水最低的一种职业。牛津高阶〔lumbar〕Of, near, or situated in the part of the back and sides between the lowest ribs and the pelvis.腰部的:最低的肋骨与盆骨之间与后背处的部分的,或靠近这部分的,或位于这个部位的美国传统〔minimum〕Of, consisting of, or representing the lowest possible amount or degree permissible or attainable.最低的:包含有或代表能获得的或被允许的最低的可能量的或程度的,或与之有关的美国传统〔mudsill〕The lowest sill, block, or timber supporting a building, located at or below ground level.底基:用来支撑建筑物的最低的基木、砌块或木料,位于地面或低于地面的美国传统〔outrank〕The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship.在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。柯林斯高阶〔outrank〕The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship.在船上, 级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。外研社新世纪〔per capita〕Ethiopia has almost the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world.埃塞俄比亚的人均石油耗费量几乎是全世界最低的。柯林斯高阶〔product〕Try to get the best product at the lowest price.尽量以最低的价格买到最好的产品。外研社新世纪〔product〕Try to get the best product at the lowest price.尽量以最低的价格买到最好的产品。柯林斯高阶〔profit margin〕The company has one of the highest/lowest profit margins in the industry.这家公司是整个行业中利润率最高/最低的公司之一。韦氏高阶〔quotation〕We decided to go with the lowest quotation.我们决定接受最低的报价。剑桥高阶〔ragtag and bobtail〕The lowest social class; the rabble.平民:最低的社会阶层;平民美国传统〔remain〕We remain confident that our company offers the lowest prices available.我们自信我们公司的价格是最低的。麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕The degree of risk is minimal.风险程度是最低的。韦氏高阶〔rung〕He was on the bottom rung on the corporate ladder.他处于公司职阶中最低的一级。韦氏高阶〔seaman recruit〕The lowest noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard.新水兵:在美国海军或海岸警卫队中最低的未授军官衔的军衔级别美国传统〔service〕Our aim is to provide the best service at the lowest price.我们的目标是以最低的价格提供最佳的服务。朗文当代〔sever〕He severed the lowest tree limbs.他砍掉了最低的大树枝。韦氏高阶〔small〕Last year's rise in unemployment was the smallest in the last five years.去年失业人数的上升在过去的5年中是最低的。麦克米伦高阶〔tenderfoot〕Often Tenderfoot A Boy Scout of the lowest rank. 常作 Tenderfoot 级别最低的童子军美国传统〔tender〕Our bid was the lowest tender.我们投标的价格是最低的。朗文当代〔undermost〕Lowest in position, rank, or place; bottom.最下的;最低的:位置、级别或地点最低的;最低的美国传统〔value〕An ace usually has the highest or the lowest value in playing cards. A牌在扑克牌中通常有最高或最低的牌值。英汉大词典〔wastage〕It was a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage.这是一项旨在使损耗减至最低的新生产技术。牛津高阶〔work〕We work really hard and we get the lowest pay.我们工作非常努力, 拿到的报酬却是最低的。外研社新世纪A mortgage is one of the best tax-efficient investments you can have.抵押借款是纳税最低的投资形式之一。牛津商务How do you get the best insurance policy at the best price? 你如何以最低的价格获得最好的保险单?牛津商务I gave the job to the contractors who made/gave the lowest bid (= who offered to do the work for the lowest amount of money).我将这项工作给了投标最低的承包商。剑桥国际I get my hair cut at the cheapest hairdresser's in town.我在城里收费最低的一家理发店剪的头发。剑桥国际Passengers traveling in the steerage paid the lowest fares. 坐下等客舱的旅客付最低的票价。译典通The guy at the bottom of the pecking order takes shit from everybody. 那个地位最低的家伙必须受每个人的气。译典通The share price dived 11.8% to an all-time low of 455¢.股票价格暴跌了 11.8%,达到历史最低的 455 分。牛津商务The work was carried out at minimal cost.这项工作以最低的成本完成。牛津商务We are never undersold (= our prices are the lowest).我们的价格从来都是最低的。牛津商务We got estimates from three firms and accepted the lowest.我们得到三家公司的估价并接受了最低的估价。牛津商务What's the minimum age for retirement? 最低的退休年龄是多少?牛津商务




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