

单词 机设
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔breakthrough〕a significant breakthrough in computer design 计算机设计上的重大突破牛津搭配〔creation〕the latest creation in the field of computer design. 计算机设计领域的最新创作美国传统〔engineering〕the design and engineering of aircraft飞机设计工程外研社新世纪〔envelope〕a new airplane design that pushes the envelope 挑战极限的新型飞机设计韦氏高阶〔equipment〕some brand new computer equipment 一些全新的计算机设备朗文当代〔modularization〕to modularize equipments of computers使计算机设备组件化[英国英语亦作 modularise]21世纪英汉〔program〕program a computer for gross pay calculations 为计算机设计总工资的计算程序英汉大词典〔radical〕a radical new airplane design 超新型飞机设计(图) 英汉大词典〔replacement〕the replacement of existing computer equipment 更换现有的计算机设备剑桥高阶〔superannuated〕superannuated computing equipment 过时的计算机设备朗文当代computer design tools that work in three dimensions 三维计算机设计工具牛津商务




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