

单词 武装部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Measures will be taken to help modernize the country's armed forces. 将要采取措施帮助该国的武装部队实现现代化。朗文写作活用〔BFPO〕BFPO is used as part of an address for letters sent to members of the British armed forces living in other countries.在寄给驻外英国武装部队人员的信上,英国军事邮局用作地址的一部分。剑桥高阶〔HMF〕Her, or His, Majesty's Forces.英国武装部队美国传统〔INTRODUCE〕Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team. 鲍威尔在序言中写道,所有武装部队必须要作为一个团队协同行动。朗文写作活用〔KIA〕A member of the armed services who is reported killed during a combat mission.阵亡:据报道在执行战斗任务时死去的武装部队成员美国传统〔MIA〕A member of the armed services who is reported missing following a combat mission and whose status as to injury, capture, or death is unknown.战斗中失踪的人:战斗任务结束后武装部队中被报告失踪的人,其伤亡被俘情况不清美国传统〔Marine Corps〕A branch of the U.S. armed forces composed chiefly of amphibious troops under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy.海军陆战队:美军武装部队的一支,主要由两栖部队组成,由海军部长统辖美国传统〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The chief of the armed forces intended to take power by staging a coup d'état. 这位武装部队的首脑意欲发动政变夺取政权。朗文写作活用〔USAFI〕United States Armed Forces Institute.美国武装部队业余进修学院美国传统〔absorb〕It took a long time for the armed forces to absorb new equipment.武装部队花了很长时间去掌握新装备。英汉大词典〔aegis〕The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces.这项太空计划将以武装部队作后盾继续进行。柯林斯高阶〔air force〕The aviation branch of a country's armed forces, such as the U.S. Air Force.空军:一个国家武装部队的航空分支,如美国空军美国传统〔armed forces〕Will the new defense policy weaken the armed forces? 新的国防政策会削减武装部队吗?韦氏高阶〔assurance〕He will have been pleased by Marshal Yazov's assurance of the armed forces' loyalty.当亚佐夫元帅向他保证武装部队的忠诚时,他会感到心满意足的。柯林斯高阶〔atomic veteran〕A former member of the armed forces who was exposed to radioactivity during the testing or use of atom bombs in or after World War II.原子部队:二战中或二战之后,在原子弹的试验或应用过程中暴露于原子射线的武装部队的组成人员美国传统〔base〕A supply center for a large force of military personnel.基地:大量军事人员武装部队的供应中心美国传统〔basic training〕The initial period of training of a recruit in the armed forces.基本训练:在武装部队中新兵训练的最初阶段美国传统〔cohesion〕By 1990, it was clear that the cohesion of the armed forces was rapidly breaking down.显然, 到1990年时, 武装部队的凝聚力正迅速瓦解。外研社新世纪〔cohesion〕By 1990, it was clear that the cohesion of the armed forces was rapidly breaking down.显然,到1990年时,武装部队的凝聚力正迅速瓦解。柯林斯高阶〔commander in chief〕The officer commanding a major armed force.指挥主要武装部队的官员美国传统〔commander-in-chief〕He was to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.他将担任武装部队的最高统帅。柯林斯高阶〔command〕The king commands the armed forces.国王统率武装部队。英汉大词典〔commission〕Abbr. Com.,com.,comm.An official document issued by a government, conferring on the recipient the rank of a commissioned officer in the armed forces.缩写 Com.,com.,comm.委任状:由政府发布的官方文件,在武装部队内对领受者授予在编官员的军衔美国传统〔counteroffensive〕A large-scale counterattack by an armed force, intended to stop an enemy offensive.反攻:由武装部队进行的大规模反击,意在阻止敌人进攻美国传统〔democratically〕He called for widespread changes to make the armed forces more democratic and less expensive.他呼吁进行广泛的改革,使武装部队作风更加民主,开支更加俭省。柯林斯高阶〔dispatch〕An important message sent by a diplomat or an officer in the armed forces.重要消息:由外交人员或武装部队军官所发送的重要消息美国传统〔ditty bag〕A bag used by armed forces personnel to carry small items such as sewing implements.随带的日用杂品袋;针线包:武装部队人员用于携带日用杂品,如针线的袋子美国传统〔do sb proud〕Once again, the armed forces have done us proud.武装部队又一次为我们争了光。剑桥高阶〔effective〕He assumed effective command of the armed forces.他实际担任起了武装部队的指挥。外研社新世纪〔enlist〕To engage (persons or a person) for service in the armed forces.征募:使(人们或人)在武装部队里服役美国传统〔ferocity〕The armed forces seem to have been taken by surprise by the ferocity of the attack.进攻非常猛烈,武装部队似乎被打了个措手不及。柯林斯高阶〔festive〕The government's armed forces have halved their strength for the festive break.由于节日休假,政府武装部队人数减半。柯林斯高阶〔garble〕The armed forces must improve its communications to avoid garbling vital transmissions.武装部队必须改进通讯设备以避免重要信息传递不清楚。麦克米伦高阶〔generalissimo〕The commander in chief of all the armed forces in certain countries.大元帅:某一国内所有武装部队的最高统帅美国传统〔guarantor〕The armed forces see themselves as the guarantors of free elections in the country.武装部队把自己视作这个国家自由选举的保障。剑桥高阶〔guard against〕The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation.武装部队保持高度戒备,以防发生任何报复行动。