

单词 有规律
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕Good eating habits and regular exercise are the foundation for a healthy life. 良好的饮食习惯和有规律的锻炼是健康生活的基础。朗文写作活用〔DISADVANTAGE〕The main disadvantage of being a nurse is working irregular hours. 当护士的主要不利方面是工作时间没有规律。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The machine emits regular bleeps which indicate the heart rate. 机器发出有规律的哔哔声显示心率。朗文写作活用〔addictive〕I have an eating disorder and an addictive personality.我饮食没有规律,而且性格上容易沉迷某事。柯林斯高阶〔alternate〕Arranged regularly between other parts, as stamens between petals.有规律排列着的:在其它部分间有规律地排列的,如花瓣间的雄蕊美国传统〔alternate〕To cause to follow in turns; interchange regularly.使轮流更替;有规律地替换美国传统〔as〕We all need regular exercise, but a healthy diet is just as important.我们都需要有规律的锻炼,但是健康的饮食也同样重要。麦克米伦高阶〔brush〕She brushed her hair with long, regular strokes.她一下一下有规律地梳着头。剑桥高阶〔chiastolite〕A mineral variety of andalusite with carbonaceous impurities regularly arranged along the longer axis of the crystal.空晶石:红柱石的一种矿物质,沿着晶体的长晶轴上有规律地排列着含碳杂质美国传统〔clockwork〕Matt came round each Friday, regular as clockwork.马特每星期五过来,很有规律。朗文当代〔clockwork〕They return with clockwork regularity.他们非常有规律地返回。韦氏高阶〔clock〕A source of regularly occurring pulses used to measure the passage of time, as in a computer.计时器,时钟脉冲:有规律地显示脉冲的一种仪器,用于测量经过的时间,如用于计算机美国传统〔constitutional〕A walk taken regularly for one's health.保健散步:为了健康而有规律进行的散步美国传统〔contraction〕She was having regular strong contractions every four minutes.她每4分钟有规律地强烈宫缩1次。剑桥高阶〔creature of habit〕My father's such a creature of habit - he always has to have a biscuit and a cup of tea at bedtime.我父亲生活极有规律——睡前总要吃块饼干喝杯茶。剑桥高阶〔diet〕Dogs need a regular, balanced diet.狗需要有规律的均衡饮食。外研社新世纪〔disorder〕A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion.无秩序,杂乱:缺少次序或有规律的安排;混乱美国传统〔exercise〕Horses need to be exercised regularly.马需要有规律的训练。牛津高阶〔frequency〕The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals.频繁性:有规律间歇出现的特性或情况美国传统〔haywire〕When she hasn't a settled routine, she goes haywire.生活没有规律时, 她就会发狂。外研社新世纪〔hour〕He keeps regular hours.他的作息时间很有规律。牛津搭配〔intermit〕The fever intermitted with great regularity.这种热病时停时发,很有规律。英汉大词典〔irregularity〕The irregularity of (= the lack of rules for) English spelling means that it is easy to make mistakes.英语拼写没有规律可循意味着很容易拼错。剑桥高阶〔jog trot〕A regular, humdrum way of living or of doing.例行常规:有规律的,单调平板的生活方式或行为方式美国传统〔journal〕A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary.日志,日记:对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志美国传统〔keep〕Try to keep to a regular timetable of waking and sleeping.要尽量遵循有规律的作息时间。麦克米伦高阶〔lend〕A more relaxed regime and regular work lends the inmates a dignity not seen in other prisons.由于较宽松的管理制度和有规律的劳动, 这里的囚犯获得了一份其他监狱的囚犯所没有的尊严。外研社新世纪〔leptin〕A neurotransmitter produced by fat cells and involved in the regulation of appetite.致轻素:由脂肪细胞产生的神经传递素,可使饮食有规律美国传统〔methodical〕Arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order.井然的,有条理的:以有规律的,有系统的秩序排列或进行的美国传统〔metronome〕A device used to mark time by means of regularly recurring ticks or flashes at adjustable intervals.节拍器:一种利用间隙可调的有规律地重复出现的拍打或闪光来标记时间的仪器美国传统〔munch〕To chew food audibly or with a steady working of the jaws.出声咀嚼或用力咀嚼:发出声地咀嚼食物或者是颔骨有规律的运动地咀嚼美国传统〔net〕An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals.网:用线或绳按有规律的空隙编织或连结而成的透孔织物结构美国传统〔proactively〕Regular exercise is one way to fight heart disease proactively.有规律的锻炼是有效防治心脏病的一种方法。韦氏高阶〔pulsate〕The emergency room pulsated with activity.急诊室里紧张而有规律。美国传统〔pulse〕A regular or rhythmical beating.律动:有规律或有节奏的搏动美国传统〔pulse〕The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck.脉搏:尤在腕部和颈部可感觉到的由心脏有规律的收缩造成的动脉有节奏的跳动美国传统〔pumice〕Pumice away callouses in the bath and massage feet regularly.沐浴时用浮石去除足部老茧, 再有规律地按摩。