

单词 杀人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕Each of the three defendants was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. 三名被告分别被判密谋杀人罪名成立。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕The murder is thought to have been a tit-for-tat response by the Mafia to an earlier gangland killing. 这宗凶杀案被认为是黑手党对早前的一宗黑帮杀人事件的复仇行为。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕He's a very angry kid, but he's not capable of murder. 他是个满腔愤怒的小伙子,但他不会去杀人。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETELY〕They have no absolute proof that he is the murderer. 他们没有确凿证据证明他是杀人犯。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕In the film, Khan portrays a murderer who gets a deep sadistic thrill out of killing. 影片中,卡恩扮演了一个从杀人中获取极度施虐刺激的凶手。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕The jury has to decide whether the killing was an intentional act. 陪审团要判定这起杀人案是否属于蓄意行为。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕In ten years, homicide rates tripled and suicide rates quadrupled. 十年里杀人案发生率增加了两倍,自杀率增加了三倍。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Officials insist the case is unrelated to the explosion in homicide rates among teenagers. 官员们坚持认为此案与大量出现的青少年杀人案无关。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕A swarm of killer bees has attacked 70 children in a village in northern Mexico. 在墨西哥北部的一个村庄里,一大群杀人蜂袭击了70名儿童。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕A team of detectives is scouring the area for the murder weapon. 一队警探正在该地区搜查杀人的凶器。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕The report says that drug use is largely responsible for the 40% rise in the city's homicide rate. 该报告称吸毒是导致该市杀人犯罪率增加40%的主要因素。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕He wouldn't even squash a fly, let alone murder someone. 他甚至连一只苍蝇都不会去拍,更别说杀人了。朗文写作活用〔appear〕She appeared before Colchester magistrates charged with attempted murder.她因被控杀人未遂而接受科尔切斯特地方法官审讯。朗文当代〔arrest〕The police arrested him for(或on charges of) murder.警察因他行凶杀人而将他拘捕。21世纪英汉〔assassin〕One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.刺客:以突然袭击方式杀人者,尤指为为实现阴谋而刺杀名人美国传统〔assaultive〕He was not just mad, he was assaultive and on the verge of committing murder.他不仅仅疯了,而是狂暴到要杀人的地步。英汉大词典〔attempt〕He pleaded guilty to attempted murder.他服罪,承认企图杀人。朗文当代〔bloodguilt〕The fact or state of being guilty of murder or bloodshed.杀人罪:犯谋杀或屠杀罪行的事实或状况美国传统〔capture〕This information led to the capture of the murderer.这个情报使杀人凶手被抓住了。牛津搭配〔carefully〕He had chosen his words carefully in declaring that the murderers were madmen.他在宣布这些杀人犯精神错乱时,措词很谨慎。柯林斯高阶〔comeuppance〕The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.主要人物是一个持枪杀人的坏蛋,最终恶贯满盈。柯林斯高阶〔committed〕This is a man who has committed murder.这是一个杀人犯。柯林斯高阶〔complicity〕The policemen were sentenced to death for their complicity in the murder.这些警察因串谋杀人被判处死刑。外研社新世纪〔condemnation〕There was widespread condemnation of Saturday's killings.周六的杀人事件受到普遍谴责。柯林斯高阶〔condemnation〕There was widespread condemnation of Saturday's killings.星期六的杀人事件受到广泛谴责。外研社新世纪〔conspiracy〕There is a conspiracy of silence about the killer (= nobody will say what they know).杀人凶手是谁,没有人会说出来。牛津搭配〔convict〕He was tried and convicted on 15 murder charges in 1992 and sentenced to life imprisonment.1992年他接受审判, 被判犯有15项杀人罪名, 终身监禁。