

单词 是否属实
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INSTINCT〕Women are supposed to be more intuitive than men, but I don't know if that's true. 据说女性的直觉优于男性,但我不知道这是否属实。朗文写作活用〔affirmation〕When asked if the statement was true, he nodded his head in affirmation.当被问及这一说法是否属实时,他点头表示确认。韦氏高阶〔appoint〕A commission has just been appointed to investigate fraud claims.刚委派了一个委员会去调查诈骗的说法是否属实。剑桥高阶〔at liberty〕I am not at liberty to say if the rumor is true.这个传言是否属实,我不好说。韦氏高阶〔jury〕The jury is out on whether or not this is true.对于这件事情是否属实还没有定论。外研社新世纪〔jury〕The jury is out on whether or not this is true.这是否属实仍未得出定论。柯林斯高阶〔outright〕Why don't you ask him outright if it's true? 你为什么不直截了当地问他那是否属实?牛津高阶〔point〕The point is not who said the words, but whether they are true or not.问题不在于谁说了这些话,而在于这些话是否属实。英汉大词典〔probity〕I'm not here to challenge the probity of what he said.我来这儿不是为了质疑他所言是否属实。外研社新世纪〔sure〕He said that he wasn't completely sure of his facts.他说他还不能完全肯定自己掌握的情况是否属实。剑桥高阶〔verify〕I'll leave you to verify whether these claims are true.我让你来查核这些说法是否属实。牛津高阶〔verity〕He tried to determine the verity of her story.他试图确定她说的情况是否属实。英汉大词典Some doubt has been expressed about whether their testimony was really true.对于他们的证词是否属实,有些人表示怀疑。剑桥国际




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