

单词 楼里
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apartment〕apartments Chiefly British A suite of rooms within a larger building set aside for a particular purpose or person. apartments 【多用于英国】 特殊房间:大楼里留作特殊用途或给特殊人留的房间美国传统〔armchair〕armchair warriors in the Pentagon; an armchair traveler. 五角大楼里纸上谈兵的武装;足不出户的神游旅行者美国传统〔breathless〕breathless air in the attic 阁楼里令人窒息的空气英汉大词典〔file〕to file out of a building依次从大楼里走出21世纪英汉〔install in〕to install a heating system in the building在大楼里安装暖气设备21世纪英汉〔junk〕broken furniture and other junk in the attic. 阁楼里的破旧家具和其它废旧杂物美国传统〔moulder〕old papers mouldering away in the attic 阁楼里慢慢霉烂的旧报纸朗文当代〔observatory〕the small octagonal observatory in the tower塔楼里的小型八角形观察台外研社新世纪〔operate〕a design company operating from offices in Seattle 在西雅图的办公楼里营业的一家设计公司朗文当代〔spatial〕the claustrophobic spatial dividers found in business offices. 写字楼里那些容易导致幽闭恐惧症的隔断柯林斯高阶〔zoom in〕a tracking system which can follow a burglar round a building and zoom in on his face. 可对入户窃贼在整栋楼里进行跟踪并将其面部图像放大的追踪系统柯林斯高阶




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