外研社新世纪〔convict〕The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter.陪审团判定被告犯有杀人罪美国传统〔cover your backside/behind/rear〕He'd do anything to cover his ass, including lie, cheat, and murder.为了保护自己他会不择手段,包括撒谎、欺骗,乃至杀人。剑桥高阶〔crew〕This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.这个残害生命的杀人团伙以疯狂而狡猾的尼诺·布朗为首。柯林斯高阶〔crew〕This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.这群杀人犯的头目是疯狂而狡猾的尼诺•布朗。外研社新世纪〔disturbed〕The murderer was apparently mentally disturbed.该杀人犯显然精神失常。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕Jealousy drives people to murder.嫉妒驱使人们去杀人。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕The killer confessed that he often drugged his victims before he killed them.那名杀手供认在杀人之前他通常对受害者使用麻醉剂。剑桥高阶〔exactly〕He looked exactly like a murderer.他看上去完全像个杀人凶手。英汉大词典〔extradite〕The American murderer was caught by the English police and extradited to America.那名美国杀人犯在英国被警方抓获后被引渡到美国。21世纪英汉〔feel〕I felt like a murderer.我感觉自己像个杀人犯。外研社新世纪〔game〕The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game.警方清楚他们必须将计就计才能逮住那个杀人凶手。柯林斯高阶〔get〕He was charged with manslaughter, but got off.他被控过失杀人,但被从轻处理。麦克米伦高阶〔homicidal〕That man is a homicidal maniac.那人是个杀人狂。外研社新世纪〔homicidal〕That man is a homicidal maniac.那人是个杀人狂。柯林斯高阶〔hunt〕The police are hunting for a killer.警方正在追捕一名杀人犯。韦氏高阶〔identity〕The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身分。牛津高阶〔insane〕The killer was declared criminally insane.这名杀人犯被判定为精神失常犯罪。朗文当代〔jeopardy〕The killings could put the whole peace process in jeopardy.这些杀人事件会危及整个和平进程。朗文当代〔kidnapper〕They were intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill.他们聪明且有教养,却选择去绑架和杀人。柯林斯高阶〔killer〕I want to stop the killer before he strikes again.我想要在杀人凶手再次行凶之前阻止他。牛津搭配〔killing〕Murder; homicide.谋杀;杀人美国传统〔kill〕Thou shalt not kill.不可杀人。21世纪英汉〔know〕He could be a murderer for all I know.说不定他是个杀人犯。麦克米伦高阶〔large〕The escaped murderer is still at large.逃逸的杀人犯仍逍遥法外。英汉大词典〔law〕The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.这本书分析了女性为何杀人以及法律如何对待她们。外研社新世纪〔lead〕The police have checked out dozens of leads, but have yet to find the killer.警方核查了许许多多的线索,但还是没有找到杀人凶手。朗文当代〔lesser〕The charge of murder was altered to the lesser (= less serious) charge of manslaughter.谋杀的指控被改成了较轻的过失杀人的罪名。剑桥高阶〔lethal〕High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.大马力汽车在无经验的驾驶员手中就是杀人武器。外研社新世纪〔lie detector〕The murder suspect failed a lie detector test.这个杀人嫌疑犯没有通过测谎仪的测试。韦氏高阶〔lock〕After the murder he was locked away for 50 years.他杀人后被监禁了50年。麦克米伦高阶〔malice〕Murder is the killing of another person with malice aforethought.谋杀指蓄意杀人的行为。韦氏高阶〔manslaughter〕In 1864, a midwife was convicted of manslaughter.1864年, 一名助产士被判非预谋杀人罪。外研社新世纪〔manslaughter〕She was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.她被证明没有犯谋杀罪,但过失杀人罪名成立。朗文当代〔manslaughter〕She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for manslaughter.她因过失杀人被判入狱5年。剑桥高阶〔manslaughter〕The directors of the company could be charged with corporate manslaughter.公司的主管们有可能被控过失杀人。牛津搭配〔manslaughter〕The unlawful killing of one human being by another without express or implied intent to do injury.过失杀人:一人对另一人的非法杀害,杀人者无明显的或隐含的伤害企图美国传统〔murder weapon〕The police never found the murder weapon. [=the weapon used to commit murder] 警方一直没有找到杀人凶器。