

单词 歪歪斜斜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔askew〕There were no shutters at the windows, and some of the doors hung askew.窗户上没有百叶窗, 有几扇门也歪歪斜斜的。外研社新世纪〔careen〕The car careened around the corner.汽车歪歪斜斜疾驶拐过街角。英汉大词典〔careen〕The driver lost control of his car when the brakes failed, and it went careening down the hill.刹车失灵,司机控制不住车,车就歪歪斜斜地冲下山去。剑桥高阶〔cramped〕Her words were cramped and her lines very close together.她的字写得密密麻麻又歪歪斜斜,一行行都挤在一起。英汉大词典〔drunken〕The ring, which was of metal, rolled in a drunken arc.金属环歪歪斜斜地呈弧形滚动。英汉大词典〔foot〕She put her foot down on the accelerator and the car lurched forward.她踩了一脚油门,车歪歪斜斜地往前开去。牛津搭配〔limp〕Matt limped painfully off the field.马特忍着痛歪歪斜斜地走出了运动场。牛津高阶〔oiled〕They were both so oiled they could hardly walk straight.他们俩喝得烂醉,以致走路都歪歪斜斜了。英汉大词典〔seam〕You must sew more evenly,your seam is all bumpy.你一定要缝得更平直些,你的线缝都是歪歪斜斜的。英汉大词典〔slant〕Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window.破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。柯林斯高阶〔slouch〕Sit up straight. Don't slouch.挺起胸坐直,别歪歪斜斜的。牛津高阶〔straight〕Sit up straight and don't slouch.坐直了,别歪歪斜斜的。韦氏高阶〔straight〕Sit up straight, don't slouch.坐直了,别歪歪斜斜的。朗文当代In her study, books were arranged erratically on chairs, tables and shelves.她的书房里,书歪歪斜斜地摆放在椅子上、桌子上和架子上。剑桥国际The driver lost control of his car when the brakes failed, and it went careening down the hill.刹车失灵,司机失去了对车的控制,车开始歪歪斜斜地冲下山去。剑桥国际Winds tortured the trees. 风把树吹得歪歪斜斜。译典通




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