

单词 检索
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET〕If you want to retrieve a file from the computer, press FIND and then enter the name of the file you want. 如果你要在电脑里检索文件,按“查找”,然后输入要找的文件名称。朗文写作活用〔GET〕The information is stored on disc for easy retrieval. 资料储存在磁盘里以便于检索。朗文写作活用〔IR〕Information retrieval.情报检索美国传统〔archive〕This software helps firms archive and retrieve emails.这种软件有助于公司更便捷地储存和检索电子邮件。剑桥高阶〔bend〕The corners of the card bend inwards to form tabs.卡片的角向内弯,形成检索凸舌。麦克米伦高阶〔disk〕The information required can then be retrieved from disk.然后需要的信息就可以从磁盘中检索出来。牛津搭配〔ease〕I was impressed by the ease with which the information could be retrieved.我对可以轻松检索资料印象深刻。朗文当代〔google〕I tried googling but couldn't find anything relevant.我试过用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息。牛津高阶〔hypertext〕A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text.超文本:一种计算机文本检索系统,此系统能令使用者存取或获得某一特定文本的相关信息美国传统〔information retrieval〕The process of searching for and recovering specific data from large quantities of information stored in a computer.资料恢复,信息检索:从电脑中存储的大量信息中找到并恢复某些数据的过程美国传统〔information science〕The science that is concerned with the gathering, manipulation, classification, storage, and retrieval of recorded knowledge.信息科学:一门科学,它关注记录的知识的收集、控制、分类、存储和检索美国传统〔live〕Their new information retrieval system went live last month.他们新的信息检索系统上个月投入使用。朗文当代〔relevance〕Computer Science The capability of an information retrieval system to select and retrieve data appropriate to a user's needs.【计算机科学】 资料检索能力:信息检索系统选择和检索适合使用者需要的信息的能力美国传统〔retrievable〕The data should be retrievable.这个数据应该是可检索的。韦氏高阶〔retrieval〕Computer Science The process of accessing information from memory or other storage devices.【计算机科学】 检索:从内存或其它存储设备中获取信息的过程美国传统〔retrieval〕The system allows quick storage and retrieval of data.这个系统支持数据的快速存储和检索。韦氏高阶〔retrieve〕As the child gets older, so his or her strategies for storing and retrieving information improve.随着孩子们长大,他们储存和检索信息的能力也会提高。柯林斯高阶〔retrieve〕Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.计算机用于快速高效地存储和检索信息。剑桥高阶〔retrieve〕Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.计算机可以立即检索到数百万条信息。柯林斯高阶〔retrieve〕He was able to retrieve the document.他能够检索到那个文件。韦氏高阶〔retrieve〕The files were retrieved from the computer.这些文件是从电脑里检索到的。韦氏高阶〔retrieve〕The new version of the software automatically retrieves digital information.新版软件会自动检索数字信息。朗文当代〔retrieve〕They often retrieved some data from a disk.他们常常从存储磁盘中检索一些信息。21世纪英汉〔retrieve〕To retrieve some data, one has to consult a computer.为检索一些数据,必须求助于计算机。英汉大词典〔retrieve〕You can quickly retrieve data/information.你可以快速检索数据/信息。韦氏高阶〔role indicator〕In information retrieval, a code that is assigned to a key word to indicate the part of speech or function of the word in the text where it occurs.作用指示符:信息检索时,指定给某一关键词以表示文本中单词的词性或功能的编码美国传统〔search〕I performed a search for the file.我检索查找了那个文件。韦氏高阶〔search〕The software allows you to search thousands of sites at the same time.这款软件可让你同时检索成千上万个网站。韦氏高阶〔storage〕Computer Science The part of a computer that stores information for subsequent use or retrieval.【计算机科学】 存储器,储存空间:计算机中储存信息的部件,以便随后使用或检索美国传统Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.计算机被用来有效地存储和检索信息。剑桥国际Dr. Li is a specialist in information retrieval. 李博士是位信息检索专家。译典通Information coming from the camera is converted to digital format and stored on disc for later retrieval.来自摄影机的信息被转换成数字格式,存在磁盘上,以备以后的检索。剑桥国际Using the search facility saves you having to scroll through a document to find what you are looking for.使用检索功能免得你从头到尾把文件展开搜寻一遍。剑桥国际We've got a computer program which will concordance newspaper texts.我们有一个可以检索报纸文本的计算机程序。剑桥国际




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