

单词 有图案
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bandanna〕A large handkerchief usually figured and brightly colored.印度班丹纳花绸巾:通常画有图案和鲜艳色彩的大手帕美国传统〔inwrought〕Having a decorative pattern worked or woven in.织有图案的,镶有图案的:带有织入或镶入的装饰性图案的美国传统〔irreducible〕A few simple shapes are the irreducible forms from which all of the patterns are generated.一些简单的形状不可简化,所有图案都是由这些形状构成的。剑桥高阶〔jacquard〕A special loom or the method employed in the weaving of a figured fabric.提花机,提花织术:在编织带有图案的织物时使用特殊织布机或织布方法美国传统〔lining〕The jacket had a patterned lining.这件夹克衬有一层有图案的衬里美国传统〔medal〕A flat piece of metal stamped with a design or an inscription commemorating an event or a person, often given as an award.奖章:上刻有图案或文字,用以纪念一事件或者一个人的一扁平金属片,通常作为一种奖品美国传统〔multitude〕Patterned carpet can hide a multitude of sins (=the carpet is dirty, but the pattern hides it) .有图案的地毯不易脏。朗文当代〔offend against sth〕Would it be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt? 你觉得打一条有图案的领带来配我的条纹衬衫是否有些不伦不类?剑桥高阶〔picture disc〕A phonograph record that has a picture displayed on the vinyl of one or both sides.彩碟,彩色唱片:在单面或双面聚乙烯胶上印有图案的唱片美国传统〔plain〕We've chosen a plain carpet (= one without a pattern) and patterned curtains.我们挑了一块没有图案的地毯和带图案的窗帘。剑桥高阶〔template〕A pattern or gauge, such as a thin metal plate with a cut pattern, used as a guide in making something accurately, as in woodworking.样板:一个样板或标准规格,如在木工中用作在制造某物时的样板的一个刻有图案的薄金属板美国传统〔wallpaper〕Paper often colored and printed with designs and pasted to a wall as a decorative covering.墙纸:常带颜色印有图案的纸,粘到墙上以作为一装饰面美国传统The room had a plain carpet (= one without a pattern) and patterned curtains.房间里有一块无图案的地毯和有图案的窗帘。剑桥国际There was a central design on the plate, and a pattern around the edge.盘子中央有个花样,边上有图案。剑桥国际




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