

单词 曼陀林
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔balalaika〕A Russian instrument with a triangular body and three strings that produces sounds similar to those of a mandolin.巴拉莱卡琴:一种三角形俄国乐器,有三根弦,发出类似于曼陀林琴的声音美国传统〔bouzouki〕A Greek stringed instrument resembling a mandolin.布祖基琴:一种类似于曼陀林的希腊弦乐器美国传统〔charango〕A ten-stringed mandolin of Andean regions with a sound box traditionally fashioned from the shell of an armadillo or tortoise, now also made of wood.夏朗哥:安第斯山脉地区的十弦曼陀林,其音箱部分,传统上取材自犰狳壳或乌龟壳,但今日也有木制的美国传统〔finger〕She delicately fingered the strings of a mandolin.她灵巧地弹拨着曼陀林的琴弦。外研社新世纪〔mandolin〕An instrument with a usually pear-shaped body and a fretted neck over which several pairs of strings are stretched.曼陀林琴:一种乐器,常是梨形琴身,在有格纹的琴颈上装有几组供挑拨的琴弦美国传统〔mandolin〕He had his sister playing the mandolin as accompaniment.他让他妹妹奏曼陀林作伴奏。英汉大词典〔plunk〕She plunked the strings of the mandolin.她拨动了曼陀林的弦。外研社新世纪〔tamburitza〕A Serbo-Croatian stringed instrument similar to a mandolin in shape and sound.坦姆布里扎琴:形状和音质上都类似曼陀林的一种塞尔维亚-克罗地亚弦乐器美国传统She plays the man-dolin in a folk band.她在民间乐团里演奏曼陀林。剑桥国际




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