

单词 机运
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-load〕The first planeloads of food, children's clothing and medical supplies began arriving.首批飞机运送的食物、儿童衣物和药品开始抵达。柯林斯高阶〔NEW〕The camp had almost run out of food when helicopters arrived with fresh supplies. 营里的食品差不多已经耗尽了,这时直升机运来了新鲜的补给。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕A film cameraman was airlifted to safety yesterday after being trapped inside a volcano for two days. 一名电影摄影师在火山里被困了两天之后,已于昨天由飞机运送到一个安全的地方。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Medical equipment and food are being flown into the areas worst hit by the disaster. 医疗设备和食物正由飞机运往受灾最严重的地区。朗文写作活用〔WORKING〕As far as he could tell the engine was in perfect working order. 就他所知,发动机运转得相当好。朗文写作活用〔airlift〕A system of transporting troops, civilian passengers, or supplies by air, as when surface routes are blocked.空运:当地面交通断绝时用飞机运送军队、乘客和物品的系统美国传统〔airmail〕Mail conveyed or to be conveyed by aircraft.航空邮件,航空信:用飞机运送或将被航空运送的邮件美国传统〔airmail〕The system of conveying mail by aircraft.航空邮政:用飞机运送邮件的系统美国传统〔airsickness〕Nausea, vomiting, or dizziness induced by the motion that occurs during air flight.晕机病:由飞行中的飞机运动引起的恶心,呕吐和晕眩美国传统〔carry〕Aircraft carry passengers and goods.飞机运输旅客和货物。牛津同义词〔cavalry〕A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters.高度机动地面部队:使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队美国传统〔chopper〕Informal To travel by helicopter or transport (someone or something) by helicopter.【非正式用语】 用直升飞机:乘直升飞机飞行或用直升飞机运载(人或物)美国传统〔control stick〕A lever used to control the motion of an aircraft by changing the angle of the elevators and ailerons.操纵杆:通过改变升降舵及副翼的角度来控制飞机运行的操纵杆美国传统〔dishwasher〕It wastes energy to run the dishwasher half empty.洗碗机里还有一半空间的时候就开机运行浪费能源。牛津搭配〔dodgy〕The car's got a dodgy engine.这辆轿车的发动机运转不良。韦氏高阶〔engine〕Is the engine running smoothly? 发动机运转平稳吗?朗文当代〔enquiry〕An enquiry found that the vintage plane was in good working order.调查发现那架老式飞机运行正常。牛津搭配〔ferry〕A helicopter ferried in more soldiers to help in the search.一架直升机运来更多的士兵协助搜索。柯林斯高阶〔ferry〕To transport (people or goods) especially by aircraft.运送,空运:尤指用飞机运输(人或货物)美国传统〔forklift〕To move or stack by use of a vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform.用叉式升降机运送或堆积美国传统〔hang glider〕The rider of such a device.悬挂式滑翔机运动员美国传统〔helicopter〕Supplies were helicoptered to the stricken villages.日用必需品以直升机运往受灾村庄。外研社新世纪〔hook up〕He brought it down, hooked it up, and we got the generator going.他把它拿下来连接好, 我们就启动发电机运转了。外研社新世纪〔hunting〕Electronics The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current.【电子学】 (同步电动机的)速度偏差:同步电机运行速度的周期性变化美国传统〔immense〕They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition.他们花费了大量时间使发动机运转完美。剑桥高阶〔kick〕I felt the kick of the engine when it started.发动机运转时,我感觉到它的猛烈震动。韦氏高阶〔lift〕The survivors were lifted to safety by helicopter.幸存者由直升机运往安全的地方。牛津高阶〔medevac〕Air transport of persons to a place where they can receive medical or surgical care; medical evacuation.臣务救助和撤退:用飞机运送伤员去一个他们能受到内科或外科治疗的地方;医务救助美国传统〔medevac〕The wounded soldiers were evacuated by medevac to the hospital.伤兵由救护直升机运往医院。韦氏高阶〔nicely〕The generator is running nicely.这部发电机运行得很好。外研社新世纪〔operate〕The washing machine isn't operating properly.洗衣机运转不正常。英汉大词典〔order〕The computer is in working order.这台计算机运转正常。英汉大词典〔perform〕The engine/computer was performing poorly.引擎/计算机运行不好。韦氏高阶〔properly〕The television isn't working properly.这台电视机运作不正常。牛津高阶〔properly〕The television's not working properly.这台电视机运转不正常。外研社新世纪〔rocketsonde〕An instrument transported to the upper atmosphere by rocket, used to study meteorological conditions.火箭探空仪,气象探测火箭:一种由火箭发动机运送到高空用于研究气象状况的仪器美国传统〔round〕Officials also were having trouble rounding up truck drivers to make the deliveries.官员们在召集卡车司机运送这些物品时也碰到了困难。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕The engine was running very smoothly.发动机运转非常平稳。牛津搭配〔run〕You should run the engine for a few minutes before you start driving.开车之前,要让发动机运转几分钟。韦氏高阶〔sweetly〕The engine ran smoothly and sweetly.这台发动机运转顺利,效果令人满意。麦克米伦高阶〔travel〕The order/shipment is traveling by plane.所订货物/发出的货物由飞机运送。韦氏高阶〔zero in on sth/sb〕Modern military aircraft use computers to help them zero in on their targets.现代军用飞机运用计算机来帮助瞄准目标。剑桥高阶All provisions for the camp have to be flown in by helicopter.所有给营地的供应物都得用直升飞机运过去。剑桥国际Carburettors control engine air flow, mix air and fuel for engine operation, and help vaporize that mixture for combustion.汽化器控制发动机空气流量,将空气和燃料混合用于发动机运作,然后促使该混合物汽化燃烧。剑桥国际Computers operate using binary numbers (= the values 0 and 1).计算机运行运用二进位制。剑桥国际Feedback from the sensors ensures that the car engine runs smoothly.传感器的反馈确保汽车发动机运转顺畅。剑桥国际I was the last crew member to be hoisted to safety by helicopter.我是最后一个被直升飞机运抵安全地方的机组人员。剑桥国际The new computers are a whole lot (= much) faster.新的计算机运行得要快得多。剑桥国际The restaurant flies its fish in (=transports it by aircraft) daily from Scotland.那家饭店每天从苏格兰用飞机运鱼来。剑桥国际We only have electricity when the generator is working.发电机运转的时候我们才有电。剑桥国际When it arrived, the computer was damaged, so we sent it back.计算机运来时有损坏,因此我们把它退了回去。牛津商务




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