

单词 有声音
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MENTALLY ILL〕Hearing voices inside your head is a common symptom of insanity. 听见脑子里有声音是精神失常的一种常见症状。朗文写作活用〔SLIDE〕The rattlesnake can see in the dark and makes no noise as it glides along. 响尾蛇在黑暗中也能看见,而且移动的时候没有声音。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Something's wrong with the TV - you can see the pictures, but there's no sound. 电视机有问题—看得到图像,但是没有声音。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕There was a noise outside, and Bill reached for his flashlight. 外面有声音,比尔伸手去拿手电筒。朗文写作活用〔animation〕Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations, and simple animations.光盘电子百科全书里有声音、插图和简单的动画。剑桥高阶〔belch〕To expel (gas) noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp.打嗝:从胃里通过嘴有声音地排出(气体);打(嗝)美国传统〔belch〕To expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp.打嗝:从胃部通过嘴有声音地排出气体;打嗝美国传统〔cant〕He paused and canted his head as if he heard some sound close behind him.他停下来突然侧过头去, 就好像听到背后有声音似的。外研社新世纪〔dead air〕An unintended interruption in a broadcast during which there is no sound.停播期间:在广播中非故意的中断,这时没有声音发出美国传统〔dead〕I picked up the phone but discovered the line was dead .我拿起电话筒,却发现没有声音。朗文当代〔either〕There was no sound from either of the flats.两个公寓里都没有声音。外研社新世纪〔end〕There was silence at the other end of the line.电话那头没有声音。外研社新世纪〔end〕There was silence at the other end of the line.电话那头没有声音。柯林斯高阶〔fancy〕She fancied she heard a noise downstairs.她觉得自己好像听到楼下有声音。朗文当代〔fart〕A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.屁:从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体美国传统〔infrasound〕A wave phenomenon sharing the physical nature of sound but with a range of frequencies below that of human hearing.次声:一种波现象,它有声音的物理特性和频率又在人耳的听力范围之内美国传统〔jump〕She woke with a jump, hearing a noise downstairs.她听到楼下有声音,一下子醒了。朗文当代〔like〕There was silence, but not like before.没有声音,但与以前不一样。牛津高阶〔make out〕I heard the voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying.我听到有声音,却听不清他们在说些什么。柯林斯高阶〔noise〕There were noises coming from the basement.地下室有声音传出。韦氏高阶〔out〕I heard a noise in the bushes and out jumped a cat! 我听到树丛中有声音,接着跳出来一只猫!韦氏高阶〔penetrate〕Few sounds penetrate the thick walls.很少有声音能够穿透那些厚厚的墙壁。麦克米伦高阶〔recording〕Something on which sound or visual images have been recorded.录制品,唱片:上面记录有声音或视觉图像的东西美国传统〔record〕Something, such as magnetic tape, on which sound or visual images have been recorded.录制品:上面记录有声音或视觉图像的东西,如磁带美国传统〔rev〕The engine is almost silent at low revs.发动机在低转速时几乎没有声音。牛津搭配〔round〕I heard a voice behind me and looked round.我听到身后有声音,就回头看了看。麦克米伦高阶〔silence〕The absence of sound; stillness.寂静:没有声音;寂静美国传统〔tail off〕All voices tailed off when the teacher entered the classroom.老师进屋时,所有声音都渐渐小了下来。21世纪英汉〔tape recording〕A magnetic tape on which sound or visual images have been recorded.录音带,录像带:一种上面录有声音或图像的磁带美国传统〔videodisk〕A recording on disk of sounds and images, as of a movie, that can be played back on a television receiver.电视唱片:象电影一样带有声音和图像的录像盘,能够在电视接收器上反复播放美国传统〔vocal〕Having a voice; capable of emitting sound or speech.有声音的:有声音的;能发出声音或语言的美国传统〔voiceful〕Having a voice, especially a loud voice; resounding.有声的,高声的:具有声音,尤指高声;洪亮的美国传统〔voiceless〕Having no voice; mute.无声的:没有声音的;沉默的美国传统〔while〕It was a little while before I heard any sound from inside.过了一会儿我才听到有声音从里面传出。英汉大词典〔wind〕Moving air carrying sound, an odor, or a scent.带有声音、气味或香味的风美国传统Suddenly, we heard a noise in the bushes beside us.突然,我们听到身边的灌木丛里有声音。剑桥国际The computerized map has a voice read-out, so it'll say “Turn left in 200 yards.” 计算机化地图有声音读出功能,因此它会说“200码后左转”。剑桥国际The phone's gone dead.电话没有声音了。牛津商务There was no sound.没有声音。剑桥国际There's no sound coming out of the right-hand speaker.右边的扬声器没有声音。剑桥国际We heard a noise on the other side of the door.我们听到门的另一边有声音。剑桥国际




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