

单词 杰出成就
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Distinguished Flying Cross〕A British military decoration awarded to officers of the Royal Air Force for extraordinary achievement.(英国的)优异飞行十字勋章:(英国)授予在皇家空军中有杰出成就者的特等军功章美国传统〔Medal of Freedom〕A decoration awarded by the United States to civilians for outstanding achievement in various fields of endeavor.自由勋章:美国政府授予在各个领域中取得杰出成就的公民的奖章美国传统〔Obie〕An award that is given annually for exceptional achievement in off-Broadway theater.奥比奖:每年向纽约外百老汇剧院的杰出成就颁发的奖美国传统〔belittle〕We mustn't belittle her outstanding achievement.我们一定不能小瞧了她所取得的杰出成就。柯林斯高阶〔dilute〕This might dilute the excellence of our universities.这或许会使我们大学的杰出成就大打折扣。外研社新世纪〔eminence〕A person of high station or great achievements.高位者:地位高或有杰出成就的人美国传统〔excellence〕He established excellence at the magazine.他在杂志编辑上有杰出成就。英汉大词典〔excellence〕This award recognizes excellence in urban design.这个奖项是对城市设计的杰出成就的认可。牛津搭配〔kudos〕Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement.名声,威信:对杰出成就所作的称赞或颂扬美国传统〔poet laureate〕A poet appointed to a similar honorary position or honored for artistic excellence.荣誉诗人:被任命为一个类似的荣誉性职位或因艺术上的杰出成就被授予荣誉的诗人美国传统〔reward〕He was duly rewarded for his outstanding contribution to the arts.他因为在艺术上的杰出成就而获得了应有的奖励。牛津搭配〔triumph〕The building is a triumph of modern design.这座建筑是现代设计的杰出成就。外研社新世纪His pre-eminence in his subject is internationally recognized.他在他的领域里的杰出成就受到国际承认。剑桥国际




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