

单词 未开垦的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backwoods〕Heavily wooded, uncultivated, thinly settled areas.偏远蛮荒林区:森林茂密的、未开垦的人烟稀少的地区美国传统〔bush〕Land covered with dense vegetation or undergrowth.未开垦的丛林地:被浓密生长的草林或下层丛林覆盖的土地美国传统〔fencerow〕The uncultivated land on each side of a fence.栅栏两边未开垦的土地美国传统〔heath〕An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor.荒地:一大片未开垦的覆盖有草本植物和低矮灌木丛的开阔地;荒野美国传统〔natural〕Being in a state regarded as primitive, uncivilized, or unregenerate.未开垦的,未开化的:处于原始的、未经文明的或未再生的一种状态的美国传统〔ploughing〕They ploughed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland.他们犁了将近10万英亩未开垦的高沼地。柯林斯高阶〔untamed〕The far end of the garden was an untamed wilderness.公园最那端是一片尚未开垦的荒地。外研社新世纪〔waste〕A place, region, or land that is uninhabited or uncultivated; a desert or wilderness.荒芜之地:无人居住或未开垦的地方、地区或土地;沙漠或荒地美国传统〔wildflower〕A flowering plant that grows in a natural, uncultivated state.野花:在天然的未开垦的状态下生长的开花植物美国传统There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions. 在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的处女地。译典通




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