外研社新世纪〔punctuate〕The steady click of her needles punctuated the silence.她那编织针有规律的嗒嗒声不时打破寂静。英汉大词典〔pursuit〕An activity, such as a vocation or hobby, engaged in regularly.有规律地从事职业或爱好等活动美国传统〔ragtime〕A style of jazz characterized by elaborately syncopated rhythm in the melody and a steadily accented accompaniment.拉格泰姆节奏:爵士乐的一种风格,特点是旋律中强切分音和伴奏中有规律的重音美国传统〔regimen〕The doctors recommend that he continue his exercise regimen.医生们建议他继续进行有规律的锻炼。麦克米伦高阶〔regularly〕The best advice is to eat regularly and get plenty of sleep.最好的建议是饮食有规律,睡眠充分。剑桥高阶〔regularly〕We meet regularly to discuss progress on the project.我们有规律地定期见面讨论项目进展。剑桥高阶〔regular〕A light flashed at regular intervals.一盏灯有规律地闪着亮光。牛津高阶〔regular〕Most days she follows a regular routine/schedule.多数时候,她的日常生活/活动安排都有规律。韦氏高阶〔regular〕Regular exercise is essential for good health.有规律的锻炼对健康至关重要。麦克米伦高阶〔revolving〕Available at regular intervals.周期的:可在有规律的间隔中获得的美国传统〔rhythm〕A regular pattern formed by a series of notes of differing duration and stress.格律,韵律:由一系列不同持续时间及重音的音调形成的有规律的形式美国传统〔rhythm〕She soon settled into a regular rhythm.她很快习惯了一种有规律的节奏。牛津搭配〔rhythm〕The movie follows the rhythms of a year on the farm.这部电影捕捉了农场中一年四季里有规律的变化。牛津搭配〔rhythm〕The patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech.有规律的变动:声音或演讲的对比元素有格式的,重现的改变美国传统〔rhythm〕These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、演说或韵文中,它们有所区别。美国传统〔send sth out〕The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.这个设备发出有规律的高音信号。剑桥高阶〔series〕A succession of regularly aired television programs, each one of which is complete in and of itself.电视系列节目:有规律地播送的连续的电视节目,其中每一个节目都是完整和独立的美国传统〔settled〕Cats are creatures of habit — they seem to appreciate a settled routine.猫是一种有固定习性的动物,它们似乎喜欢过一种有规律的生活。柯林斯高阶〔set〕Small children like a set routine.小孩子喜欢有规律的生活。朗文当代〔skyway〕A route regularly used by airplanes; an air lane.航空线:被飞机有规律地使用的路线;航空线美国传统〔speak well for〕Your mode of life speaks well for your healthy condition.你的有规律的生活说明你的健康状况良好。21世纪英汉〔speckle〕They lived an orderly life occasionally speckled with happiness.他们过着一种有规律的生活,偶尔也有一些欢乐时刻。英汉大词典〔thud〕I heard the regular thud thud thud of running shoes behind me.我听到身后有跑鞋发出有规律的嗒嗒声。外研社新世纪〔time〕To beat time is to make a regular series of sounds at the same speed as a piece of music is played.打拍子就是跟着音乐的节奏制造出一系列有规律的声响。剑桥高阶〔undulation〕A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves.波动,起伏:有规律地升起和降落或轮换侧面的运动;波状运动美国传统〔unruffled〕Regular and smooth, as the surface of water.平静:有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面美国传统〔usual〕These adjectives apply to what is expected or familiar because it occurs frequently or recurs regularly.这些形容词是指其事是可预见的或熟悉的,因为它是经常发生的或有规律地发生的。美国传统He is as regular as clockwork in his habits. 他的生活习惯非常有规律。译典通Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market.有规律的小数额投资是缓和股票市场高峰和低谷的好方法。剑桥国际It is a vegetation zone intermediate between desert and savannah conditions, where rainfall is irregular and unpredictable.该区域是处于沙漠和热带草原之间的植被地带,降雨没有规律, 也无法预测。剑桥国际She has a well-regulated lifestyle.她的生活方式很有规律。剑桥国际The comet is in an elliptical orbit which brings it close to the earth at regular intervals 彗星沿椭圆轨道运转,这使它有规律地靠近地球。剑桥国际The distribution (= spread) of cancer cases across the country is not at all even.癌症在全国分布得一点没有规律。剑桥国际The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.这个装置发出有规律的高音信号。剑桥国际They could hear the regular beat of the drum (= sound of the drum being hit).他们能够听到有规律的敲鼓声。剑桥国际They felt that all the regularities in nature have a purpose. 他们感到自然界一切有规律的事物均有目的性。译典通We keep regular hours (= wake up and go to sleep at a similar time every day).我们起居有规律。剑桥国际You should try to work at an even rate instead of taking it easy one day and working flat out the next.你应该有规律地工作,而不是某一天慢慢悠悠,而第二天又干得精疲力竭。剑桥国际




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