

单词 是什么
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔God〕what in God's name到底是什么外研社新世纪〔big deal〕made a big deal out of getting there on time; losing one penny was no big deal. 如果不能按时到达事情就大了;丢一便士不是什么大事美国传统〔glimpse〕a glimpse of what life might be like in the future 未来生活可能是什么样子的一次短暂体验朗文当代〔here〕where we have come from, where we are going to, or what our purpose here is, if any. 我们从哪里来,到哪里去,或者倘若我们活在人世间有何目的的话,这个目的是什么柯林斯高阶〔identify〕to identify an illness.查出是什么疾病。牛津同义词〔know〕to know what something is.懂得某事物是什么。牛津同义词〔mean〕what does the word serendipity mean? 单词serendipity 是什么意思? 美国传统〔sniff〕sniffed at the jar to see what it held. 嗅一嗅罐子看里面装的是什么美国传统〔squeeze〕squeeze a packet to find what is inside 用力捏小包想摸出里面是什么东西英汉大词典〔underneath〕if we could maybe pull back a bit of this carpet to see what's underneath. 我们能否把这块地毯往后拉一拉,看底下是什么东西柯林斯高阶〔unidentifiable〕unidentifiable howling noises听不出来是什么声音的啸鸣声外研社新世纪〔whatsoever〕no power whatsoever. 不管是什么力量美国传统〔whose〕a word whose meaning (= the meaning of which) escapes me 一个我想不起是什么意思的词英汉大词典




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