

单词 武士
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arthurian〕Of or relating to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的:亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的有关亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的美国传统〔Bushido〕The traditional code of the Japanese samurai, stressing honor, self-discipline, bravery, and simple living.武士道:一种日本武士阶级的传统习俗准则,强调忠诚、自制、勇敢和简朴的生活美国传统〔Simonides of Ceos〕Greek lyric poet who is known especially for his elegies in honor of the slain warriors at Marathon and Thermopylae.(凯奥斯岛的)西摩尼得斯:古希腊抒情诗人,尤以其为纪念在马拉松战役和塞莫皮菜战役中被杀武士所写的哀歌而闻名美国传统〔TURN〕The warriors approached, whirling their swords and spears in the air. 武士们跑上来,手里挥舞着剑和长矛。朗文写作活用〔arrow〕Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.佩带弓箭和长矛的武士闯入了他们的村庄。外研社新世纪〔arrow〕Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.佩带弓箭和长矛的武士闯入了他们的村庄。柯林斯高阶〔carousel〕A tournament in which knights or horsemen engaged in various exercises and races.竞技比武大会:一种大型竞赛,武士或骑士参加各种比赛美国传统〔champion〕The lord sent his champion into the lists.君王把代他作战的武士送上了比武场。牛津同义词〔chivalric〕Of or relating to chivalry.武士精神的或与武士精神有关的美国传统〔chivalrous〕Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.武士精神的:具有勇武精神及荣誉感等被认为是理想的武士所就具有的品质的美国传统〔chivalrous〕Of or relating to chivalry.武士精神的或武士制度的美国传统〔chop at〕Warriors leaped to hack and chop at their bodies.武士们跳起来, 冲他们的身体乱砍乱劈。外研社新世纪〔cleave〕With one blow of the knight's axe, he clove the rock in twain (= into two pieces).武士大斧一挥,将石头劈成了两半。剑桥高阶〔death〕The warriors would fight to the death.武士们将誓死战斗。韦氏高阶〔fortress〕Greek warriors took the fortress with little effort.希腊武士毫不费力地攻占了这个要塞。牛津搭配〔glory〕The warriors valued glory and honour above life itself.这些武士把荣誉看得比生命还珍贵。外研社新世纪〔hara-kiri〕Ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by Japanese samurai.切腹自杀:以前日本武士所采用的一种仪式性的通过自剖其腹而死的自杀方式美国传统〔knight〕A medieval tenant giving military service as a mounted man-at-arms to a feudal landholder.骑马的武士:中世纪的土地佃户,作为骑兵向封建土地所有者服兵役美国传统〔knobkerrie〕A short club with one knobbed end, used as a weapon by warriors of certain South African peoples.圆头棒:一种有球形顶端的短棒,被某些南非民族的武士用作武器美国传统〔mien〕He has the mien of an ancient warrior.他有古代武士的风度。韦氏高阶〔oaken〕The warriors carried huge oaken shields.武士们携带着巨大的橡木盾牌。剑桥高阶〔samurai〕A professional warrior belonging to this class.武士:属于这个阶层的职业战士美国传统〔samurai〕Samurai warriors 武士剑桥高阶〔samurai〕The Japanese feudal military aristocracy.武士阶层:日本封建军事贵族美国传统〔scalp〕Some members of the tribe were scalped by the attacking warriors.一些部落成员的头皮被进攻的武士们剥了下来。韦氏高阶〔song〕The bravery of past warriors was celebrated in song.以歌曲颂扬昔日武士的英勇事迹。朗文当代〔spirit〕The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.死去很久的武士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地区出没。剑桥高阶〔tell〕The poem tells of the deeds of a famous warrior.这首诗叙述的是一位著名武士的事迹。朗文当代〔throw〕The warriors threw themselves at each other.武士们互相扑打。英汉大词典〔tournament〕A medieval martial sport in which two groups of mounted and armored combatants fought against each other with blunted lances or swords.马上比武:一种中世纪的军事运动,两组骑在马上戴有盔甲的武士用钝长矛和剑互相战斗美国传统〔warrior〕One who is engaged in or experienced in battle.武士:从事战斗之人或久经沙场之人美国传统As an Indian warrior, he has long, jet-black hair and rides a jet-black stallion. 作为一个印第安武士,他有长和乌黑的头发,而且骑一匹乌黑的骏马。译典通In medieval times, many warriors loyal to the king received knighthood during an accolade. 在中世纪的时候,好些忠于国王的武士都被授予骑士爵位。译典通In the Middle Ages, knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪时,武士要向君主宣誓效忠。剑桥国际Samurai warriors 武士剑桥国际With one blow of the knight's axe, the rock clove in twain (=into two pieces).随着那武士的斧子一挥,石头被劈成两半。剑桥国际




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