韦氏高阶〔murderer〕One of these men may have been the murderer.他们其中有一个人可能是杀人凶手。柯林斯高阶〔nail〕The police haven't been able to nail the killer.警方还没有抓到杀人凶手。牛津高阶〔particular〕I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer.我记得有个故事,讲的是一个邮递员杀人的事情。柯林斯高阶〔point〕All the evidence points towards him as the murderer.所有的证据都表明他是杀人凶手。21世纪英汉〔possible〕We are doing everything possible to track down the killer.我们正竭尽全力追捕杀人凶手。朗文当代〔premeditated〕The killing had not been premeditated.这次杀人不是预谋的。牛津高阶〔put〕The murderer will be put on trial.杀人犯将受到审判。英汉大词典〔rap〕He was wanted on a murder rap.他曾因杀人罪遭通缉。英汉大词典〔realization〕The realization that the murderer must have been a close friend came as a shock.意识到杀人凶手一定是个密友,大家都很震惊。牛津搭配〔reprieve〕The President reprieved the condemned murderer for three weeks.总统准予被判死刑的杀人犯缓期3周执行。英汉大词典〔return〕They returned the prisoner guilty of murder.他们裁定案犯犯有杀人罪。英汉大词典〔settle a score〕Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.警方认为,杀人犯是一团伙成员,当时正和敌对团伙算旧账。剑桥高阶〔spree〕They went on a killing/crime spree.他们实施了一场疯狂的杀人/犯罪活动。韦氏高阶〔star〕Shamu, the killer whale, is the show's star attraction (=best and most popular person or thing) .杀人鲸晓穆是表演中最受人瞩目的明星。朗文当代〔surface〕Rumors about the killings have begun to surface in the press.有关这些杀人事件的传闻开始见诸于报端。朗文当代〔take ... in〕The police took him in for attempted murder.警方因他杀人未遂而将其拘留。21世纪英汉〔track down〕The police never tracked down the killer.警方一直都没有擒获杀人凶手。外研社新世纪〔unknown〕The motive for the killing is unknown.杀人动机尚不明确。外研社新世纪〔up〕The defendant is up for manslaughter.被告因杀人罪而被审判美国传统〔want〕He wanted that job so badly he was willing to kill for it.他非常想得到那份工作,叫他去杀人都愿意。朗文当代Commentators believe there is no other reason for the latest killings than a renewed wave of bigotry and hatred.评论家们相信最近的一系列杀人案决不是其它原因,而只不过是一轮新的种族歧视和种族仇恨。剑桥国际Fritz Lang's film, ‘Fury’ is about a mob who lynch a traveller whom they mistake for a murderer.弗里茨·朗格的影片《愤怒》讲述了一群暴民把一个旅行者误认为杀人犯而将其绞死的故事。剑桥国际He was a murderous gangster (= someone who killed a lot of people illegally).他是个杀人不眨眼的匪徒。剑桥国际He was convicted of homicide.他被判犯了杀人罪。剑桥国际His plea of guilty to manslaughter was not accepted by the prosecution.他关于杀人罪的抗辩没有被原告律师接受。剑桥国际Murderers and drug dealers are the dregs of society. 杀人犯和毒品贩子都是社会的渣滓。译典通She wrote a thriller about a brutal serial killer and the policewoman assigned to track him down.她写了部惊险作品,讲一位女警官奉命追查一名凶残的连环杀人犯。剑桥国际The charge of murder was altered to the lesser (= less serious) charge of manslaughter.谋杀的罪名被改为较轻的杀人罪名。剑桥国际The identity of the fingerprints on the gun proved that he was the killer. 留在枪上的指纹证实他就是杀人者。译典通The killer lured his unsuspecting victims back to his apartment.杀人犯把无疑心的受害者引诱到他的公寓里。剑桥国际The man who in a fit of jealous rage committed a homicide was found guilty. 这个因一时忌妒而杀人的男人被判有罪。译典通The murderer was executed on the gallows. 杀人犯被处绞刑。译典通There have been four necklacings in the Soweto area since the beginning of the year.今年年初以来索莱托地区有四起烧轮胎杀人事件。剑桥国际There is growing concern over the number of suicides that happen in prisons.人们对于狱中自杀人数的关心与日俱增。剑桥国际They tried to pin (= put) the blame for the killing on an innocent army officer.他们试图将杀人罪推到一名清白的军官身上。剑桥国际Well, I reckon they're too soft on mass murderers--they ought to string them up instead of putting them in prison.唉,我觉得他们对杀人狂太仁慈了----他们应该被绞死而不是关入监狱。剑桥国际




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