柯林斯高阶〔guard against〕The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation.武装部队处于高度戒备状态, 以防发生任何报复活动。外研社新世纪〔gunner〕A member of the armed forces who operates a gun.炮手:武装部队中操纵大炮的人美国传统〔judge advocate general〕Abbr. J.A.G.,JAGThe chief legal officer of a branch of the U.S. armed forces.缩写 J.A.G.,JAG军法署署长:美国武装部队中一个部门的最高法律官员美国传统〔liaison〕An instance or a means of communication between different groups or units of an organization, especially in the armed forces.联络:一个组织中的不同小组或单位之间相互联系的手段或方法,尤指在武装部队中美国传统〔lifer〕One who makes a career in one of the armed forces.职业军人:在武装部队中谋职的人美国传统〔line officer〕A commissioned officer in the armed forces who is assigned to the line for duty.军官,指挥军官:武装部队中受任命军官,被派到战斗部队执行任务美国传统〔multiservice〕Involving, relating to, or composed of members of various branches of the armed forces.涉及到或与武装部队的各个分支有关的、或者由其组成的美国传统〔obedience〕They command the respect and obedience of the armed forces.他们要求武装部队尊重上级, 服从指挥。外研社新世纪〔obedience〕They command the respect and obedience of the armed forces.他们要求武装部队尊重上级,服从指挥。柯林斯高阶〔offensively〕The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。柯林斯高阶〔offensive〕The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.武装部队已发动攻势, 准备收复失地。外研社新世纪〔order of battle〕The identification, command structure, strength, and disposition of personnel, equipment, and units of an armed force.战斗序列:一个武装部队的标识、指挥系统、实力、人员、装备及部门的配置美国传统〔periphery〕Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed forces.许多妇女感到她们在武装部队中被边缘化了。剑桥高阶〔pitching〕Tension has reached such a pitch that the armed forces say soldiers may have to use their weapons to defend themselves against local people.紧张关系已达白热化程度,武装部队说士兵有可能不得不使用武器保护自己不受当地民众的伤害。柯林斯高阶〔point up〕What this points up is the increasing discontent of the armed forces.这件事凸显了武装部队中日益不满的情绪。外研社新世纪〔power〕Archaic An armed force.【古语】 武装部队美国传统〔principle〕It was against their principles to join the armed forces.参加武装部队有违他们的准则。麦克米伦高阶〔ranger〕A member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region.巡逻队队员:被雇佣来在某特定区域巡逻的武装部队的成员美国传统〔repulse〕The armed forces were prepared to repulse any attacks.武装部队已作好击退任何进攻的准备。外研社新世纪〔repulse〕The armed forces were prepared to repulse any attacks.武装部队已作好击退任何进攻的准备。柯林斯高阶〔reside in〕The military is based on the principle that the ultimate authority resides in the armed forces.军队建立的基本原则就是最高权力属于武装部队。外研社新世纪〔reside〕The military is based on the principle that the ultimate authority resides in the armed forces.军队建立的基本原则就是最高权力属于武装部队。柯林斯高阶〔revolt〕Soon the entire armed forces were in open revolt.很快,整个武装部队开始公然抗命。柯林斯高阶〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。外研社新世纪〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。柯林斯高阶〔search〕Armed troops searched the hospital yesterday.武装部队昨天搜查了该医院。柯林斯高阶〔service〕The armed forces of a nation.军队:国家的武装部队美国传统〔sit〕The armed forces sat down at the approaches to the city.武装部队占据了通往城市的条条要道。英汉大词典〔stand down〕The country has stood down nearly 10,000 of its forces.该国下令让人数接近10,000人的武装部队解除了戒备状态。外研社新世纪〔sweeping〕The armed forces would be given sweeping new powers.武装部队将被授予一些新的涉及多方面的权力。外研社新世纪〔sweeping〕The armed forces would be given sweeping new powers.武装部队将被授予一些新的重要权力。柯林斯高阶〔table money〕An allowance given especially to senior officers in the armed services for the official entertaining of visitors.招待津贴:尤指发放给武装部队的高级军官的一种津贴,用来招待正式来访者美国传统〔thrust〕An attack or assault, especially by an armed force.武装攻击:尤指武装部队所执行的进攻或袭击美国传统〔withdraw〕Forces will be progressively withdrawn.武装部队会逐步撤离。牛津搭配Allende's government in Chile was overthrown by the armed forces in 1973.智利的阿连德政府1973年被武装部队推翻。剑桥国际Armed troops in khaki marched across the square.着卡其布的武装部队以行经的步伐穿过广场。剑桥国际Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed forces.许多妇女感到她们被置于武装部队的外围。剑桥国际Officers also have batmen in the armed forces of other Commonwealth nations.在其他英联邦国家的武装部队军官也有勤务兵。剑桥国际President Truman desegregated the American armed forces in 1948.杜鲁门总统于1948年废除美武装部队中的种族隔离。剑桥国际That countiy is said to be the world's most heavily militarized country, with over 1 million men in the armed forces.据说,那个国家是世界上最大的军事化国家,有一百多万人在武装部队里。剑桥国际The armed forces are now giving positive encouragement to applications from Asians and black people.武装部队现在对亚洲人和黑人的请求给予明确的支持。剑桥国际The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness. 该项命令敦促武装部队提高警惕。译典通




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